View Full Version : Burning feeling in Calf

09-06-19, 21:40
Hi All,

Yet another post on here, I'm sorry.
One of my worst fears is a DVT, and I've been panicking on and off for most of the day. I have a very stressful 2 weeks at work coming up, and I'm looking after a work experience person. I'm really nervous and stressed because of it.

I was sat down for near on 5 hours earlier, without walking around (I know it's very bad but time just sort of ran away from me).
I stood up and felt pain in my right thigh. Thought nothing of it as I played football yesterday (mainly kicking, not so much running).

I thought I better go for a walk around 1.5 hours ago, which I did.
I went walking for around 20 minutes, then came back and sat down again.
About 5 minutes later, I developed an on-and-off burning sensation all the way down my left calf and in to my ankle. Not painful, just a sensation like it gets really hot. But it doesn't feel hot to the touch. It's very soft to the touch and a normal temperature, just this odd feeling that keeps happening. I went and had a hot bath and came back and it's still there.

So, the devil in me.. I googled. Burning sensations are linked to circulation problems and can be caused by blood clots.

I have no idea what to do. I don't want to ask anyone in my house because I've been plagued with Cancer fears for most of the day and have been reassurance seeking.
I could call 111, but that goes on my record and I'll look even more insane to them

I'm trying to function normally but.. meh. I take my mind off of it then I get the sensation again and I'm right back to panicking.

Anyone ever had this odd feeling?
Any advice in regards to what I should do?

I'm really struggling to calm myself down and I'm really really sorry to post on here again and waste everyones time :weep:

09-06-19, 22:16
Hi All,

Yet another post on here, I'm sorry.
One of my worst fears is a DVT, and I've been panicking on and off for most of the day. I have a very stressful 2 weeks at work coming up, and I'm looking after a work experience person. I'm really nervous and stressed because of it.

I was sat down for near on 5 hours earlier, without walking around (I know it's very bad but time just sort of ran away from me).
I stood up and felt pain in my right thigh. Thought nothing of it as I played football yesterday (mainly kicking, not so much running).

I thought I better go for a walk around 1.5 hours ago, which I did.
I went walking for around 20 minutes, then came back and sat down again.
About 5 minutes later, I developed an on-and-off burning sensation all the way down my left calf and in to my ankle. Not painful, just a sensation like it gets really hot. But it doesn't feel hot to the touch. It's very soft to the touch and a normal temperature, just this odd feeling that keeps happening. I went and had a hot bath and came back and it's still there.

So, the devil in me.. I googled. Burning sensations are linked to circulation problems and can be caused by blood clots.

I have no idea what to do. I don't want to ask anyone in my house because I've been plagued with Cancer fears for most of the day and have been reassurance seeking.
I could call 111, but that goes on my record and I'll look even more insane to them

I'm trying to function normally but.. meh. I take my mind off of it then I get the sensation again and I'm right back to panicking.

Anyone ever had this odd feeling?
Any advice in regards to what I should do?

I'm really struggling to calm myself down and I'm really really sorry to post on here again and waste everyones time :weep:

If it was a DVT the area would be warm to the touch, red, and swollen. Take it from someone whom has a circulation issue and has had numerous issues from it.