View Full Version : Going to make this happen if I dont stop- Double vision

10-06-19, 16:54
In the past few weeks I have heard the term "double vision" 2x. I didn't know how much it would trigger me at the time. First a friend of mine said it in reference to a family member who has a neurological disorder which is not life threatening. Second, my doctor said something about it in passing when I complained of vision symptoms. That it would be an emergency.
I thought double vision would be very apparent like seeing two of the same person. But I googled imaged it and it looks like it can even be in little words and such.
Anyway since then, I keep wondering if I am having double vision and I'm afraid it going to happen at any moment. This is insane! I know it's in my head. I have terrible vision anyway which is corrected with contacts, but I keep focusing on words on my phone or computer and they will blur and I am like "OMG is this double vision". How can I stop myself from this fear? I worry that I will create it in my own head!

10-06-19, 17:25
In the past few weeks I have heard the term "double vision" 2x. I didn't know how much it would trigger me at the time. First a friend of mine said it in reference to a family member who has a neurological disorder which is not life threatening. Second, my doctor said something about it in passing when I complained of vision symptoms. That it would be an emergency.
I thought double vision would be very apparent like seeing two of the same person. But I googled imaged it and it looks like it can even be in little words and such.
Anyway since then, I keep wondering if I am having double vision and I'm afraid it going to happen at any moment. This is insane! I know it's in my head. I have terrible vision anyway which is corrected with contacts, but I keep focusing on words on my phone or computer and they will blur and I am like "OMG is this double vision". How can I stop myself from this fear? I worry that I will create it in my own head!

I have both worried about double vision when it wasnt and actually had double vision.

The first (imagined double vision) i was almost looking for tiny symptoms that was all in my head.

The time i actually had double vision i knew i had it. It was obvious to me. I wasnt even questionable.

I also suspect dr google has scared you to death. There can be very innocent causes of double vision as well.

Not sure if this helps or not.

10-06-19, 17:44
Can I ask why you had double vision?
I go straight to I will be given an MRI, have a BT and die.

10-06-19, 17:57
I have mild double vision every so often, usually when I’m tired. It’s because I have strabismus in my right eye (have had it since I was a child). The double vision has been happening more often after I got surgery on my eyes to get rid of my glasses. I think it’s because the glasses also kept the muscles around my eyes from getting too strained after staring at the computer screen all day.

10-06-19, 18:01
Can I ask why you had double vision?
I go straight to I will be given an MRI, have a BT and die.

I inflamation of the 6th optic nerve. A 3 day course of steriods and 8 weeks with a patch fixed me up back to normal. Your optition can check you are ok if you are worried. I think stress can cause double vision as well. Eye strain alsorts. But google will not put that on top of the list.