View Full Version : Swallowed some mouth wash...

10-06-19, 21:35
I was rinsing my mouth with mouth wash to refresh it up and I accidentally swallowed some. It was probably about a tea spoon full but when I looked on the bottle it says if swallowed seek medical help and now I’m freaking out.

I googled to make sure a small amount is safe or not and it came up with things like can cause convulsions, breathing difficulties and even coma...I’m freaking out and now I think I’m getting a stomach ache.

10-06-19, 21:39
Where do you even begin to look on Google that tells you swallowing mouthwash will put you in a coma?

10-06-19, 21:43
Literally just typed in “swallowed mouthwash by accident” and in the questions area under the question “what would happen is you swallowed mouthwash?” It said that...apparently it’s from the oral b website.

I feel really ill now :/

10-06-19, 21:45
A small amount like that won't hurt you. The warnings are in place for someone that may accidentally drink a lot of it. Heck, I think we've all swallowed a bit in our lifetimes ;)

From the Oral B Site...

What to Do If You Swallow a Little Bit of Mouthwash

If you, or a child, should swallow a small amount of fluoride mouthwash (or any other type), there's no reason to panic.

It said just take precautions not to do it again.

Positive thoughts

10-06-19, 21:47
This is what I found -

Swallowing small amounts of mouthwash may leave you feeling a bit queasy or may even cause diarrhea, but these symptoms should pass.

Ring 111 if you are concerned and explain to them how much you swallowed and the type.

11-06-19, 01:27
I used to have a friend at work that would gargle several times a day in his office and then just swallow it. It won't hurt you...no worries.


11-06-19, 07:37
I would guess that 10% of people that use mouthwash swallow a little bit all the time. It's a complete non-issue apart from maybe a bit of nausea if it's too much.

11-06-19, 07:43
Think about this logically. It's a product that's designed to go in your mouth; if it was actively unsafe to be swallowed (rather than drunk, obviously) it wouldn't be on the market.

11-06-19, 09:42
Indeed....and judging by the number of 'absolutely not dead' people who come up on a quick google search for 'accidentally swallowed mouthwash' ....I reckon it is an occurrence that happens fairly often!