View Full Version : Health related anxiety about flying on airplane

11-06-19, 02:36
Hello everyone,

So Wednesday will be my first time flying alone ever. I also haven’t been on a plane in about 7 years, it’s only a 4 hour flight but I am SO worried about my health. I feel like I’m going to die when the plane starts going up. Like it will raise my blood pressure super high, or I have an unknown heart related problem that could worsen with flying in an airplane.

I’m also on birth control and I’m over weight so I’m worried it has raised my blood pressure and then the plane will make it worse. I’m also worried about blood clots. I don’t know what I’m going to do alone. I’m usually okay once the plane is up in the air but the anxiety during the wait prior kills me. :(

11-06-19, 05:27
Hello everyone,

So Wednesday will be my first time flying alone ever. I also haven’t been on a plane in about 7 years, it’s only a 4 hour flight but I am SO worried about my health. I feel like I’m going to die when the plane starts going up. Like it will raise my blood pressure super high, or I have an unknown heart related problem that could worsen with flying in an airplane.

I’m also on birth control and I’m over weight so I’m worried it has raised my blood pressure and then the plane will make it worse. I’m also worried about blood clots. I don’t know what I’m going to do alone. I’m usually okay once the plane is up in the air but the anxiety during the wait prior kills me. :(

Your experiencing high levels of anticipatory anxiety, which is completely normal. I think most people might feel a little anxious at the thought of flying alone for the first time.

If your blood pressure were that high I would imagine that you would be experiencing symptoms of it on the ground too! That being said I have been overweight on birth control and completely inactive for years and my blood pressure is absolutely fine.

If the concern is really that bad why don’t you just get your blood pressure checked? Then you would know for certain. Flying with controlled hypertension is fine so if your blood pressure is normal on the ground then it’s not going to be a problem in the air.

Blood clots on a shorter flight are less of a concern but you can wear compression socks and keep moving all the same.

Well done for undertaking the flight! You’ll do great!

Positive vibes,


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11-06-19, 06:18
Hello Mouse,

Thank you for the reply!
I’m actually too scared to check my blood pressure because I’m worried it will be high. However, I don’t feel pains in the back of my head which is typically a sign of it.

Just like you I’m so inactive too, I try to walk daily but sometimes life gets too busy. My BP is usually normal at 120, but one time last year it was 129 (cant remember the bottom number) at the dr office and since then I’ve been completely afraid to check. 129 isn’t very high either.

I feel like there is no winning with the anxiety. I’m afraid of high blood pressure but also afraid to even test it.

11-06-19, 18:52
Anyone else? My flight is at 6:45am tomorrow. I’m so nervous and have been feeling anxious all day :(

11-06-19, 19:04
Maybe you can get a chill pill to take prior?

Positive thoughts

11-06-19, 19:47
I actually have some anxiety meds that my doctor prescribed to only take when it hits badly. But I’m anxious to take it...ohhh anxiety.

12-06-19, 01:00
I don't like to fly either, but think of how many people much less heathy than you fly all the time and nothing happens. If that kind of health risk existed we'd know.

That being said, something that helps me a ton when I fly is to meet the pilots. I know it sounds silly, but I took a get over your fear of flying course years ago and the creator of the course was a pilot turned psychologist. This was the first pointer he gave. When you board the plane you can just tell the flight attendant that you have a fear if flying and it helps to meet the pilots. They let you go right into the cockpit and say hi. I always find it really disarming and makes me feel like I know the people behind the wheel.

It may not be as effective for health anxiety vs. traditional fear of flying, but could be worth a try! I also always take an Ativan, haha.