View Full Version : Nervous about kidney function.. how often i use the bathroom

11-06-19, 13:41
So, i really have been doing better with my anxiety, but there are still undertones of worry that i can't shake.

I recnetly posted about abdominal pain, and worry it was something serious. While it comes and goes, my mind put it together with something else, renewing the worry. I wake up every day at 4:445, and immediately use the restroom. Go and take my morning thyroid pill (with a glass of water), and get dressed and head off to work. One there (6-6:30), i have my breakfast and an energy drink (16oz), after which i fill my 32oz cup and have that during the morning. All of that said, because it worries me that I don't have to use the restroom again until around 8-8:30, which seems like too long of a time (even then it usually isn't a strong urge to go). And yes, when i go, it feels like it is a bit too yellow. Throughout the day, it does get better, and if i drink enough, may wind up completely clear.

In the end, i am worried that the long morning time is a sign of something sinister. I feel like i see my other coworkers going earlier than me, and it feels wrong that i don't have a strong urge that first time (i swear, other people sound like they are going after bottling it up all night, its crazy). My logic says that after a long sleep (especially if i didn't drink as much in the prior evening), of course my body will take time to get going. I am just worried i have really damaged and/or destroyed my kidneys, and the worst is yet to come...

11-06-19, 13:57
I think you're over-analysing something that requires no analysis. At all.

11-06-19, 14:22
I think you're over-analysing something that requires no analysis. At all.

I guess it just feels wrong (combined with my long ongoing back pain) to be waiting 3 hours to go. I thought i was drinking enough too, which makes it more worrying...

11-06-19, 14:24
3 hours is no time, it's the amount of time you're meant to leave it between going.

11-06-19, 14:27
I guess it just feels wrong (combined with my long ongoing back pain) to be waiting 3 hours to go. I thought i was drinking enough too, which makes it more worrying...

Lots of things feel wrong with anxiety that aren't actually wrong. They tend to feel more wrong the more you analyse them too.

11-06-19, 14:58
3 hours is no time, it's the amount of time you're meant to leave it between going.
But when i go, it isn't a huge amount. I know its hard to judge, but other people going sounds like a dam burst or something...

Lots of things feel wrong with anxiety that aren't actually wrong. They tend to feel more wrong the more you analyse them too.

I know.. i probably wouldn't be worried if it wasn't for the back pain. It is more focused on the lower back, but travels up sometimes; given that i can have some lower ab pain as well, it triggers a worry that it is really sinister.

12-06-19, 14:34
So, this morning was just about 4 hours after waking up (4:50ish to 8:30) before i went, and even then, it wasn't a huge amount. The color wasn't off, there just wasn't a ton for 4 hours. It is so damn hard not to worry and over think this; i am sure people go way more often than this normally..

12-06-19, 15:33
Dude, you're WAY overthinking this and the anxiety your experiencing over it is causing tense muscles which could yield less output and frequency.

Positive thoughts

12-06-19, 20:37
You are absolutely overthinking this! Everyone is different in this respect. I hardly ever have to pee, no matter how much I drink. We joke about the huge bladders my family has. I rarely ever get up in the night to pee and if I do get up I don't have to go again until well into the day. I'm a stay at home mom now, so I pay way less attention to when I'm going to the bathroom, but when I was working full time I'd MAYBE go once a day and perhaps once before I left work just to be safe since I had a long train ride. Even when I was pregnant I hardly ever had to go. Everyone's body is different!

13-06-19, 12:16
Lots of things feel wrong with anxiety that aren't actually wrong. They tend to feel more wrong the more you analyse them too.

I agree with this, I can go the whole time I’m at work without going for a wee lol and I have had a kidney operation when I was 11 and I drink lots - I get back pain ... yet I put my back pain down to something awful like bowel cancer .... GO FIGURE! 🤦🏻*♀️

13-06-19, 17:12
I agree with this, I can go the whole time I’m at work without going for a wee lol and I have had a kidney operation when I was 11 and I drink lots - I get back pain ... yet I put my back pain down to something awful like bowel cancer .... GO FIGURE! 臘*♀️

Funny, having already been scoped, i know bowel cancer is safe, but i do worry about bladder cancer (because of the pain). I watch for blood (even though i have had at least a few urine dips recently, and none came back positive for blood (actually, they came back negative for everything other than ketones, but those make sense for me given my diet).

For today, my body didn't wait as long, and it actually felt more normal today. That doesn't remove the worry, and i cant stop the nagging that my back pain is actually severe kidney and/or bladder problems. Sigh.

15-06-19, 17:57
Blah... last night really sucked. Got some level of food poisoning and puked three times last night. How does it apply? Well, I am fairly sure it got me more dehydrated, as I am going more yellow than I would like. Og course, I remember being told that with my BP meds, getting dehydration is rough on my kidneys, which kicks off an extra round of worrying.. sigh .

15-06-19, 18:03
The human body is far more resilient than you think it is.

The human mind, often less so.

15-06-19, 19:00
You are quite right, and aside from the back pain (while central on my lower spine, will change and fluctuate throughout the day), I have no other VALID reason to suspect an actual kidney issue (while it's been a few months, no blood work ever raised an issue). But good old Google. Look up anything about back pain, and for sure it's either cancer or kidney problems..

15-06-19, 20:31
Well stop using bloody Google then. Health Anxiety 101 - Don't use Google.

27-06-19, 13:58
So, i hate that this worry is sticking with me, but i really can't shake it. This morning i woke up at 4:45 like always, and immediately went. It was only by around 8:20 that i felt any kind of urge to go.. my anxiety screams that this is critically wrong, and it should not take me that long to go again.

Rationally, i can try to reassure myself, since after i take my first pill in the morning, i dont drink anything again until at least 6:00-6:20 (the time it takes me to get to work); of course if i am not drinking alot i won't be going alot. But we all know how the anxiety goes.. it doesn't think logically. It says i should be going earlier, regardless of that. And given my ongoing back pain (lower), it says it must be kidney disease/failure..

One day, i dream of being happy and not having to over think every single thing that comes up. But ill be damned if i am not there yet. Right now, i am just so afraid of dying, and leaving my daughter behind.. its hard to function.

27-06-19, 19:34
So, i hate that this worry is sticking with me, but i really can't shake it. This morning i woke up at 4:45 like always, and immediately went. It was only by around 8:20 that i felt any kind of urge to go.. my anxiety screams that this is critically wrong, and it should not take me that long to go again.

Rationally, i can try to reassure myself, since after i take my first pill in the morning, i dont drink anything again until at least 6:00-6:20 (the time it takes me to get to work); of course if i am not drinking alot i won't be going alot. But we all know how the anxiety goes.. it doesn't think logically. It says i should be going earlier, regardless of that. And given my ongoing back pain (lower), it says it must be kidney disease/failure..

One day, i dream of being happy and not having to over think every single thing that comes up. But ill be damned if i am not there yet. Right now, i am just so afraid of dying, and leaving my daughter behind.. its hard to function.

I woke up at 7am this morning and didn’t go to the bathroom until gone 12, I’ve been only once more since then at roughly 2ish and it’s now 7:30PM I’ve drank probably most of a litre so far today, the body has its own rhythm. So I’ve gone to the toilet twice since waking at 7AM, I know my kidneys are absolutely fine.

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28-06-19, 13:12
holy cow.. that is crazy (or it feels so.. heh). You are right about rhythm, as my body follows a pretty common schedule. I just wish i could get by the worrys, but i appreciate the sanity check.

28-06-19, 13:17
For what it's worth, I always go to the bathroom a bunch of times in the morning and I have to remind myself it's just nerves and I'm perfectly capable of going 8 hours if I'm out and feeling too awkward to ask where the bathroom is ;)

Anxiety is a nasty, spiteful disease.

28-06-19, 17:43
"Anxiety is a nasty, spiteful disease."

Yes it is, and it is easily fed by pain. I think it would be way easier to not let the anxiety get the best of me, if i dint have the back pain. Even worse, the pain, aside from being smack dab in the center, it likes to move and go to one side or the other at times. Logically, i try to think that its just pain from the general problems, and my posture causing other muscle pains, but.....

29-06-19, 10:32
No it's not. It's not a disease, it's a habit. It's not an 'it', it's a 'you'.

03-07-19, 14:21
Call it whatever we may, all i know is that it is causing daily problems.

I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that i am "normal". 3 hours in the morning seems extremely excessive, when i would swear it was closer to 2 in the past. My back pain is still there, which makes the worry worse, added in with the leg tighness/jitters i have been feeling.

I know if its not one thing its another... i realize i will likely worry about another thing down the line. ITs so depressing and tiring, but i just can't turn off this part of my mind.I dont know how to win..