View Full Version : Tired all the time and worried

05-06-19, 22:05

I have been panicking because I got a blood test after noticing I was shaky and tired on my period lately. No appetite either. My doctor had me tested for anemia and he confirmed that I was mildly anemic. All other stuff is normal though at least. I’m just panicking though. I know it’s probably due to my period, but I am panicking myself into thinking it is something more serious that is causing my anemia.

I have put myself into an anxious episode now. I have no appetite once again. I was eating real good for awhile before this and now I just don’t feel hungry. I feel fatigued and like I can’t stop obsessing over my diagnosis. He told me to take a prenatal vitamin with iron in it once a day. I hope this is treatable. :weep:

Please someone help. I need a supportive person to talk to.

05-06-19, 22:33
Almost certainly your period! This is so common. Do you have very heavy periods?

05-06-19, 22:40

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05-06-19, 23:04
Yes. I’ve noticed I do.

11-06-19, 23:06

I posted here a few days ago about being mildly anemic. My dr believes its due to heavy periods. I'm just stuck panicking right now and on the verge of tears again. I started a multi vitamin 5 days ago to take once a day. It has 18 miligrams of iron in it which is 100% of recommended daily value. Ever since I have started taking this vitamin, I haven't really noticed much of a difference yet. It genuinely worries me too. I have a feeling that this vitamin is never going to kick in and help me.

I've been under a lot of stress lately. Finals are active at my college. So, I've been going to bed some nights late and not getting a lot of sleep. Other nights though, I have gotten a lot of sleep(like 8 hours) and I still feel like I'm tired. I'm getting worried at this point that nothing is ever going to work. I'm trying to resist the urge not to call the dr in a panic again. I just feel like like I'm never going to get better.

I don't get it. I've been doing what he told me to do. He never said either to take a specific amount. He just wanted me to start taking a multi vitamin with iron in it once a day. Caffeine doesn't even help that much. Please someone help me. I need advice on a way to calm down. I obsess over this every single day.

12-06-19, 03:32
I’m constantly tired also and it’s so debilitating. Panic and anxiety take quite a lot of energy so worrying makes the tiredness worse. Try meditation or even just deep breathing. I hope you get some answers soon.

12-06-19, 08:15
You're stressed, not sleeping well, anxious AND obsessing over symptoms.

It would be more concerning if you weren't tired tbh.

A multi vitamin is unlikely to provide a fix for this. You need a more holistic approach.

You need to step back and deal with your anxiety, your diet, your sleep habits and your overreaction to minor symptoms. You may feel that fatigue is something to panic about, but it's not. Get your nutrition from whole foods, not supplements.

When you feel fatigue from stress and anxiety, it's usually the result of several months of stress. It's not going to go away overnight. You need to nurture your body back into good health over a period several weeks.

Your final sentence....'I obsess over this every day'....why? You're tired, for reasons. Just let it be, and look after yourself more than you're doing now, not in pill form.

12-06-19, 14:30
Common symptom and rarely a sign of anything serious

Read this article for further info (https://patient.info/news-and-features/reasons-you-feel-tired-all-the-time)

Good luck

12-06-19, 15:59

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