View Full Version : Sore feet/aching

19-05-19, 18:49
I work in retail and I’m on my feet for 10 hours a day and when I come home my feet especially my heels are in agony,

Does anyone else work jobs like this and have any tips

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19-05-19, 19:03
Comfortable shoes and cushion inserts. A hot foot soak when you get home does wonders.

Positive thoughts

19-05-19, 19:54

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28-05-19, 09:20
Hi i know this will sound silly to some of you but it’s my worry!

I work in retail and stand for 9 hours a day, literally by the time the first two hours hit my feet are in agony, mainly my heel!

I’m terrified it’s arthritis or something even know I’ve had countless blood tests etc and MRI’s,

Is it normal for your feet to ache working 6 days a week and standing for 9 hour days

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28-05-19, 09:35
... Seriously, you stand all day for most of the week and your feet ache?

Cause and effect. There'd be more reason to worry if you weren't in pain.

28-05-19, 09:36
... Seriously, you stand all day for most of the week and your feet ache?

Cause and effect. There'd be more reason to worry if you weren't in pain.

I know it sounds so silly but that’s health anxiety for you

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28-05-19, 09:41
It's okay. Been there, done that, still do.

28-05-19, 11:44
Gawd blimey,you can have my aching feet they are burning now, I am standing,walking all mf day,get yourself a foot spa and soak em in it :D

28-05-19, 11:47
I know I’ve worked in retail for 10 years you’d of thought I’d of got used to it by now, but yea I know that burning pain you mention it’s agony!

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28-05-19, 14:59
That sounds pretty normal! Maybe try different shoes that offer more support. I may be worth going to a good shoe store where they can really tell you the best kind of shoe for your foot.

28-05-19, 15:46
Please don't worry! This is very normal, I also have worked in retail for 15 years and still get the same thing xx

28-05-19, 15:48
Thanks everyone, it’s like a dull ache [emoji37] in my heel and ball of my foot it’s horrible but knowing it’s nothing to worry about will help

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28-05-19, 15:58
Coincidentally, my wife recently got a job in retail at a shoe store. The first few days were rough on her feet (and back) but being its a shoe store and she gets discounts, she picked up a pair of good shoes and inserts to help support her feet. She got knee and back supports as well and hasn't had an issue a couple of ibuprofen can't handle since. Might be worth looking into.

Positive thoughts

28-05-19, 16:03
Yea thanks Funny enough it’s a shoe shop I work in haha, and no matter how comfy the shoe is the dull ache is there, however I am so aware of it that doesn’t help either and I am extra sensitive to pain

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28-05-19, 17:45
Pain in heel can also be from sciatica if you've had that in the past?

Get your GF to give you a nice foot massage ;)

28-05-19, 17:50
Pain in heel can also be from sciatica if you've had that in the past?

Get your GF to give you a nice foot massage ;)

No I’ve never had sciatica I thought I had but I thought I’ve had many things

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28-05-19, 20:16
Heel pain could be a thing, I get all sorts of foot aches and pains. They are pretty much all cured by a good supportive shoe. If you work in a shoe shop then hopefully you have access to said shoe?

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28-05-19, 20:43
My OH has plantar fasciitis (from golf!). Common and benign cause of heel pain.

29-05-19, 20:27
My OH has plantar fasciitis (from golf!). Common and benign cause of heel pain.

That’s what I wanted to say but I couldn’t spell it [emoji23]

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12-06-19, 09:34
I have wrote about this before but it’s becoming a real burden now I work 9 hours a day on my feet and docs said it’s Normal foot pain and high arches but why can’t I believe it

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12-06-19, 09:35
Did you speak to your doctor about the problems your anxiety is causing you?

If I was on my feet 9 hours a day, I'd be crippled.

12-06-19, 09:37
Yes I’ve been on and off anti depressants for 10 years I’ve tried counselling but I can’t stop this worrying

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12-06-19, 09:49
Maybe a different talking therapy would help?

12-06-19, 10:06

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

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12-06-19, 11:32
Hi, I ran a pub for nearly a decade and some days I was on my feet for 18 hours!
First, wear a good pair of shies, preferably cushioned, like trainers. Take regular sits if you can on your breaks.
Foot soak does wonders for rejuvenation.
And it sounds like you have hard skin building up on your heels. This needs softening on a regular basis.
A foot spray to keep your feet cool and a gentle massage at the end of the evening.
Standing on one spot is likely to make your feet ache mire, so try to keep moving about.
Hope some of this helps.

12-06-19, 11:39
Thanks for the advice, there is hard skin on my feet it almost burns and aches when I stand

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12-06-19, 11:45
The hard skin will soften after a warm foot soak and skin softener. This is what is causing you the pain and look at different footwear to prevent this from happening.
Why do you think nurses mainly wear crocs or trainers? :winks:

13-06-19, 11:11
It’s like a constant ache aswell which the doctor told me is purely down to anxiety as my mind is purely focused on any slight pain therefore intensifying everything

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13-06-19, 11:16
Your doctor speaks sense. Maybe start looking at alternative lines of work?

13-06-19, 11:17
I love my job, he said once I start to accept it’s my anxiety making it 90% worse the pain will ease

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13-06-19, 11:17
Hi Carnation :D
I find those crocs are uncomfortable,if they are the same ones we have here,they are like clod hoppers

Have ya got a foot spa yet Jonny?and if you don’t mind me asking Is that you in the pic?if so I have full sleeve tats.:yesyes:

13-06-19, 11:20
Hi Carnation :D
I find those crocs are uncomfortable,if they are the same ones we have here,they are like clod hoppers

Have ya got a foot spa yet Jonny?and if you don’t mind me asking Is that you in the pic?if so I have full sleeve tats.:yesyes:

No not yet I’m going to get one today and yes that’s me haha

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