View Full Version : Transferring

12-06-19, 18:18
Hi all,

Ive started to deal (i think) my health anxiety in respect of myself but the last week ive been worried about my husband. He has had bleeding (he said had two cuts) is tired (working harder in the gym) and bowel habits have changed (sometimes twice a day)

I need some sence talking in to me.

12-06-19, 19:07
So he's bleeding because he cut himself, is tired because he's exercising more and has had a couple of extra poo's?

12-06-19, 21:56
Yes exactly, bleeding from his bottom, more poos and is tired. All with plausible explanations but i jump to cancer.

12-06-19, 22:04
Yes exactly, bleeding from his bottom, more poos and is tired. All with plausible explanations but i jump to cancer.

The big question is, if we all told you you're being irrational (and you know you are), will it help? While I'd love to see you do it on your own, I'm happy to do so if it will ;)

Positive thoughts

12-06-19, 22:26
I think it will help tonight. Tomorrow? Who knows? Thats the problem with health anixety though i guess isnt it

12-06-19, 22:27
But you can get help with the HA so these things don't escalate so why not do that?

12-06-19, 22:30
bleeding from his bottom, more poos and is tired. All with plausible explanations.

Your own words are the best reassurance as I wouldn't say anything different. Nic's advice is spot on too.

Positive thoughts

13-06-19, 07:42
Yes i made a self referral on tuesday for iapt. Had a voicemail yesterday to arrange telephone assessment so will call them back today as was dealing with a moany little one all day yesturday lol

14-06-19, 21:46
Telephone assessment with iapt on monday so thats good. Hopefully that will be a help to me x

14-06-19, 22:00
Telephone assessment with iapt on monday so thats good. Hopefully that will be a help to me x

Way to go MrsEd! :yesyes: I hope others read this and are inspired to take personal responsibility and action as you have :)

Positive thoughts

15-06-19, 09:23
Thank you, its taken some time, but now ive starting worrying about my husband its time to seek support. I also have a 5 month old a d i dont want things to start about him.

18-06-19, 08:47
Had my assessment yesturday. Its the first time ive actually spoke outloud about my thoughts to someone other than my husband, it was upsetting and hard. She was lovely and went through questionnaires for depression, anxiety and health anxiety. I score 35 on the health anxiety one (cut off is 12). She is going to call back on monday to let me know what the treatment plan will be.

18-06-19, 11:14
Way to go in taking positive steps! :yesyes: You know what they say about anything worth having so.... ;)

Positive thoughts

18-06-19, 11:18
I remember one referral I had for counselling and how stressful the phone interview was.

Her: "...So, when was the last time you picked at your skin?"
Me: "I'm, um, kind of doing it right now?"

Well done, MrsEd, you did great.

18-06-19, 18:02
Thank you guys for your support

18-06-19, 22:20
Well done! The months after my daughter was born were the absolute hardest for me! You have so much going on, less sleep, more stress, hormones are wacky, it's much harder to deal with your anxiety on your own. It's great you've sought help! Therapy was life changing for me at this stage in my life.

19-06-19, 09:31
Thanks Erin x

08-07-19, 17:42
Just a little update. I've been offered CBT, unfortunately although they could offer me an appointment quickly, i was unable to attend with my little boy, and have no one who could have him, therefore they have referred me to do it online with a counselor, the wait for the 4-6 weeks!

08-07-19, 19:55
Yes that’s difficult to fit in around children. I had a similar problem too, but mine did an evening session. I did do the online one as well, it’s quite good. You can self refer again after the online one finishes. But isn’t it RIDICULOUS that there aren’t more provisions for women with children. How old is your little one?

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09-07-19, 15:50
He is nearly 6 months, so he wouldn't actually be much trouble at all, his naps are consistent so could easily time it, but your right there should be another option i think.