View Full Version : Headache comes and goes 3 weeks now, feels like pressure, very worried.

12-06-19, 21:50
Long story short.

Been getting headaches mostly "ice pick" kind for three weeks but also this feeling of fullness in my head and back of head. Sometimes I dont feel it at all. My eyes can get blurry but I don't know if its my contacts or this situation I am in. Also, when bending over seems to be increased pressure. Finally decided to contact Dr, just finished blood work today, MRI tomorrow.

So I googled.... and now I swear I have intercranial pressure, which sounds like bad news all around. :weep: I do have health anxiety, so these types of things really mess me up bad.

I guess I'm posting to see if anyone has experienced something similar and I guess maybe some comforting thoughts.

Thank you all.

13-06-19, 10:32
Hi :D
I have intercranial hypotension due toa bad basal skull fracture years ago
(the cause of it I won’t go into)these headaches are debilitating and can knock you for days,when I get them I have to sleep with extra pillows can’t lie flat.For relief I have aLumber puncture to relieve the pressure it helps a lot.
You should get your eyes checked too get your optic nerves checked.
I hope everything will be ok for you and your HA you can get under control AND don’t Dr Google he will feed you.
Let me know,from a sufferer.

13-06-19, 20:53
Hi :D
I have intercranial hypotension due toa bad basal skull fracture years ago
(the cause of it I won’t go into)these headaches are debilitating and can knock you for days,when I get them I have to sleep with extra pillows can’t lie flat.For relief I have aLumber puncture to relieve the pressure it helps a lot.
You should get your eyes checked too get your optic nerves checked.
I hope everything will be ok for you and your HA you can get under control AND don’t Dr Google he will feed you.
Let me know,from a sufferer.

Thank you for your response. I am trying my best to beat the anxiety.

I got the results of the MRI back, but I'm really confused as the results only spoke of the pituitary gland and nothing else. It was an all clear. I think it was because of my hormones so my doc put it in for pituitary but I need it for the headaches. I wonder if they check the whole head or only the pituitary? Sigh...