View Full Version : Post panic exhaustion

13-06-19, 12:04
What do you do after a particularly awful day.
I am struggling with the physical symptoms of a massive panic yesterday. I've taken pain relief but the tension is awful. I can't even pee properly because I'm so tense!

13-06-19, 12:11
Okay, so, the first thing I try to do is take time off work. If I'm able to do that, I just resign myself to feeling awful and settle in for a sofa day to wait it out.

If I have to do shopping or appointments, I keep them brief and make sure to include at least one treat that I love.

If I absolutely cannot avoid work, I try to use days like these for calm busywork, just ploughing my way through a load of undemanding material. I try not to make phone calls, and if I absolutely have to, I write myself a script. Oh, and I make sure to schedule treat time as soon as I get in!

13-06-19, 13:26
Thank you that's great advice! I'm off work today.
I'm not sure what to do about calling my work although they said to get a sick note if I need time off.
All this requires appointments which I'm anxious about.
Hopefully my rational side will come back soon!

13-06-19, 13:50
Hmm. Most places generally don't request a doctor's note for the first week you take off sick - if you hate going to the doctor (like I do) it may be worth checking company policy and seeing if whoever it is that told you is in possession of all the facts.

Do you have annual leave that you can take?

13-06-19, 13:50
I may be wrong here (usually am :)) but I don't think you need a sick note for a couple of days off. I think you can self certify for up to a week. Anything longer than a week you need a doctors note. So maybe you won't have to see the doctor anyway...unless of course you want to.

treat yourself gently for a couple of days. This too will pass....everything does.

13-06-19, 13:53
Beat me to it Iris :D but I'm glad you confirmed what I thought. Sometimes I'm convinced of something and it end up wrong.

13-06-19, 14:04
Oh that is good to know thanks, I'm just worried as this has happened at the same time as another member of staff is on leave. So I feel very guilty. I don't want to go back at all and get a another job but that's me being unrational.

17-06-19, 20:39
Is work causing it? Is taking time away really going to solve it or will you just sit and home working yourself in to a worse position?

18-06-19, 19:38
I went back in the end after much reassuring from my colleagues and boss. I just got into such a state. Coming out the other side now, still very tired though and chest feels fluttery every now and then but better each day. Thank you all for the advice it is much appreciated