View Full Version : Just sinking in anxiety: hypnic jerks, fast heart rate

14-06-19, 05:49
Hello everyone,

I’m not really having any specific fears right now and honestly things were going well until last night. I laid down to bed and I could hear my pulse from everywhere in my body: my ears, head, neck, arms.. it was horrid. I checked it and sure enough my heart was racing above 100 bpm. Then I started getting hypnic jerks for a good few hours where everytime I would doze off my body would suddenly shake itself awake. Of course this caused a lot of missed sleep. I was hoping to sleep early tonight but the NBA finals were on (Raps won!! So proud lol). And now that I’m lying down to bed it’s almost 1 and I can tell my heart is racing again and I’m having anxiety about having hypnic jerks! Like wth! It’s such a vicious and evil cycle!

Has anyone taken melatonin or magnesium to calm themselves down? I feel like I will have to turn to some kind of supplement or drug to calm down

14-06-19, 12:21
It all sounds familiar to me, I used to suffer with this especially at night.

Honestly, the best thing to do is just let it be. I came to the conclusion that chasing quick fixes was fruitless, and teaching your body to let things pass is by far the best strategy. If your heart is racing at around 100bpm or more, it's more than likely that adrenaline is being continually squirted into your bloodstream, made worse by the fact you're checking your heart rate and worry about the hypnic jerks.

Just practice letting them be, and letting it happen. I know it sounds counter intuitive, but it does work over time. Taking supplements can't hurt, but see them as a secondary strategy rather than something to rely on.

14-06-19, 17:56
Thanks Joe, I had a good night yesterday, surprisingly. I pretty much did what you said and went to bed with a nonchalant attitude. I think it’s also because I was just exhausted. I think I had two or three Hypnic jerks before actually sleeping, but I slept through the night. I think when I don’t have a specific worry my anxiety gets worse. It’s the uncertainty that bothers me the most. I just have a feeling of general doom. But the heart rate was up because I was sick. Woke up with a horrible sore throat, cough, congestion etc; Anywhoo. Just thought I’d update :) It’s strange how when you don’t have a specific concern like brain tumour, ovarian cancer etc; then sometimes you feel even worse because you think anything could go wrong with your body or with someone you love

14-06-19, 18:24
My wife has been getting these since her illness but she sleeps so deeply, she doesn't notice or react. I do though! She typically falls asleep before me and I'm up watching the news or a show and her hypnic jerks shake the bed!

Positive thoughts

14-06-19, 18:49
Thanks Joe, I had a good night yesterday, surprisingly. I pretty much did what you said and went to bed with a nonchalant attitude. I think it’s also because I was just exhausted. I think I had two or three Hypnic jerks before actually sleeping, but I slept through the night. I think when I don’t have a specific worry my anxiety gets worse. It’s the uncertainty that bothers me the most. I just have a feeling of general doom. But the heart rate was up because I was sick. Woke up with a horrible sore throat, cough, congestion etc; Anywhoo. Just thought I’d update :) It’s strange how when you don’t have a specific concern like brain tumour, ovarian cancer etc; then sometimes you feel even worse because you think anything could go wrong with your body or with someone you love

Having an infection will raise your heart rate for sure. Mine usually goes up about 10-20% when I have a virus. It usually hovers in the low 90s when I'm ill, even with the complete absence of anxiety.

27-06-19, 21:34
Hey guys!

So I keep having hypnic jerks! Some nights I don’t remember having any. While most I remember having at least a couple a night. Sometimes 5 or 6. And every time I wake up I make a sound like “UH”. It’s so weird! Almost embarrassing sleeping like this beside my husband. But has anyone had this every single night? This even occurs when I’m trying to nap! Is it truly just anxiety? I do have a cough currently which I’m sure is interfering with my breathing at night anyway. Anyway, just looking to see if anyone gets this often or every single time they sleep

Thank you

27-06-19, 21:52

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