View Full Version : Given meds for Reflux - Allergy and Side effect fear

14-06-19, 08:33
Hi All,

I have been unable to eat much for 48 hours now due to a constant burning in my throat and my stomach.
I went to the doctor yesterday and he said it will be due to my high anxiety levels and prescribed me some meds (Lansoprazole), which I haven't taken yet.

Last night I started to feel a bit better so ate something small for the first time, and I remained 'OK' for an hour or so afterwards.
This morning I've woke up with the burning and bloating sensation again (but not quite as bad as before) with lots of gas and am convinced I'm just going to be destroying my oesophagus and wont ever get better so am stuck in a bit of a bad place.

The chance of a serious allergy or side effect from it scares me
Specifically Anaphylaxis and subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
The second one my doctor didn't even know about.

I've also just realised the dose he has given me is the one they give you for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, now I've gone and looked at all of the symptoms and have worried myself even more.

Has anyone had experience taking Lansoprazole?
Can anyone give me some advice? I've had enough of being scared of everything but just can't bring myself to take it.

One thing after another at the moment :weep:

14-06-19, 08:44
They're just reflux meds, they'll make you feel better, most of these side effects are so rare as to be nonexistent - witness the fact that your GP wasn't aware of one of them.

14-06-19, 08:51
Personally I'm not a massive fan of reflux meds as they simply mask the symptom with brute force. There are also questions on their use long term.

When I had really bad reflux, I used apple cider vinegar to fix it, with some changes to my diet. This is a far more preferable solution for me as there are zero side effects.

14-06-19, 09:32
Hi Both,

I'll give the Apple Cider Vinegar a go this evening.

I just had a sudden urge to eat some breakfast in the past 10 minutes so have eaten and will see how that goes.

ankietyjoe, when you have episodes, how long do they last for? For me, 2-3 days constant reflux and burning seems pretty bad, right?

My doctor didn't seem too concerned and even considered just leaving it, but decided to prescribe me meds to 'break the cycle', but also said whether I take them or whether I take the full dose is up to me.
He also didn't seem concerned about Barrett's Oesophagus, which I'm also REALLY scared of

All because I had a REALLY greasy (BUT TASTY :D) mean at the start of the week, and I'm guessing my HIGH anxiety levels have played a huge role in this

14-06-19, 09:33
I'd also like to state my girlfriends uncle passed away from Esophageal cancer just over a year ago that's where this fear stems from, watching him go through it really stuck in my mind

14-06-19, 11:57
OK so the burning hasn't been too bad this morning but still there, but still feel sick and have lots of gas.

This is going to sound really stupid, can your oesophagus burn to the point that you can't feel it anymore? LOL
forgive me for being stupid

14-06-19, 12:27
I've had reflux for weeks on end in the past, and it's massively triggered by stress.

I would also recommend something called intermittent fasting, whereby you have your last meal around 8pm and then don't eat for at least 16 hours. Skip breakfast and have your first meal at lunchtime. It's uncomfortable for a day or two, but you get used to it pretty quickly. It gives your digestive system a break. Constant food grazing is not good for reflux. Also watch your fat intake and try and keep a note of what triggers it the most, then don't eat that.

It's well understood now that reflux is caused by too little stomach acid, not too much (plenty of information about it online) and ACV acts as a trigger for your stomach to close the valve that allows acid to regurgitate. Make sure you buy the good ACV with 'Mother' in it. I use the RAW brand from Ocado/Waitrose but it's available in other places too. Braggs is another good brand, but it's more expensive. Take it first thing in the morning and before you go to bed, and it should start working in a week or two.

Try not to focus on symptoms, especially the extreme ones you are worrying about now. The worst case scenario here is VERY rare, and reflux is fairly easily managed with diet monitoring and ACV.

14-06-19, 13:37
My wife and I have been on a PPI (Pantoprazole) for years. I questioned my doctor about the long term negative effects and he shrugged it off as scare mongering and the studies have not been able to discern a definitive cause and effect issue (Mayo clinic). I've seen the HA pattern of someone getting a prescription, reading the side effects and scaring themselves into not taking it too many times to count (especially with psych meds). People get reflux anxiety or not, and thankfully there are meds to help. Side effects are extremely, extremely rare. It typically can a take a week or two until they really kick in so you have to be patient. That goes for a holistic approach as well. Regardless of a PPI, following a nutrition plan to reduce reflux is recommended. Look into the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet, keep a food diary for a month or so and eliminate foods that aggravate you.

Positive thoughts

14-06-19, 15:11
A Doctor cannot possibly shrug off the long term effects as scaremongering as the long term research data simply isn't there.

What he could have done is shrugged and said 'I have no idea, there is no data for me to form a professional opinion'.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest they're not a good idea for anything apart from symptom suppression.

14-06-19, 16:23
A Doctor cannot possibly shrug off the long term effects as scaremongering as the long term research data simply isn't there.

What he could have done is shrugged and said 'I have no idea, there is no data for me to form a professional opinion'.

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest they're not a good idea for anything apart from symptom suppression.

He did say at worst your B12 could be affected and remedied with a supplement. Some of those reports were saying they could cause kidney failure and dementia for goodness sakes. That's scare mongering. All I know is I'm thankful for them. For YEARS I suffered. When PPIs became OTC, I tried all of them and was still eating Tums like candy. Since being on Pantoprazole for the last 5+ years and following the FODMAP diet, I've barely had an issue and if I do, its because I ate something I shouldn't have. We keep a couple bottles of antacid for that purpose.

I'm on 8 prescriptions, 3 OTC meds and 4 supplements daily for my medical issues. they all have potential side effects. The benefits FAR outweigh the risks.

Positive thoughts

14-06-19, 21:49
I've been itching to reply to this all day, but as I was working I wasn't able to get the time this topic deserves (in work) and also have the comfort of typing such a long reply from my laptop, rather than the mobile version.

Firstly, great posts by Fishman and I agree with all his sentiments - I only want to add some of my own to try and get rid of the stigma that seems to surround these drugs... Not only on here, but on the internet in general.

I've had reflux symptoms since I was a teenager (possibly earlier). I thought it was a normal phenomenon, to be woken up in the middle of the night with a burning gullet and that it happened to everyone. I was about 18 or 19 (we'll say 18 for argument) when I finally went to the GP. I was quickly diagnosed with GORD (GERD in the US) and began Omeprazole. I have never looked back. I'm 26 in just a few weeks time, and I couldn't imagine ever coming off these drugs. My GP is of the same sentiment.

This post is comprised of both my personal and professional view of the PPIs.

Every day these drugs are handed out. Many many times per day. They're excellent for the following conditions:
* Long term reflux (e.g. GORD)
* Gastroprotection (i.e. protecting the stomach) (e.g. the patient is on steroids/NSAIDs etc)
* Eradication of H. Pylori
* Healing of stomach ulcers
* Prevention and treatment of erosivive Oesophagitis
* Treatment of upper GI bleeds
* Dyspepsia

IME, the majority of people over the age of about 50 are on them even if it's just a "when required" dose (pretty pointless - these drugs don't work instantly, there are far better 'rescue' medications for reflux, but some doctors still insist on "Take one capsule when required"). They're particularly common in those with polypharmacy going on (e.g. they're taking several+ medications).

Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Yes the PPIs can cause this - but it's not exactly a life threatening situation to be in. Vitamin B12 is absoirbed because it is removed from food by stomach acid - when you're on PPIs, if your intake isn't great, your blood levels of B12 may decrease. Simple remedy? Take a supplement. Personally, I sometimes take a supplement, although on the whole I don't bother (I'm lazy). And I'm not that worried about it. My father was started on Zantac (ranitidine) in the mid 1980s, switched to PPIs in the early 2000s. His reflux has always been a tad refractory (e.g. difficult to treat) so his maintenance dose of Omeprazole is 40mg (usual maintenance is 20mg). Again, he has had no issues whatsoever. He, like I, loves indian food - if he didn't take Omeprazole, he simply couldn't eat it (or much else!) so there's an overriding "quality of life" issue here. The benefits in his case, as for the vast majority of people taking these meds, FAR outweighs the risks they present.

My Aunt (an overweight smoker) has suffered from reflux for a few years now. A while back, my mum and her went on holiday and a mixture of all the alcohol and exotic food upset her stomach and she was being sick, with reflux, and it ruined the holiday. She saw her GP, who prescribed PPIs. They went on holiday again and there was no issue with reflux. Although being overweight and smoking are risk factors for reflux, they're also risk factors for cancer of the oesophagus. So is reflux. So let's try and reduce the risk of the latter and give her a PPI, and of course, improve her quality of life.

I read on the Patient UK Forums a few years ago a case where an anonymous gentleman posted a "story" about a "lady he worked with" having cancer of the oesophagus diagnosed (and subseqeuntly dying from it). He believed the PPIs had caused and masked the cancer. Assuming this story were true, emotions can often override sense and people look for something to blame. However, it has not been unknown for "natural, herbal remedy" seeking people to infiltrate forums and post rubbish about "Big Pharma" in order to scare people off taking drugs, and instead resort to "natural therapies". Important Point: NATURAL DOES NOT MEAN SAFE.

The gist of his story was this lady complained of headaches. After OTC ibuprofen and paracetamol did no good, her GP referred her for an MRI, where a primary was found in her oesophagus with a secondary deposit was found in the brain. She then passed away not long after, and he was convinced the PPIs (he did not say which) had caused the cancer and masked its symptoms.

1. He made no mention of her social history. Was she a smoker? Drinker? Diet? The former two being powerful risk factors for this disease, the latter less so.
2. To further "back up" his "findings", he mentioned that a "neighbours friend" or a "friends neighbour" (I can't remember which) started taking PPIs, and then three years later needed her gallbladder removed. Again, he was convinced this was caused by the PPIs.
3. PPIs could not mask a tumour obstructing the oesophagus. It could reduce the reflux caused by a tumour, but not swallowing difficulties which are a far more common symptom. PPIs have been known to mask but NOT cause cancer of the stomach. Taking PPIs is NOT a risk factor for stomach cancer, so this should NOT concern anyone - but anyone with other risk factors for stomach cancer e.g. smoking, pickled foods, red meat consumption etc should look at modifying those risk factors.

I mentioned the above because I've seen a LOT of similar scare stories on the internet without any good scientific backing. But, sadly, people will believe what they read and throw the PPIs out, suffer with the reflux and then potentially end up with oesophageal cancer caused by excess reflux! When a PPI could have prevented it! It's the same reasons some people end up suffering strokes and heart attacks, because they read negative (and in most cases, bullsh*t opinions) of non-qualified people online and don't take their medication.

I, for one, can never imagine myself stopping my PPIs. I can eat spicy food, I can eat a more varied diet and I can sleep soundly - key ingredients, IMO, to a satisfying and healthy life (maybe not the spicy part!).

Of course, it is up to the person prescribed the medication to decide whether or not they take it. The internet is a great source of information, and so long as they base their decision on sound advice, so be it. But PPIs do NOT deserve the stigma they seem to accrued in recent times. There's simply not the scientific backing for it.

Just my 2 cents

Good luck

14-06-19, 22:18
I, for one, can never imagine myself stopping my PPIs. I can eat spicy food, I can eat a more varied diet and I can sleep soundly - key ingredients, IMO, to a satisfying and healthy life (maybe not the spicy part!).

Great post RGG! I LOVE spicy food! After my treatment, even a tiny bit of salt or pepper felt like I was eating Dave's Insanity Sauce! Now, 6 years out, I can eat hot Thai and always have Tony's seasoning and hot sauce I add to my food. The things that get me are tomato sauce, pizza etc. I still can have those types of foods but I pay for it with a swig of Mylanta ;) Otherwise, the foods I avoid following the FODMAP diet (onions, garlic etc.) practically eliminate the reflux.

At my last physical last month we discussed my meds and physical conditions. I'm 60 and have some prostate issues creeping in. Urinary difficulties etc. The doc prescribed me a med for it (Flomax, which ultimately didn't help) I complained about how many meds I already take and he said... "I know its not ideal but just be thankful we have the science to make meds to help us."

That's how you have to look at it. If this were 100 year ago, I wouldn't be here and reflux would be a nagging problem for many people. Thank goodness for medical technology!

Positive thoughts

14-06-19, 22:29
Of course, it is up to the person prescribed the medication to decide whether or not they take it. The internet is a great source of information, and so long as they base their decision on sound advice, so be it. But PPIs do NOT deserve the stigma they seem to accrued in recent times. There's simply not the scientific backing for it.

This is the bit that bothers me. No scientific backing simply means that no one body has pumped the millions of dollars into a research study following the use of PPI's over multiple decades. Lack of evidence often means lack of research.

I'm not a conspiracy, and I'm not suggesting the PPI's directly cause hideous diseases, but they work with brute force by suppressing an important bodily function. It's beyond my comprehension why people would continue to eat foods that they know trigger problems, and then take a pill to suppress the symptoms identifying the problem. Not when a more sensible eating regime and a proven, safe remedy exists. ACV has been used for centuries, literally.

We're talking about a drug that's 20-30 years old in use, there is not way that long term use can be assessed. We DO know that the stomach acid in the digestive tract plays several roles in the body, and hammering it into submission is not something I choose to do given the alternatives. I don't need to cite examples to illustrate my points, it's just basic common sense.

Again, scientific backing requires massively expensive research, which has not been done. A lack of evidence often means nobody has looked. Business.

I prefer to take responsibility for my own health than pop a pill for every symptom I wish to keep feeding.

14-06-19, 22:32
I was prescribed omeprazole last year when I had heartburn and reflux symptoms. People are often prescribed it with other medicines that may cause nausea.

I was also nervous of taking it and it took me a few days to work up the courage. I took it first thing in the morning about half an hour before eating, and I noticed no side effects at all for the whole time I was in it (nearly 2 months). They prescribe this for pregnant women and breastfeeders. You can even buy it in supermarkets.

It can take up to 2 weeks to work. I didn’t really notice much of a difference to be honest and if I get reflux now I tend to go for gaviscon. However, it helps so many people and I would really recommend trying it.

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15-06-19, 20:32
This does get better right?

Surely this cant be right.
I'm on my 5th day, constant burning throat, burning stomach, sore throat, burping, flatulance, bloating, feeling sick pale stools that float

God knows what damage this is doing to my esophagus

I was at the out of hours surgery again earlier, and I just haven't stopped crying all day.

I managed to convince myself to take a tums despite the fear of allergy. It did nothing at all.

I feel like I'm never going to get better and I'm just scared. Nowhere to turn. Medical professionals wont entertain me and my whole family hates me I'm pretty sure. I keep snapping at people.

I'm having some really bad thoughts at the moment, not really seeing the point anymore.

I want to fight the anxiety but I cant get past this

15-06-19, 21:42
This does get better right?

Did you start the medication?

Positive thoughts

16-06-19, 05:32
What did the out of hours surgery say?

Did you start the omeprazole?

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16-06-19, 15:26
Sorry for the late response. Been going through the emotions this morning.
Was so painful I ended up going to A&E they wernt concerned about the extra symptoms but the lady sat there with me for an hour and forced me to take it the Lansoprazole

She just changed my life, this fear has been my whole life for years.

I know I've still got to conquer it and theres a long way to to, I have to take another one tomorrow for a start lol.

Now it's just worrying about potential side effects.

Also, how long did the meds take you all to kick in and start working? This burning is painful!

16-06-19, 15:43
how long did the meds take you all to kick in and start working? This burning is painful!

It can take up to a couple of weeks to kick in but most get relief sooner. Remember, your diet plays a large role in this so look into the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet, keep a journal of foods that aggravate your stomach and adjust accordingly.

Positive thoughts

16-06-19, 16:22
Ah that’s brilliant that you took one and that they were so helpful at the hospital. Did it help at all?

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16-06-19, 16:34
Hmm I'm only on them for 2 weeks so hopefully it starts to help before then lol.

Haven't noticed anything yet, I'm still convinced theres something more wrong with me with everything but trying to keep positive. Its fathers day here in the UK so spending some time with my family and trying to eat a bit more today:)

So proud if what I have accomplished though,

16-06-19, 17:29
I think if you don’t eat then it can make it worse too as your stomach creates more acid.
You’ve been checked over & your ok. My symptoms appeared almost overnight too, although looking back there had been little warnings.
Try not too eat anything too high in fat or too spicy, too much! I know it’s really hard and can be exhausting and depressing, but you’ll be ok.

Happy Fathers Day!

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16-06-19, 19:17
Just had another panic attack, this time about Barrett's oesophagus again.

My throat is sore and red, and I'm convinced my oesophagus must have taken some serious damage from that.
I should have just taken the meds sooner rather than wait 6 days

Ugh this anxiety is annoying

16-06-19, 21:18
Do you go back to the doctor after 2 weeks?

Can I ask your age?

Have you looked at the symptoms of GERD? Instead of all the other things?

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16-06-19, 22:10
It says to just stop after 2 weeks, he didn't mention going back but I will either way to evaluate what happened.

I'm 24, but I'm quite obese (working on it) and have a very stressful job

I have, and I have pretty much every one of them at the moment but had them constantly for the 6 days lol.

16-06-19, 22:11
It's more the fact it has been there constantly that worries me. If it was over a period of days it would have more time to heal surely.

I've had a bit of relief this evening thankfully and have felt hungry for the first time.

Have a bit if burning back now though :( just need to give it time I guess :)

17-06-19, 00:27
Just take the ACV and stop eating crap.

I had it for over 20 years before I dealt with it. You're overthinking.

You're bloody bulletproof at 24 lol. Just deal with it, get it resolved and stop reading horror stories on Google.

17-06-19, 01:25
Just take the ACV and stop eating crap.

I had it for over 20 years before I dealt with it. You're overthinking.

You're bloody bulletproof at 24 lol. Just deal with it, get it resolved and stop reading horror stories on Google.

^^^That^^^ If you find they start to work, you can call your doctor and have him prescribe more or go with an OTC PPI like Zantac or Prilosec. Did you look at the link I posted? Have you started a food diary?

Positive thoughts

17-06-19, 14:59
Afternoon both (UK time anyway).

Apologies, I'm probably going to keep replying on here occasionally while I try and struggle my way through this.

Last night, I had a small amount of burning that went away, I woke up without any mouth or throat pain for the first time in nearly a week.
This morning, I ate breakfast and had no burning at all :).

I ate lunch around 2 hours ago and am currently in the middle of an 'attack', which is incredibly painful.
I ate some hard food with my lunch, which felt like it got stuck in my throat/oesophagus and gave me more sharp pain in my throat so I drank some water, which didn't clear it but I kept downing the water.

After that, the burning came right back and now have burning worse than ever before. it HURTS so much

I'm not going to attempt to eat anymore hard foods any time soon

17-06-19, 15:01
Did you look at the link I posted? Have you started a food diary?

Positive thoughts

17-06-19, 15:13
I have started, it's difficult to concentrate on anything when I'm in pain.

I've barely been eating (because I feel sick all of the time) so there's not much to write down lol

17-06-19, 15:15
I know it's tough, but you need to try and keep your routine as normal as possible. Mental illness thrives on attention; as far as possible you need to try and maintain a semblance of normality.

17-06-19, 15:18
I ate lunch around 2 hours ago....I ate some hard food with my lunch

What have you eaten today? Breakfast? What exactly did you consume? Did you take your PPI and if so, what time?

Positive thoughts

17-06-19, 15:40
I had Rice Krispies, both normal and wholegrain with a small amount of milk with no reaction
for lunch I had a Chicken and Sweetcorn sandwich (had this yesterday with no problems too), and attempted to eat a bag of ready salted crisps which didn't go well at all, however the burning has now settled back down to a manageable level.

My first dose of Lansoprazole was taken late afternoon yesterday with the consultant so I'm going to continue this pattern, I will be taking it as soon as I get home from work and continuing that pattern (will be an hour before I eat dinner)

17-06-19, 15:43
Again I'm really sorry for keep bugging you all, it must be annoying keep seeing me pipe up.

This is the first time something like this has ever happened to me and I'm just scared in all honesty. However, it is a wake up call and I'm definitely going to be taking steps to better my life, move out of my parents home and better my situation.
Providing this turns out to be nothing serious that is

Thank you all for your time, even though you don't have to reply to me

17-06-19, 15:55
Just from experience and medication recommendations, the best time to take your PPI is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Give it 30-45 minutes until you eat. Speak to your doctor about it first but sometimes you can take it twice a day. In your case, late afternoon or evening before dinner may be advisable. Again, you've only had one dose. Its not an overnight thing.

Wheat products and whole milk are on the do not eat list (read the info in the link I posted!).

We can post helpful advice till tomorrow but its up to YOU to take it on and follow it :shrug:

Positive thoughts

17-06-19, 16:15
I would take the omeprazole in the morning 30 minutes before you eat.

Are you in the UK? Buy some gaviscon, it’s the only thing that really worked for me. It’s completely safe with omeprazole - my GP told me so.

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17-06-19, 18:32
Agree Fishman about the food - I love tomatoes in a sandwich, but they really do go for the reflux. Anything with skin on it - in fact, just looking at a sausage roll gives me reflux. Probably not a bad thing considering, but we do have to indulge every now and again :D (I probably do it too much but hey)

To the OP: Take the dose, as others have said, as soon as you waken up. Leave it beside your bed, or if you brush your teeth first thing, leave it beside the sink. If you're finding that the reflux is worse at night, that's because you're lying down. You could either take your dose then or, ideally, an extra dose.

Some people are prescribed the 15mg of Lansoprazole (about as useful as 2mg diazepam - e.g. not very) so you may want to ask about upping the dose to 30mg if you're not already on it. Again, check with your doctor. You could also try another version, perhaps Esomeprazole (Nexium).

Either way damage to the oesophagus takes a long time. I had uncontrolled daily reflux every day from my early teenage years (and as I said previously, perhaps even earlier) and it wasn't until 18/19 I began treating it. So ~6/7+ years of reflux, and my oesophagus was normal on endoscopy.

17-06-19, 19:16
Agree Fishman about the food - I love tomatoes in a sandwich, but they really do go for the reflux. Anything with skin on it - in fact, just looking at a sausage roll gives me reflux. Probably not a bad thing considering, but we do have to indulge every now and again :D (I probably do it too much but hey)

To the OP: Take the dose, as others have said, as soon as you waken up. Leave it beside your bed, or if you brush your teeth first thing, leave it beside the sink. If you're finding that the reflux is worse at night, that's because you're lying down. You could either take your dose then or, ideally, an extra dose.

That's another thing about reflux. If you eat too late in the evening, that as well as what you eat and the amount can play havoc with reflux. Try to have your evening meal no later than 6pm and limit your portion so you're not overeating. Lying down with a full belly is a sure fire way to trigger it. Again, stick with the FODMAP recommendations and keep a journal (you can download it on the site I linked.

I hear you RGaGa... I love tomatoes, pasta with red sauce, pizza etc. but they don't love me! :lac: As recommended Ryan, keep some Mylanta/Gaviscon around. Comes in handy for breakthrough reflux and when you 'indulge, eat something you shouldn't have and pay for it.

Positive thoughts

17-06-19, 20:43
Why does no one believe me :(

17-06-19, 22:24
Why does no one believe me :(

Every believes you're having symptoms of reflux and there's this...

My doctor didn't seem too concerned and even considered just leaving it, but decided to prescribe me meds to 'break the cycle', but also said whether I take them or whether I take the full dose is up to me. He also didn't seem concerned about Barrett's Oesophagus...

There's also a 5 year history of HA and none of the fears/concerns has turned out to be serious so :shrug:

Take the advice or not. It's you're decision.

Positive thoughts

17-06-19, 23:14
Sorry I shouldn't have posted that. My mum was shouting at me telling me it's all in my head and that theres nothing wrong with me.

On the plus side, the meds feel like they're working a little better tonight and I've been a bit happier talking with my girlfriend :)

I guess I just have to accept what's happening and see how it plays out.

For dinner tonight I didn't eat too much, I had 4-5 slices of Turkey breast and a boiled egg. I checked the boiled eggs were on the list but not sure about the Turkey. Haven't had any burning from it though :).

18-06-19, 01:59
My wife and I kept a written journal for a couple of months that really helped. I did a quick search and there's a free app (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/low-fodmap-diet-a-to-z/id1356683228) for the iPhone and others for other phones. Based on the way smartphones have become part of the human anatomy these days, that may be more practical ;)

Positive thoughts

19-06-19, 18:47
I've literally got all of the symptoms of stomach cancer except the being sick part.

Panic time again:(

19-06-19, 18:54
I just accidentally deleted my post.

So 4 maybe 5 weeks ago I started at 17 stone 11 and dropped to 17 stone 2 within 3 weeks without trying. I was highly stressed and my parents say i wasnt eating properly even though i thought i was. Then i went back up to 17 stone 4

I've had this attack now for 1 week and I've dropped from 17 stone 4 to 16 stone 8.. erm.. panic time!!!

19-06-19, 21:30
I've literally got all of the symptoms of stomach cancer except the being sick part.

Panic time again:(

“I’ve got all the symptoms of being sick except being sick......”

alrighty then

19-06-19, 22:41
I meant I have most of the main symptoms except actually being sick.

I wouldn't normally associate the symptoms but the massive amount of weight loss scares me.

19-06-19, 22:42
By being sick, I mean Vomiting

20-06-19, 09:42
Ok, reality check time.

You're really, reeally overweight. Unless you're a boxer and 6ft 3inches, nearly 18 stone is really, really overweight. That alone accounts for almost everything. You could take a sh1t and skip a meal and lose 3-4 pounds at that weight.

Pull yourself together, stop googling stuff and get your ass out for a walk every day. Take the ACV, stop eating crap and get off the internet. You'll be fine ok?

20-06-19, 20:58
Ok, reality check time.

You're really, reeally overweight. Unless you're a boxer and 6ft 3inches, nearly 18 stone is really, really overweight. That alone accounts for almost everything. You could take a sh1t and skip a meal and lose 3-4 pounds at that weight.

Pull yourself together, stop googling stuff and get your ass out for a walk every day. Take the ACV, stop eating crap and get off the internet. You'll be fine ok?

mic drop!

21-06-19, 09:50
Thanks for that ankietyjoe, really made me put things in perspective. Had a really good day yesterday, was finally able to eat properly.
I had corn flakes with a small amount of milk for breakfast
Steak + jacket potato + peas for lunch (was a special lunch with work)
Fish cake, mash and mixed veg for dinner.

Was soo happy with this.

Today I woke up feeling good too, managed to eat my cornflakes and have ultimately felt better until just now.

I'm getting like a gripping feeling in my stomach, followed by feeling sick followed by belching.
Trying not to panic and keep positive, hopefully it's just where it's healing.

Anyone had this before?

Also, from tomorrow, at the request of my doctor I will be taking 2x the 30mg of Lansoprazole which I'm slightly nervous about, even though he gave me a choice.
He told me it would help it heal quicker and reduce the acid symptoms even more.

21-06-19, 13:29
The thing to consider here is that you are in a state of high anxiety a lot of the time. This alone is MORE than enough to create digestion issues, it's one of the most common symptoms people suffer with anxiety. Combine this with overeating and general lack of exercise, you get the picture?

Take medication to suppress stomach acid to remove a symptom.....this is what I'm not keen on. What happens when anxiety creates another new symptom in a month or two (which it will). Do you then start taking a separate medication for that too?

In the short term, PPI's won't do you any harm, but it's not solving a problem. It's merely suppressing a normal bodily function to remove a symptom that you don't like experiencing. Even the Doctor is saying 'reducing symptoms'.

For me, the best way to approach this is to keep a note of everything you eat, eat less of what you already eat, get out and exercise more, take ACV twice a day and deal with the actual problem here which is the anxiety. I also started intermittent fasting to solve my reflux issues (only eating in an 8 hour period in the day) and that helps massively too.

This thread is merely the repeated message that you don't want to take PPI's, but you also don't want to have reflux........at some point you need to do something other than ask a Doctor or convey the same message again on a forum. You need to try something else, and stick to it every day.

In fact....go back to your very first post. Your Doctor is telling you it's due to anxiety and STILL wants to medicate it. I find that ridiculous.

21-06-19, 13:59
It's like a circle though. I mean I don't even know if that's what caused the digestion issues but it's definitely a contributing factor.

I had burning, bloating, gas and pain CONSTANTLY for 5 days, I couldn't swallow because it hurt so much, my throat was red and swollen and my mouth sore (I am still getting most of these on and off) I couldn't get relief with anything and I was scared of how much damage I was doing and have done.
I was in a dilemma, do I take the meds or do I just wait for a stomach ulcer (if I haven't got one already) and possibly worse. And honestly, I'm kinda glad I'm taking them at the moment.

Considering I'm still getting acid symptoms on and off now and my anxiety is at a lower level, and I'm eating A LOT healthier and less than I was before I have no clue what is going on but this has reduced the symptoms massively.

My doctor gave me these meds to try and break the cycle since my anxiety was focusing on that and I was in a terrible state. I couldn't even function normally.
I'm awaiting CBT, I start that on the 29th July so a long way off yet, but that has the possibility of escalating to proper counselling this time.

My doctor is of the opinion that this will all heal and clear up and I'll get back to being normal again but I feel like something else is going on. I'm trying not to focus on it at the moment though

I also go away next weekend for my birthday and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to eat properly and join in with everyone else.

21-06-19, 14:19
Controlling/healing from Refux is not an overnight process. I know this from personal experience. I know I'm just repeating myself but it takes some discipline. I gave you links and advice and I stand by that (cut out cow's milk and go with almond milk for one). You say your anxiety is less but your posting contradicts that. You've also set yourself up for failure by saying you know you won't eat well which will no doubt take you a step backwards. You can still have a great birthday and eat properly ;)

Positive thoughts

21-06-19, 14:24
Even if you took antacids right now they're unlikely to solve the issue by next weekend. There is a common misconception that changes in symptoms can be zapped away quickly, and that's almost never the case unfortunately.

So for example, you say your anxiety levels are lower now, but even so the symptoms can last for weeks or months afterwards. They can be lower in intensity, but they never just stop overnight.

I'm not sure if you've already taken the PPI's from the post you just made. I think you are, but now he wants you to double the dose?

But again, the Doctor has told you that anxiety was most likely causing it AND he's said it'll clear up and go away, but still wants to increase medication. It just seems odd. Because you're suppressing symptoms, as soon as you stop taking them it'll come back again.

But as you say, if you feel it's going to break the mental cycle, you need to do what's best for you. Just don't rely on the pills to allow you to keep eating poorly and not focusing on your mental recovery as well.

21-06-19, 14:41
His exact explanation to me was that taking double the dose (morning and evening) would suppress the symptoms and allow the inflammation to heal.
Which also allows the anxiety to go.

Effectively from the doctors point of view it's going like this: Severe reflux/indigestion from HUGE amounts of anxiety over an extended period of time, which I left for 5 days untreated and was there CONSTANTLY, sleeping, awake, whenever. It felt like the acid was constantly at my throat/mouth, even though it probably wasn't because I would have choked etc.
That would have caused the pain and inflammation which is causing more anxiety by me thinking about cancer/Barrett's esophagus/Stomach cancer

His thinking is that reducing the symptoms will allow anything that's causing pain to heal and disappear into the sunset (the genuine health concern), which in turn should allow my anxiety to settle long enough for my stomach issues to go away. He said that upping the dose would reduce the symptoms and allow it to heal quicker.

I am dealing with my anxiety issues, I'm using an app called headspace, I'm trying to ignore all of the little niggly things I used to concentrate on (granted only been the past couple of days, but it's the weekend so let's hope I can keep it up and keep myself busy). I'm also waiting on CBT as mentioned earlier.

My diet over the past month has been so on and off. One minute I'm cutting down, eating healthy and trying to lose weight, which panics me when I do lose weight so I change my diet and eat greasy/fatty foods. Which I know can alone mess up and cause indigestion. I had NO warning signs of this attack though

It just feels like such an abnormal reaction to me.
My brain can't comprehend that my WHOLE digestive system has messed up and shut down to the point that I have all of the symptoms mentioned for so long without something serious medically being wrong (which I know these thoughts can be attributed to anxiety and will automatically be made worse). That's why I'm posting on here.

21-06-19, 14:45
I'm also such a picky eater, I've tried to follow the FODMAP diet as much as possible while slowly trying things that are bad.
I don't know if it helps or not because everything is the same, except every now and then I'll get a bit more reflux.

And I know I'm massively overweight. Last year I got up to 19 stone 10 and went down to 17 stone 6 in 3 months.
Then decided to stop dieting for Christmas and then occasionally went back on the diet when I needed to.

21-06-19, 16:48
Well... you know what's causing this and you know what you have to do. There really is nothing else that can be said.

Positive thoughts

25-06-19, 21:30
Ok so everything was going well.

The burning mostly went away for a few days but tonight it's back again. The same pains as before, throat pain, burning chest/throat, back clenching feeling and lots of gas.

It's my birthday tomorrow and I just feel like rubbish now :(.

I'm also meant to be going away for the weekend on Friday and was looking forward to it but now feel like I'm back to square one.

All the thoughts of the amount of damage I'm doing inside me and thoughts of what else could be wrong.

Meh :(

25-06-19, 21:40
Are you still taking the omeprazole?

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25-06-19, 21:43
The Lansoprazole yeah, was working really well

25-06-19, 22:53
You could try gaviscon as well? That worked much better for me

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25-06-19, 22:54
What exactly have you been eating?

25-06-19, 23:07
What exactly have you been eating?

Exactly... When, what, how much? Keeping a food diary? Sticking to good FODMAP foods?

Positive thoughts

27-06-19, 11:31
Ok so today the burning level is back down again but something more alarming is happening.
So far this morning I have had to pee about 5 or 6 times, each time a lot of urine and clear.

Convinced myself the drugs are causing kidney damage or interstitial nephritis.

I'm meant to be going on holiday tomorrow for the weekend (for my birthday) :(.

27-06-19, 11:37
You don't have to be a slave to Google. If you're feeling basically okay, you almost certainly are basically okay.

27-06-19, 12:07
To be honest I'm not feeling basically OK, still getting the back pain, very low amount of burning and also had 2 bouts of diarrhoea this morning (apologies for the gruesome details).

Just read about this and freaking out.

Personally would you see a doctor today or just leave it? I'm away from my home town for 4 days after today so really not sure what to do

27-06-19, 12:11
Personally, no, I wouldn't, but then, I'm so afraid of medical stuff I've avoided seeking help for a broken elbow in the past.

That said, I know you're scared, but none of this sounds like a massive deal to me, it's all the kind of thing I get on a fairly regular basis and don't bother about that much.

27-06-19, 12:56
I had been sticking to FODMAP foods as much as possible yes, I couldn't find a trigger exactly because I have been repeating the foods I had previously eaten and not tried anything new.
The only potential trigger was a toothache I had a day before which gave me a moderate amount of anxiety.

I'm trying to be positive, honestly I am. My anxiety levels have overall been lower, but just when I feel like I'm doing well, BAM something else related to this hits me.

I've now had to pee around 7 times and have only drank 1 500ml bottle of water, roughly a quarter of another for taking my meds this morning and a small amount of milk with my breakfast (I know you're going to say this isn't FODMAP but I seem to be able to tolerate it). This is very abnormal for me and the only difference is the Lansoprazole, I think.

Also, thanks regarding my birthday, it actually turned out to be terrible. Lots of family arguments happened, I couldn't eat much and everyone thought I was ungrateful, which definitely wasn't the case I just didn't want to risk making this worse by eating cake etc. Still doesn't beat my 21st though when I got accused of flirting with my girlfriends sister leading to a massive family argument which resulted in months of awkwardness between everyone :D

Anyways, let's hope this weekend away is better and I can actually relax and enjoy some time away

27-06-19, 13:00
What does SSDD mean?

27-06-19, 13:20
Same Nonsense Different Day

27-06-19, 13:32
What does SSDD mean?

Excess waste elimination is an anxiety symptom caused by the bodies fight or flight instincts. Its your body's way of dealing with what it perceives as a threat, consciously or not. You may think your anxiety levels are lower but there's a bed of hot coals waiting for the next piece of wood.

SSDD means Same Shit, Different Day. I replied and realized that until you treat the real problem, words on a screen won't make a difference. Besides, not answering the questions concerning food actually was an answer. You're overweight, have a stressful job and have anxiety. Not exactly the best combination of circumstances. You know what you have to do so.....

Positive thoughts

27-06-19, 13:41
...Just to clarify, I'm also overweight, suffer from anxiety and have a fairly stressful job. If I'm not actually doubled over in agony, I tend to accept any GI symptoms I get as a consequence of this.

Haven't dropped dead yet.

27-06-19, 13:58
...Just to clarify, I'm also overweight, suffer from anxiety and have a fairly stressful job. If I'm not actually doubled over in agony, I tend to accept any GI symptoms I get as a consequence of this.

Haven't dropped dead yet.

I have my worries and life stresses like many others too but I don't ruminate over them nor do they affect me in the manner I see here, but I've had GI issues since treatment. In fact, I awoke this morning at 5am and have had a bad time since :( Not fun but it is what it is. When I've gone through very stressful times (like my wife's illness), I had all sorts of stress related symptoms so I know what stress can do to you physically. The difference is I don't jump to sinister conclusions nor dwell on them.

Positive thoughts

03-07-19, 08:45
Hi All,

Apologies for the delay in responding, I decided to try and stay away from the Internet and focus on myself and my break!
I had the best time ever on my holiday, but sadly it was only for the weekend and I'm back to work.
I managed to eat what I wanted to (I know I didn't follow FODMAP but I was determined to enjoy some good food with my family), including pizza!

Over the 4 days, I had one evening of terrible symptoms (the burning and belching came back badly), which was on the night before we had to leave.
I continued to take 2 of the Lansoprazole over the holiday but yesterday decided to drop back to one at my doctors recommendation..

Apologies for being crude, but for the first time in weeks I managed to have a solid, normal coloured bowel movement this morning! :)

I'm feeling in a better place at the moment, the symptoms seem to have gotten a bit better, even though they are still there at times. I have this afternoon booked off of work which I was going to use to make a doctors appointment, but I don't know whether to make the appointment or just leave it another week and see if there are other changes. What would you do? I'm not sure if he can do anything else at this time other than book me in with the Gastro team for an endoscopy (which he was trying to avoid for the time being to see if the issues were stress related or not).

Thanks for the help everyone and Fishmanpa, hope your GI issues have subsided for the time being? :D

12-07-19, 11:21

So the past week has been OK - a small amount of burning, some pain and discomfort above the bellybutton and around my stomach in general.
Been trying not to think about it.

Yesterday, I had my ENT appointment (from another thread a while back), and I was very nervous because I didn't know what they were going to do.
For the past few days I've had a bit more bloating and pain and a very small amount of gas (burping mainly) and some clenching feelings on the right side of my back (like someone is gripping my back)
I put that down to anxiety and carried on, went for my appointment yesterday (they put a camera up my nose which made me have a panic attack, but I managed to get through it! Positive :D. And he also said my nose and throat are all OK).

Yesterday evening, I ate a couple of HARD Mikado biscuit stick thingy's.. nothing happened.. I felt fine etc.
This morning I've woken up with different, but moderately bad pains in my back, quite high up, roughly behind the 2nd rib in on the right hand side (but further towards the middle).

Normally I wouldn't pay attention to it, like the other pains, but this one is provoked by belching, everytime I push it hurts, and everytime I swallow liquid it hurts too.
Swallowing without anything in my mouth is fine. And the pain does come on randomly too.
I'm still on Lansoprazole 30mg but my doctor said to drop to 15mg within 2 weeks (1 week if I didn't have a bad patch, which I have).

I'm not massively anxious but can feel myself about to spiral.
I'm not sure whether to book a doctors appointment or just try and ride it out.

Has anyone ever had this before or can give me some advice on what to do?