View Full Version : Pudendal neuralgia paranoia

mary jane
15-06-19, 13:49
Hi everyone

I've had vulvodynia on and off since 2013.
Treated this with amitriptyline and lyrica. Tried weaning off amitriptyline and at 30 mg I had a horrible relapse. I now had a new symptom: severe buzzing of nerves in the perineum, worst at night before sleep. Would often wake me up from my sleep.
I went back on 50 mg amitriptyline and added lyrica 150 mg ... felt great for 4 months but now I have some breakthrough symptoms.. I don't know why I have this buzzing, my biggest phobia is pudendal neuralgia. A diagnosis of pudendal neuaralgia scares me more than cancer !
Has anyone ever had this symtpom? I also take magnesium for it, maybe it stops ...
I am seeing a specialist consultant soon but this is in 3 months ...
thank you

17-06-19, 00:09
Hi everyone

I've had vulvodynia on and off since 2013.
Treated this with amitriptyline and lyrica. Tried weaning off amitriptyline and at 30 mg I had a horrible relapse. I now had a new symptom: severe buzzing of nerves in the perineum, worst at night before sleep. Would often wake me up from my sleep.
I went back on 50 mg amitriptyline and added lyrica 150 mg ... felt great for 4 months but now I have some breakthrough symptoms.. I don't know why I have this buzzing, my biggest phobia is pudendal neuralgia. A diagnosis of pudendal neuaralgia scares me more than cancer !
Has anyone ever had this symtpom? I also take magnesium for it, maybe it stops ...
I am seeing a specialist consultant soon but this is in 3 months ...
thank you

Mary Jane I get something similar when I have tension in the pelvic floor. After a bad day the buzzing sensation sometimes starts when I lie down.
Do you think you have a hypertonic pelvuc floor?
Best wishes, Ruth

17-06-19, 13:51
I have had this, too. I feel like I have some pelvic floor issues and I get lower back pain/sciatica. But the only time I had this was when I was very, very anxious last summer. It was a vibration just like you explain and I was worried about the same thing as you. But, once my anxiety passed so did this sensation. I'll get it on the top of my food sometimes and realized I can actually make it start and stop by focusing on it. The mind is sooooo powerful!