View Full Version : Nerve Pain, yet again.

16-06-19, 12:08
So the past few weeks I was very anxious on a lot of things including my fear of herniated disc for some reason, despite the fact that I am physically fit and young. Second Attack was severe to the point I went to the ER to get attended because I worried about my infrequent urination which was resolved AFTER I went out of the ER (Which really ticked me off) though my urinalysis said I had a bit of infection. Now after all those attacks I'm getting these vague pains which ranges from mild to moderate specifically Burning, Prickling, and Aches. I'm now worried that I have a nerve related disease! I went to a neurologist to speak about my anxiety for the very first time but he just sent me off with anti-anxiety meds and appointed me to a Adolescent Psychiatrist. I can't get my mind off to nerve related conditions despite our family having not one serious illnesses, and I am still 16!

16-06-19, 14:15
You're on the right track with meds and a psychiatrist. Many young people here suffer and don't get the help they need.

Positive thoughts