View Full Version : Flushed Face

16-06-19, 21:49
Hello all,

I am a 23 year old, active women who is 5 months post partum. I had A LOT of issues post pregnancy including a double, severe ear infection that took three months to completely heal. I was left with basically chronic dizziness. That now only occurs when my allergies are flaring (which is always). My anxiety usually ebbs and flows and right now it is very high. My job is stressful, I have a five month old who is teething and we are looking to buy a house. I have been noticing my heart rate has been high. I wear an Apple Watch and my resting heart rate has been in the high 70s low 80s which seems high. I am more aware of my heart rate too. Like, hyper vigilant. I get extremely obsessed with certain symptoms and can’t let them go. I was convinced I had MS (because of the dizziness) after pregnancy and had an MRI done. It showed a ton of sinus cysts which causes my chronic dizziness.
My face has been flushing too. It feels hot and is red. The only medication I take is lexapro and bus par every day and asthma inhalers when needed.
Any one with similar stories/coping mechanisms? I’ve been working out every day and that helps but only in the moment. At night I am left with my thoughts, and at work I am consumed with my thoughts.

17-06-19, 01:17
Have you considered ditching the watch or deleting/disabling the app? Obviously its adding to your hyper vigilance and self-checking behaviors thus increasing your anxiety. If you find it too difficult to do so, ask your other half to do it for you.

Positive thoughts