View Full Version : Ate a raw buger - what do I do now?!

17-06-19, 16:31
I'm on holiday in France and I ordered a steak hauch burger. It came with lots of ketchup on. When I started to eat it, I thought the pink I could see was from the ketchup. Then about half way through, I realised that it was actually the meat that was pink - some of it looked raw!

I'm really scared. I know that rare steak is ok as the bacteria is on the outside of the meat, so as long as the outsides are seared, it's fine. But in a burger, it's all mashed up so the outside meat is on the inside too, so the bacteria is on the inside, hence the need to cook it thoroughly.

I feel so trapped. I'm here with my bf who is being s complete ass about it if I'm honest. I've tried to voice my concerns but he just accused me of being ignorant towards French culture. He just said "that's the way they do it here. If you can't understand that then you're an idiot". He won't listen.

What should I do? I know it's too late to do anything so I need to just wait and see if I get sick. But I'm scared to go too far from the apartment in case I get sick. I'm worried about flying home in a few days in case I have food poisoning. I'm terrified of getting E Coli. What would you do? Could a doctor do anything now? Do I have to just wait and see? Any advice would be appreciated!

17-06-19, 16:40
What sort of place was it? If it was the equivalent of a late-night burger van, I'd be mildly concerned; if it was a reputable pub or restaurant you have no need to worry in the least. To an extent, your boyfriend is right; a lot of places do serve burgers medium rare, and they wouldn't do it if it was a huge safety risk. I've eaten plenty of burgers like this before and it's not something that would concern me in the least.

You don't need to see a doctor, just chalk it up to experience and make sure you know to ask for your burger well done in future.

17-06-19, 16:49
I'm afraid to say your BF is right, not that you are an idiot LOL but it IS how they do it in France. I recall being shocked by it when ordering childrens' burgers a good few years ago in France, and when I saw they'd eaten most of them and they were raw meat inside I was.....arrrghhhh. Incidentally, nobody was ill! Just because it is pink-looking doesn't mean that the temperature wasn't correct internally to kill any potential bacteria anyway....and I should imagine that if you went to a decent place that would be what happened. Thinks also of rare steaks and other red meat joints, nobody bats an eyelid at eating them. In some EU countries they also classify meat I think, as mince which is 'ok' to eat like you had it, or even completely raw ie. entirely free of potential contaminants, and meat which should be cooked the whole way through. Don't know if this applies to France, but it is possible. I think you'll honestly be fine, otherwise many French people would be walking round with stomach cramps all day lol

17-06-19, 16:57
You get it in the UK, too - I had a burger like that a couple of weeks ago, at a place where I was well aware that was how they were served. Personally, I quite like it, but others (such as my husband) don't and I do wish places in the UK that habitually serve medium-rare burgers would make a note so people who don't like it could speak up accordingly. Restaurants have to pass safety and hygiene inspections, though - all else aside, it's not good business to kill your customers!

17-06-19, 16:58
Steak hache is a thing in France, I remember being a bit disgusted by the idea but I’m in the minority. You’ll be fine.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

17-06-19, 17:00
Ah ok, I don't eat meat and haven't for 20 years, so didn't know it had become more common here too.

You are quite right, making customers ill or killing them is NOT a good idea. lol

18-06-19, 08:52
Thanks for a of the replies. It does help to know that others have had similar experiences and been fine. I feel a bit queazy today but I think I drank a little too much wine last night so it's probably that! Also my bf ate the other half of the burger and seems fine too. I'm still a little nervous in case it does happen, but not as much as I was.

18-06-19, 08:53
It's understandable to be nervous, but I'm 99% sure you'll be okay :)

18-06-19, 09:23
It's understandable to be nervous, but I'm 99% sure you'll be okay :)


It's very common to eat raw minced beef in France. And quite frankly, you could eat raw chicken and be fine 99.99% of the time too.