View Full Version : Itching when in hot water?

18-06-19, 21:23
I like to have my showers and baths very hot but they always make me itchy. It goes away as soon a as I get out normally. I googled itching after shower and I thought it would just say it was normal and everyone gets in but it came up with some scary diseases like one that makes your blood thicker and clot. Now I’m really freaking out because my gran has blood clots in her lungs.

I also get a red blotchy rash on my legs from the hot shower but also thought this was normal?? Hot water bottles make me itch too if I have them too close to my skin I’m really freaked out now...I don’t have dry skin either.

18-06-19, 21:29
Probably mild eczema. My face gets red and splotchy after a hot shower and recently when my allergies were really bad I let the hot water run directly on my face for like 15 minutes and actually got an eczema rash that stuck around for almost a week. Hot water make eczema flair up.

I'll add - I've never been diagnosed with this, but my husband has is and my daughter had it as a baby so it's my best guess. Most people get it worse in the winter, but I get it on my face and lips in the summer, especially when I'm out in the sun.

18-06-19, 21:34
Wouldn’t eczema be visible all the time tho? My skin is normally smooth and doesn’t feel dry or flakey at all.

18-06-19, 22:17
I don't know, but I don't think so. My face gets really splotchy for like 30 minutes after my shower. It only got dry and flakey that one time that I really stayed under the shower for a long time. It might not be eczema, but it sounds similar to what you're experiencing and seems normal to me.

18-06-19, 22:43
Do you have to have it so hot if it makes you itch - seems a bit odd to do something that causes you issues.

18-06-19, 23:10
Do you have to have it so hot if it makes you itch - seems a bit odd to do something that causes you issues.

I like it hot because it relaxes me and helps my anxiety. The itching is just a mild annoyance.

18-06-19, 23:30
Ok so I am not sure what the issue is then - you do something that causes a problem then why do it?

If this is a serious worry then please stop doing it.

19-06-19, 05:04
I get the blotching and itching with hot water; sometimes the skin on my face in particular goes powdery and flakes off afterwards. So, I make sure not to have the water too hot when I shower. It doesn't fix things completely bit it definitely makes it easier.