View Full Version : Numb on nose, cheeks, and mouth?

19-06-19, 23:13
Does anyone get numbness or a numb-like feeling in your nose, cheeks or mouth? I get this from time to time, and I wonder if it's related to anxiety or panic attacks?

My post-traumatic stress was seriously triggered last week, and I've had several scary symptoms ever since. I feel like my body punishes me for being stressed and anxious. It brings on physical symptoms like pain, numbness, and weakness, which feeds my anxiety even more, leading to a vicious cycle.

20-06-19, 06:52
I sometimes get numbness in my cheeks, yes - it freaks me out but it tends to go away fairly quickly.

Sorry you've been suffering lately.

24-06-19, 05:03
Thanks, BlueIris. Does your numbness only come on when yourey significantly stressed or anxious? Or does it sometimes start when you're feeling happy and calm?

24-06-19, 05:21
It tends to be when I'm feeling if not anxious, then definitely when I'm a bit frazzled.

24-06-19, 17:43
Thanks, BlueIris. I wonder if my body is still so stressed from the PTSD trigger that it's cycling through these symptoms until I'm finally truly settled down again.

24-06-19, 17:46
I've been learning about facial numbness as a symptom of anxiety, and while many people get it, the articles I've read say that it only happens in two situations:
1) the person is hyperventilating
2) the person is in fight or flight mode

When people get facial numbness while they apparently feel calm, do you think they still have anxiety in the back of their mind? Would you say they could be hyperventilating or in fight or flight mode, without being consciously aware of it?

13-08-19, 22:13
This symptom is reoccurring. It's so intense, it's scary. Can anyone else please share their experience with facial or mouth numbness?

07-11-19, 01:54
Today I had numbness in my upper gums again, but I was able to keep working through it. It's so unnerving to have so many strange symptoms in my face and throat, though. It's been a hard year with SO many symptoms that I'm beginning to feel defeated. :(