View Full Version : 4 year old - 3rd fever in a month!!

20-06-19, 05:16
Guys, I am so worried about my son. He is the light of my life and I am sooooo scared that something is seriously wrong with him :( It’s breaking me into a thousand pieces. This is his 3rd fever in a month. He has been getting a fever once every week! I don’t understand what’s happening and my mind is jumping to leukaemia. I have never ever been so distraught in my life. I can take healthy anxiety about myself easily but I can’t take it with my children. I would rather die. I love him so so much that just talking about it makes me cry. I am taking him to the pedeatrician tomorrow and I know blood tests will be done. Which again is heartbreaking. Has anyone had experience with repeated fevers in their children? He is 4 btw

20-06-19, 05:29
So sorry you're going through this! It's so hard to see our kids sick! My 5 year old has had a fever reaching 103 for four days now! I really think this time of year is just the pits. I always let my guard down and stop using sanitizer and having good hand washing habits because flu season is over and my daughter ALWAYS gets sick. She had a horrendous week long cold two weeks ago, then pink eye, and now whatever this virus is. The very most likely scenario is that he's just picking up bugs or working on fighting off a few things at a time. There are lots of summer viruses out there.

20-06-19, 06:00
Thank you for your response Erin. It has made me feel a little better. I can’t bear for anything to happen to my children (just like all parents). I have been lying awake since I discovered he has a fever again. Currently lying next to him in his bedroom and trying to stay sane. It’s 1 AM. So I have to somehow make it through the night to take him to the doctors tomorrow. I’m hoping it’s just a new virus or perhaps exhaustion. We took him downtown today and there was loads of walking and it was quite hot. Even though we kept the kids hydrated but he had been acting quite lethargic closer to the end of the trip.. bah. I can’t stop crying

20-06-19, 12:23
My 2 1/2 year old started day care when she was 18 months old and she got a fever almost every week for a few months. The doctor told me it was being exposed to germs at daycare and it was just her immune system getting used to things. I was worried at first, too, because none of my other kids got fevers as regularly even though they all went to daycare. I got quite obsessive with taking her temperature all the time, and really understand how you feel. My daughter just stopped getting the fevers after a few months. Is your 4 year old starting preschool or anything similar where they might be getting exposed to new germs like my daughter? I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about :)

20-06-19, 14:21
Thanks worrywart. No, he’s been in school for a year and really hasn’t been one to get sick. I am taking him to the doc today in a few hours

20-06-19, 16:18
My daughter is 5 now, and once had a spate like that with a fever every other week. It was all “just” viral, but I kept marching her to the doctor because scarlet fever was doing the rounds.

They can catch so many things, it’s so hard to watch and I completely understand your anxiety because I’m pretty much the same. But he’ll be ok soon and you’ll forget about it x

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20-06-19, 21:55
Hi Scass,

Thank you for the reassurance. It’s nice to hear from a fellow parent who has gone through the same. My son’s doc said it’s just the season and my son is picking up viruses because his body is not getting the time to recover completely. So she recommended keeping him home from the nursery for a bit and just taking it easy. I’m still a bit worried though. She didn’t mention blood tests or anything. My son is now having a little diarrhea - the doc suspected he may be fighting off a stomach bug. Just strange because none of us are as sick as he is. We all had a fever 3 weeks ago with him, but after that he caught two more bugs

20-06-19, 22:18
Hi Scass,

Thank you for the reassurance. It’s nice to hear from a fellow parent who has gone through the same. My son’s doc said it’s just the season and my son is picking up viruses because his body is not getting the time to recover completely. So she recommended keeping him home from the nursery for a bit and just taking it easy. I’m still a bit worried though. She didn’t mention blood tests or anything. My son is now having a little diarrhea - the doc suspected he may be fighting off a stomach bug. Just strange because none of us are as sick as he is. We all had a fever 3 weeks ago with him, but after that he caught two more bugs

He’s just not used to fighting them off yet, the bugs he gets you’ve likely dealt with before and therefore they aren’t so much an issue, I know when I was growing up my mum wouldn’t get sick from taking care of me when I was.

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20-06-19, 23:52
I know the feeling well. My eldest daughter is 5 in August and one month last year she had vomiting bug, with a fever, then a virus with a fever two weeks later, and then another fever again 3 weeks after that! You feel really helpless and upset seeing them ill.

She's also had some ridiculously scary fevers. She was ill one time, just looked like a normal cold/virus, but her temp spiked to 40, so we rang NHS 111 and they said take her to A&E. While waiting in A&E it went up to 42! 108 in Farenheit btw. We were completely panicking, but were seen by two docs who didnt seem concerned at all! She did seem sort of ok in herself which was weird. The joys of parenting eh.

21-06-19, 06:06
Mr.Lurcher, the same thing happened to us today. We just got back from the ER! My son’s fever spiked to 40.6! It was pretty scary because it wasn’t going down with Tylenol. So we took him in and the doc did a chest X-ray, blood test and urine test. Thank God he’s fine. That peace of mind is just invaluable. Especially when it comes to the little ones. The doc was glad we came in because his fever was so high and wouldn’t let us leave without a blood test. So glad that’s done! Hopefully this can serve as reassurance for anyone that goes through the same