View Full Version : Anyone Having Physical Symptoms 24/7

31-05-19, 11:24
Hiya Guys

I've been posting more frequent on here lately as I've really been struggling with the Physical side of things, it really helps to see that people have had similar experiences as at the minute I really don't know what to do.

I wen't to see my GP yesterday and he said that I'm a ''MYSTERY'' as I've been seeing him weekly now for the past 2 Months, He's pushing for me to see a cardiologist now as he can see my anxiety has improved ten fold since the start and wants to rule any serious medical issue out before sending me to see a psych.

Tests I've had so far:
Brain MRI
Multiple Blood Tests
More ECG's than I can count
Eye T

Tests I'm waiting on
48 Halter Monitor
Heart Echo

I can appreciate that anxiety can bring on a whole cluster of symptoms, but what I'm most concerned about is mine are 24/7 with barely any windows so I'm convinced something sinister is going on... even my doctor is starting to believe it could be more than just anxiety

Here's my long ass list of symptoms -
Bubbling Sensations
Heart Beat feeling in ear
Head aches
Hair Loss

Crackling and popping noises

Buzzing Sensations
Irregular heart rate jumps between 85-120 when resting, 120-150 when walking
Air Hunger
Burning pains around heart and lungs
Pulled muscle feeling type pains too
Shortness of breath
Noises from lungs when laying down
Bounding Pulse

Joint Pain
Elbow Pulses

Pins and Needles

Buzzing & vibrating sensations
Pins and Needles

Buzzing & Vibrations
Joint Pain
Shin Pain
Joints crack alot when walking too

Never feel hungry but can eat as normal
Buzzing and vibrations
Weight gain
Not needing the toilet as much

Visual Snow
Flashing lights and kaleidoscope patterns when I close my eyes

Extreme Insomnia

I'm only 25 but my body feels about 70 haha

Anxiety around the symptoms I have

All this started when I had a bad reaction to Citalopram but got took off them 8-9 weeks ago and haven't been on a SSRI since
1MG Lorazepam (Ativan) For sleep as I can't physically sleep without them

I really didn't know something psychological could cause all this and I just feel lost as I don't know how to fix it

The main things that scare me is the constant body buzzing and vibration, I dont feel real

I still work full time and the whole time I'm not focused on what I'm doing, I'm just inside my own head thinking about whats going on

Can anyone relate?

31-05-19, 11:59
I've seen it here dozens and dozens of times. A young person basically incapacitated with physical and mental symptoms of anxiety. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) The element of OCD in your HA is quite apparent in your post as the detailed and extensive list of symptoms illustrates. You're hyper-focused on every physical sensation, many of which are normal and most people wouldn't give it a 2nd thought. Your GP is practicing CYA medicine and I agree that real life professional mental health help is warranted.

Positive thoughts

31-05-19, 12:15
Hi Cub,

What you’re describing sounds almost identical to how I was a couple of months ago. I’m 27 and I felt like I was near death most of the time!

It’s anxiety and stress doing it all. I’m a lot better than I was a couple of months ago and the only thing that’s really helped is time I think. I was as you describe for about 4-5 months and have been getting gradually better since but it is very gradual!

When your mind is truly not thinking about how you’re feeling, you will feel a lot better. It takes time for your mind to start focusing on other things again so don’t expect anything to get better quickly as that will just increase the stress.

I know it’s hard to believe as no one can really explain the symptoms and why they’re caused by stress and anxiety. You will start to believe it over time when nothing has gotten any worse and you’re still here and then it starts getting easier.

Sorry I haven’t got anything more helpful for you!


31-05-19, 12:45
Yeah it's crazy how many symptoms I've got going on at the moment, It's fully taking over my life

The one thing that concerns me is I don't get breaks from a lot of them like the body buzzing and vibrations they seem to be constant

other things come and go

31-05-19, 12:46
I've seen it here dozens and dozens of times. A young person basically incapacitated with physical and mental symptoms of anxiety. (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms) The element of OCD in your HA is quite apparent in your post as the detailed and extensive list of symptoms illustrates. You're hyper-focused on every physical sensation, many of which are normal and most people wouldn't give it a 2nd thought. Your GP is practicing CYA medicine and I agree that real life professional mental health help is warranted.

Positive thoughts

Yeah it's crazy how many symptoms I've got going on at the moment, It's fully taking over my life

The one thing that concerns me is I don't get breaks from a lot of them like the body buzzing and vibrations they seem to be constant

other things come and go

31-05-19, 12:48
Hi Cub,

What you’re describing sounds almost identical to how I was a couple of months ago. I’m 27 and I felt like I was near death most of the time!

It’s anxiety and stress doing it all. I’m a lot better than I was a couple of months ago and the only thing that’s really helped is time I think. I was as you describe for about 4-5 months and have been getting gradually better since but it is very gradual!

When your mind is truly not thinking about how you’re feeling, you will feel a lot better. It takes time for your mind to start focusing on other things again so don’t expect anything to get better quickly as that will just increase the stress.

I know it’s hard to believe as no one can really explain the symptoms and why they’re caused by stress and anxiety. You will start to believe it over time when nothing has gotten any worse and you’re still here and then it starts getting easier.

Sorry I haven’t got anything more helpful for you!


Yeah I guess I need to try and distract my mind to other places and slow down abit

I've been focused on purely on the symptoms and getting better every minute of every day so i guess I just need to find away of accepting the symptoms

Once I've had my heart tests I think I'll be able to settle abit more because then I've literally been tested for everything so it must be anxiety

05-06-19, 16:47
Has anyone got any hints and tips on how to lose the hyperfocus?

In the sense of feeling your pulse in different parts of your body without even thinking about it

I can feel it in my head, chest , legs , elbows when I'm sitting down, or trying to sleep

its so annoying

But I see alot of people with Anxiety and HA go through it

05-06-19, 20:49
If anything this should HELP health anxiety, not cause it.

Being able to feel pulses in the limbs is actually reassuring as when arterial flow is blocked (by plaque etc) pulses disappear. So really this says you have good blood supply to the limbs.

Sorry I can't be of more help

05-06-19, 23:39
If anything this should HELP health anxiety, not cause it.

Being able to feel pulses in the limbs is actually reassuring as when arterial flow is blocked (by plaque etc) pulses disappear. So really this says you have good blood supply to the limbs.

Sorry I can't be of more help

I get what you are saying but it’s also quite alarming for me, It makes me think that my hearts beating too hard
it also stops me from sleeping as all I can feel is my head pulse on the pillow, or my body pulsing when laying down

its horrible

06-06-19, 14:21
I'm more than aware that anxiety can create some horrible symptoms and exacerbate bodily feelings, but when you feel like you have a serious Illness forming or getting worse how do you separate the two?

I only ask because I've become quite ill with all this over the past 3 months ever since I had a funny turn off celexa and my body seems to be deteriorating, since then I've had tonsillitis twice and now I'm on my third chest infection.

I have symptoms 24hrs a day with no windows

Current medications I'm on:
Amoxicillin and prednisolone for my chest
Lorazepam 1mg for sleep

Tests I've had
Brain MRI
Multiple Blood tests
Multiple ECG's

Tests I'm waiting on
48hr Heart Tape due to have 5/7/2019
Heart echo awaiting date

So the first confusing symptom I get between is it something serious or is it anxiety is VIBRATION/ BUBBLING
This all started off in my left leg and foot, then progressed to my right foot.... Then up to my lung area and my head
Since it spread to my lungs I have become very short of breath and can notice the sensation with almost every breath I take. I feel like this is a build up of fluids in my lungs or bronchitis
I've had 3 chest infections in the space of around 7-8 weeks so surely something greater must be causing this.

The second is my heart-
Since suffering with anxiety and health anxiety my heart has taken a great deal of of crap now it seems to be stuck in panic mode....
My resting pulse fluctuates between 90-120 BPM and misses a beat around every 2-3 minutes ( the paramedics have caught this happening on an ecg)
I keep thinking is it an illness driving this or just stress and anxiety, I'm awaiting further testing on my heart so I guess I'll have to wait and see

Third is Bounding pulse and hyper awareness to body functions -
So I know it's good to know your heart is beating, but being able to feel this in different parts of my body is quite scary and also quite debilitating.
It feels like my heart is working over time and beating to hard, I can feel it in the sides of my head which stops me from sleeping, I can feel it in my legs and elbows when I'm sat at my desk.
Body functions, I can feel alot more movement in my body, feels like bloodflow in my legs, buzzing sensations all over, air getting caught in my lungs I feel it all day long

Fourth is my body-
I have started to look my washed out in color, My hair is falling out more and more... every time I look down at the desk more hair
My hands have aged ridiculously fast in the past couple of months, blue veins have arisen to the surface and I keep getting bruising on the top
same with my feet they are now way more pale and the veins have surfaced, also been getting slight mottling on my legs, arms & back
I've noticed I've got some lumps under my skin too in the chest area scared that these are inflamed nodes
I'm scare that these are end of life symptoms
Muscle twitches and Cracking joints is another biggy

fifth is- Sinuses and eyes
I feel like I have a lot of sinus pressure, I keep hearing stuff like little cracking noises coming from my nose etc, I'm not producing much mucus (which brings me back to the scared of my lungs becoming filled by it part)
I keep having ringing and pulsating in my ears, it also feels like my head is bubbling at times very strange sensation.
Eye floaters and visual snow are also big problems for me, I also see flashing lights and geometric patterns when I have my eyes closed so I'm scared it's a pressure problem causing these
pupils are dilated pretty much 24/7 and dry eyes

Sixth- Bowels
Everytime I take a sip of everything Im belching straight away even water, then also hear hissing noises coming from my throat, my stomach feels like its really in a bad way too
only going to the toilet like once ever 3 days, I have no apatite either I'm just eating for the sake of it but haven't felt actual hunger in ages

Other symptoms
- Head Pressure
- Feeling Dizzy and faint
- Air Hunger
- Intrusive thoughts
- Chest tightness and chest pains
- Burning sensations
- Low level vibration throughout body
- Fatigue
- No apatite
- fevers and sweats

I've had two ambulances out to me this week already as I've felt that Ill, Countless trips to the ER and weekly trips to my Doctor

I know the symptoms of anxiety but I also know what real illness feels like

So when I'm going to my doctor I feel like he's not looking into it properly and I seem to be getting worse as the weeks go by

Thinking about seeing a private doctor as I'm becoming helpless, my doctor at the minute is literally slumped he told me he simply doesn't know what is going on

When all this started I was stupid enough to Google everything and came across end of life symptoms and I'm just fixated that's the explanation for everything, and that I'm on my way out

My parents feel helpless too and I'm sick of worrying them as they are in ill health too

I just feel so lost with no hope that all these symptoms will just go away, I'm expecting something major to happen like me dying, a stroke, heart attack, etc

I'm only 25 and feel like death, literally living a nightmare

it sucks

But back to my original topic how do I know what is anxiety and what is not?

06-06-19, 14:35
I’ve been there, truly. And I am mostly recovered. I posted in success stories the other day about what helped me. But the main thing is - stop diagnosing yourself, stop going to the doctors, stop fixating on your anxiety. Just press on. Stop looking things up. Get outside. Seek any distraction. You won’t feel better instantly, it might take months and you will cycle back and forth. But if you ignore it I bet you will slowly get better. Read the story I posted down the page and maybe seek out the book.

06-06-19, 14:44

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


06-06-19, 18:15
I’ve been there, truly. And I am mostly recovered. I posted in success stories the other day about what helped me. But the main thing is - stop diagnosing yourself, stop going to the doctors, stop fixating on your anxiety. Just press on. Stop looking things up. Get outside. Seek any distraction. You won’t feel better instantly, it might take months and you will cycle back and forth. But if you ignore it I bet you will slowly get better. Read the story I posted down the page and maybe seek out the book.

Honestly though the body symptoms terrify me they are so intense, so my doctor wants to rule everything out first

the reason I’m in hospital and have so many ambulances out to me is because at the time I literally feel like I’m going to die

its a horrid life to live as you know

06-06-19, 18:18
If you're upright and typing, it's generally safe to assume it's anxiety until you're not.

06-06-19, 19:17
The best thing you can do is to avoid focusing on everything, and also to avoid focusing on improving . I went through a three month period last year's winter/spring with what ultimately is a real, but totally harmless thing that caused a lot of weird symptoms, some similar to some of yours (but not nearly as many) where I thought every moment I was about to die and saw several specialists and had several heart/brain tests. I was a wreck. Missed a lot of work, even at key dates where I was needed. I even went to the ER and spent a night in the stroke watch ward as a precaution! I was absolutely convinced it was all coming to an end.

My condition (vestibular migraines) remained (and still does) but when I lowered how often I focused on my symptoms, they lessened. The tests all coming back clear also helped my anxiety a ton, and in turn that lowered my symptoms too. It wasn't instant, but in the weeks and months that followed I felt more and more "well", "normal", "human", whatever.

So how to do that? Not easy of course but here are my suggestions:

- Keep following through with your doctors and tests as scheduled. They are probably just doing CYA medicine but roll with it.

- Do NOT Google

- Do NOT track, record, journal, etc your symptoms or how you feel each day.

- Meditate daily, maybe 2x a day

- Take short walks (longer if you feel up to it)

- Sleep a regular schedule

- Keep your mind busy. Read (not about health), watch movies, play games, whatever.

- And the hard part, choose to NOT care how you feel at any given moment. Like when you wake up and go to the shower or whatever you do, if your mind runs to how your symptoms are doing, accept that it is how you are right now and that it is OK for it to be like that today. If it's solely from anxiety, it will fade when you get control. If it's from a real medical issue, the doctors will help treat it.

As for the pulse thing, I experience it in my head, ear, neck, sometime legs from time to time. Very annoying, especially on the pillow, but it's not an indicator of anything.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

06-06-19, 19:28
JRay, that is excellent advice and almost exactly my experience too. My health anxiety kicked off after experiencing a migraine with aura and I convinced myself I was dying. All my tests checked out, doctors seemed unconcerned, but I was terrified that something more was happening. It wasn’t until nearly a year later I truly began to recover and feel normal, and I have come to find out only a month ago that my brother has suffered from similar migraines since age 11, as do a ton of other people. It is in fact very common and not at all a sign of my doom. But it was very scary in the beginning and letting myself dive into the anxiety created a ton of symptoms that had nothing to do with a migraine - which can itself be a sign of anxiety and stress.

The best thing to do is just move along with each day.

06-06-19, 19:33
And honestly too I would avoid forums. Seeing what other people worry about and remembering those feelings spikes my health anxiety. It is helpful in the beginning to accept that anxiety sufferers can feel these things and find out what works to help, but at some point it becomes more anxiety producing. I stopped back in after over a year to tell people what helped me since I remember how terrible I felt back then. But now I should back away again!

06-06-19, 20:56
And honestly too I would avoid forums. Seeing what other people worry about and remembering those feelings spikes my health anxiety. It is helpful in the beginning to accept that anxiety sufferers can feel these things and find out what works to help, but at some point it becomes more anxiety producing. I stopped back in after over a year to tell people what helped me since I remember how terrible I felt back then. But now I should back away again!

This is an interesting and very valid point. For some members, the forum is actually part of their illness. It would be extremely stressful if the member were not able to post their thoughts, feelings and fears. For many, its essentially a public blog that get replies, affirmation and reassurance. The same thing can be accomplished by a personal blog or journal but would not fulfill the dragon.

There's also the point you made about introducing new anxieties. You weren't on the boards during the ebola scare a few years ago (you should have seen the number of threads!) and if you notice, threads seem to come in waves.... Nodes, cancer, asbestos, rabies etc. Like you said, the forum is a blessing in knowing you're not alone and its cathartic to be able to write out your thoughts, feelings and fears, it can also be detrimental to recovery.

Positive thoughts

06-06-19, 23:19
The best thing you can do is to avoid focusing on everything, and also to avoid focusing on improving . I went through a three month period last year's winter/spring with what ultimately is a real, but totally harmless thing that caused a lot of weird symptoms, some similar to some of yours (but not nearly as many) where I thought every moment I was about to die and saw several specialists and had several heart/brain tests. I was a wreck. Missed a lot of work, even at key dates where I was needed. I even went to the ER and spent a night in the stroke watch ward as a precaution! I was absolutely convinced it was all coming to an end.

My condition (vestibular migraines) remained (and still does) but when I lowered how often I focused on my symptoms, they lessened. The tests all coming back clear also helped my anxiety a ton, and in turn that lowered my symptoms too. It wasn't instant, but in the weeks and months that followed I felt more and more "well", "normal", "human", whatever.

So how to do that? Not easy of course but here are my suggestions:

- Keep following through with your doctors and tests as scheduled. They are probably just doing CYA medicine but roll with it.

- Do NOT Google

- Do NOT track, record, journal, etc your symptoms or how you feel each day.

- Meditate daily, maybe 2x a day

- Take short walks (longer if you feel up to it)

- Sleep a regular schedule

- Keep your mind busy. Read (not about health), watch movies, play games, whatever.

- And the hard part, choose to NOT care how you feel at any given moment. Like when you wake up and go to the shower or whatever you do, if your mind runs to how your symptoms are doing, accept that it is how you are right now and that it is OK for it to be like that today. If it's solely from anxiety, it will fade when you get control. If it's from a real medical issue, the doctors will help treat it.

As for the pulse thing, I experience it in my head, ear, neck, sometime legs from time to time. Very annoying, especially on the pillow, but it's not an indicator of anything.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

That was a powerful read
thanks for the advice I really appreciate it

07-06-19, 01:08
No problem, hang in there!

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

13-06-19, 14:36
Still experiencing this everyday

awaiting heart tests still got one on 9/7/2019 and seeing a cardiologist on 1/8/19

so long to wait

hopefully it is my brain causing all these sensations and not something serious

20-06-19, 14:26

I've been suffering physical symptoms 24/7 for about 3 months now

It's rare that I have a window from all this madness, I'm working on improving my anxiety now and have just started a course of CBD

Does anyone else suffer symptoms all day everyday even when not anxious?

It's making me feel like I'm really ill, even though all my tests are coming back clear

If you do what are your symptoms?

Mine are
Bounding pulse, Stomach troubles, vibrations in chest legs & feet, sinus pressure, palpitations, visual snow & tinnitus

Can anyone relate?

20-06-19, 15:02

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
