View Full Version : Anxiety/OCD on philosophy

20-06-19, 18:10
Is it just me or does anxiety have a nasty habit of dragging you into philosophical situations you don't want to be in?

I feel like when something triggers that anxiety I'm left with constant philosophy thoughts and sometimes even having to look up stuff like existentialism and stuff. I use to be VERY bad at this when I was 18. Now its scaring me to death as I don't want it interfering with my life and questioning everything. I just want to enjoy my interests. It also makes me avoid movies that spout philosophical mumbo jumbo.

Is it normal that, when you get worked up over stuff like this, its just your anxiety going nuts? Thanks.

22-06-19, 15:06
I'm constantly having existential crises about death. It's horrible knowing that one day you're gonna die, especially with health anxiety, which I experience

22-06-19, 15:34
All philosophy is ultimately mumbo jumbo.

If it bothers you, avoid it. No need to feel the need to get involved in it.