View Full Version : Has anyone had health anxiety but towards mental health

20-06-19, 20:53
As title says has anyone had health anxiety but fears of going crazy? Or they will loose it etc? About getting phychsosis or something? It's such a hard one to try beat.

20-06-19, 20:58
Loads of people have. There are threads here about it all the time.

Psychosis can only really be caused by chemical, physical or trauma damage. And by trauma I mean experiences way beyond what 99.9% of us have experienced here. The worst anxiety you've ever felt is nothing like true trauma, so no. You can't get psychosis from anxiety.

20-06-19, 21:01
Scroll to the bottom of the page to see similar threads or do a search. It will yield pages of similar posts.

Positive thoughts

20-06-19, 23:32
Yes. In fact one of my first biggest episodes of health anxiety was an obsession/fear of developing schizophrenia. I must have spent 3/4 months worrying during my last year in university, consantly checking my peripheral vision, doing online screening tests, looking on youtube for behaviours. It all started because I thought Id seen a cat out of the corner of my eye, and being an animal lover, turned round to go say hello.......no cat. God knows how I managed to finish uni with a first class hons.

These days I worry at times that Im bipolar. My dad was diagnosed late in life in his 50's following a massive nervous breakdown, and then a pretty intense manic episode two yearss later. The manic episode had a bad effect on me, and today I worry that my anxious behaviour and tendencies in itself is a symptom of bipolar. My dad was a health worrier as well when younger, so sometimes I feel like I'm following the same path. I've had periods of depression, but no mania........yet.