View Full Version : Dizziness and Nausea

21-06-19, 12:21
Hello everybody, I'm back again.

I recently finished University, and so have had a lot of free time on my hands. Until recently, I'd been somewhat worried about ALS, but had mostly shrugged it off. However, for the past 2 weeks or so, I've suffered from occasional bouts of dizziness- which may sometimes be accompanied by nausea- which has set me off worrying about a brain tumour.

The only caveat stopping me going into a full blown panic, however, is that at a party just before this began, I stupidly ended up injuring my ear. Immediately afterwards, and for a few days further I had ear aches and horrendous pain in my ear if I even slightly clenched my teeth. Even now, I somewhat get ear pain in the same location. Given dizziness and the ear's relation to balance- I suppose this could be a possible link to the symptoms.

The only other thing I've noticed is that if I stay up for a particularly long time, I may get headaches, which has further compounded my fears.

I want to go to the doctors, but I I may be waiting for a while, and in the meantime am descending into panic. Any advice from here would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.

21-06-19, 19:20
Doesn't sound concerning to me. If it's physical it's probably some kind if ear infection at worst. The presence of nausea with dizziness is very common as well.

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22-06-19, 04:00
The body’s center of balance is in the inner ear. I had a severe, double ear infection 5 months ago that took two different cycles of antibiotics to clear plus scopolamine (anti dizziness) patches. I STILL have residual balance problems to this day and have been referred to a vestibular rehab center (but have yet to go because I can live with the symptoms). Basically, if any part of the inner ear is damaged it takes awhile to heal. As it heals, your balance will be off as it starts to compensate for the error in communication. Nausea very closely follows dizziness, you are going to be fine.

23-06-19, 20:44
Js, I can vouch for vestibular rehab, it can help a number of balance issues. If at some point you decide that your symptoms are giving you too tough of a time, go for it.

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23-06-19, 21:30
Thanks a lot for the replies everybody. I know it is stupid after injuring my ear to immediately jump to the worst case scenario, but I honestly just can't help myself. I feel it may be worth a Doctor's visit to get my ear checked out , however it'll be around a week before I'll be able to see one. I'll continue to try to bear all your comments in mind to remain calm.