View Full Version : Nearly new

16-09-07, 23:56
Hi all

Excellent support network.

I have to say I do not dwell on anxiety web sites. I found in my personal experience that "getting back to normal" was my main coping mechanism. If I read about doom and gloom I become gloomy.

My anxiety started after having a family. I think that I was not emotionally mature enough. I had a desire to start a family to prepare for the inevitable loss of my own Parents. On the birth of my 3rd son, last year, my anxiety peaked and I spent a night in Hospital after walking into A&E with pains down my arm and palpatations. I left the next day with the advise from the doctor to stop worring about what might happen.

Nothing prepared me for the step up in symptoms after that night in the Hospital. I could not sleep. I would jump just at the point of falling asleep. I had heart palpatations, missed beats. Full body shakes in the middle of the night. Tingling in my hands....etc...all the symptoms in this forum have been experienced to date. Just when I think I seem to be getting better I recieve a symptom seemingly out of the blue which then makes me think " May be it is not anxiety related after all".

I now quickly shower so I dont find any wierd lumps or bumps. I occupy myself all the time to keep away from having "me time" I try not to read magazines or newspapers that have any health related editorial in them as I only seem to be listening for health issues. You know the type, so and so has just discovered a lump and has been rushed in to hospital. The immediate feeling is the feeling a person with the fear of heights would have if they imagined being on top of blackpool tower looking down.
I am walking a lot at the moment but I get a light headed feeling which then makes me think that I still have a heart problem. I have been for a full check up on my heart echo scan. Exersise test, 24 hour tape, ECG...I keep telling myself this but part of me says that they can only tell me if I have had a heart attack and not that I will not have one in the next year.

Just writing this email I am having pins and needles again in my left hand.
Some days are great, some are not so good. I sometimes laugh at the symptoms thinking how powerful the mind is to be able to simulate illness to self perpetuate the problem.

I seem to be waiting for bad health news from either myself or from my family. I fear every report of health issues and spend an unhealthy amount of time thinking about health. If anything good has come from it it is my diet has become much better. I have started exercising. The down side is I cannot spend that much needed time with my new born son as I just cant cope with him crying. He has picked up on my stress and screams whenever I get stressed. My wife is amazing. She is a tower of strength. I have started to worry about her health with having to cope with me and the new born. I feel guilt that I find it difficult to give her some respite from our baby.

Anyhow now for the good news.
Holidays...give me a break from most of the symptoms most of the time.
Keeping busy...with enjoyable pastimes also lets me have a break from the symtoms...you just feel tierd all the time from being so busy.
Meditation has helped unbelivably.
This website has helped when I cannot rationlise the symptoms I just log on and read the symptom list and all is well. I have now print
ed the full symptom list and put it on the fridge and in my wallet so when i am having a especially bad time coping I just read my symptom cheat sheet.

Anyhow less about me. This could be the problem...selfishness.....or could it be being too compassionate... I dont know.

Hope you all well


17-09-07, 00:28
Hiya Mark !!!!:) :) :)

Its lovely to know you are doing so well, i think we are both getting there:yesyes: and learning how to cope! You have been doing great lately!

Love and lots of hugs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I think you know who i am !!! Hope all the family are well too, hope to see you soon.


17-09-07, 02:40
Hello Mark Glad You Can See Whats Going On.........and Congrtas On The New Baby ......i Wish You And Ya Family All The Best..........linda

17-09-07, 07:16
Hhi there Mark :welcome:!!

What a testimony - thank you for sharing it with us, I'm sure it will encourage and inspire the rest of us!

Although my anx is not health related I can sympathise with the tremors in the night and the pins and needles - and the holidays, keeping busy and medication.

We have three girls and parenthood changes your life anyway doesn't it? We probably all never read the small print when signing up eh? lol! But, and I'm sure you'll agree, it's worth it as the rewards far outway the difficulties.

We are fortunate when our partners are supportive and I shouldn't worry about your wife too much. New mothers can have incredible fortitude to cope with quite a lot. Maybe other family members or friends could help with baysitting to provide you and your wife a little 'you time' once in a while?

Anyway, you'll find plenty of help and support here as well - pleased to meet you!


17-09-07, 16:35
Hi Mark,

Welcome to NMP. Many here feel exactly like you do and you will find support.



17-09-07, 17:46
Hi Mark

Thanks for the lovely post and glad you are getting something positive from being here.

17-09-07, 21:07
Hi Mark and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-09-07, 23:17

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

take care

Trac xxx

18-09-07, 08:21
Hiya Mark !!!!:) :) :)

Its lovely to know you are doing so well, i think we are both getting there:yesyes: and learning how to cope! You have been doing great lately!

Love and lots of hugs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I think you know who i am !!! Hope all the family are well too, hope to see you soon.


Ditto Andy

Hope al'ls well!!!!
Look after yourself


18-09-07, 09:17
Thanks Everyone.

A bit of inspirational text...Go out and Live....

Sometimes people come into your life and
you know right away that they were meant
to be there, they serve some sort of
purpose, teach you a lesson or help
figure out who you are or who you want
to become. You never know who these
people may be, your roommate, neighbour,
professor,long lost friend, lover, or
even a complete stranger who, when you
lock eyes with them, you know that very
moment that they will affect your life
in some profound way.
And sometimes, things happen to you and
at the time they may seem horrible,
painful and unfair, but in reflection
you realize that without overcoming
those obstacles, you would have never
realized your potential, strength, will
power or heart.
Everything happens for a reason. Nothing
happens by chance or by means of good or
bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost
moments of true greatness and sheer
stupidity all occur to test the limits
of your soul. Without these small tests,
if they be events, illnesses or
relationships, life would be like a
smoothly paved, straight, flat road to
nowhere. Safe and comfortable but dull
and utterly pointless. The people you
meet who affect your life and the
successes and downfalls you experience,
they are the ones who create who you
are. Even the bad experiences can be
learned from... those lessons are the
hardest and probably the most important
If someone hurts you, betrays you , or
breaks you heart, forgive them. For they
have helped you learn about trust and
the importance of being cautious to who
you open your heart to.
If someone loves you, love them back
unconditionally, not only because they
love you, but because they are teaching
you to love and opening your heart and
eyes to things you would have never seen
or felt without them.
Make every day count. Appreciate every
moment and take from it everything that
you possibly can, for you may never be
able to experience it again. Talk to
people you have never talked to before,
and actually listen, let yourself fall
in love, break free and set your sights
high. Hold your head up because you have
every right to. Tell yourself you are a
great individual and believe in
yourself, for if you don't believe in
yourself, no one else will believe in
you either.
You can make of your life anything you
wish. Create your own life and then go
out and live it.

Mark xx

18-09-07, 09:36
Hiya Mark

Very wise words from a very wise person, thanks for sharing.....:hugs: :hugs:

Have a great day Mark:)
