View Full Version : In a panic about pain

17-09-07, 10:21
Hello all

Just wondering if you could help. Yesterday out of the blue I got really bad stabbing/sharp pains between my shoulder blades coming and going in waves. I automatically thought I was having a heart attack. I spoke to a GP over the phone who said he thought it was muscular and not a heart attack as I had no other signs or symptoms and my age (36). He told me regular pain killers.

My problem is that it went away after 4 hours. Surely if it is muscular it would last longer? Now im not saying i want the pain back, but im really worried because it just went!!

I have had a couple of twinges this morning but nothing too much. However im just waiting....!!

Really worried that it isnt muscular but something more sinister. Mad I know but any comments please?

thank you all


17-09-07, 10:44
Hiya Julie,

I went through a phase a few months ago of getting severe stabbing pains in my side..i was convinced there must be something wrong with me yet people kept telling me it would be muscular and perhaps linked to me going to the gym alot at the time. These pains were similar to yours in the sense that they would happena dn it would be so severe but then they would just go away maybe for a few days..it was so weird!
Nevertheless they have now stopped and i havent had it for ages.
So please try not to worry,
I'm sure your GP is right when he says it is probably muscular.

17-09-07, 10:49
thank you beauty - just a worry as between the shoulders is a typical sign of heart attack!! so scared!!

17-09-07, 11:30
julie , Im am sure your Gp is spot on.

But it wouldnt hurt to pop along to your local hospital and ask them to check you out, I once walked in and told them I was getting chest pains and they took it seriously and put me on a ECG. Then of course it came back as everything was fine , just as we thought.

Once you know you will relax and the pains will probally dissapear.

19-09-07, 12:51
Hi and thanks for replying.

I could stand it no more and went to the GP. He ran an ECG to ease my mind which was perfectly normal and also took some blood, the results of which came back today as perfectly normal!! Phew.

Thanks for replying.
