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View Full Version : Nasal cancer

23-06-19, 08:26
I've had problems with my sinuses since March. Have had 2x antibiotics for postnasal drip, thick phlegm and often blood stained. Each time, the antibiotics clear it up and then it comes back after a week. Today I've had thick phlegm all day. I've also got ringing in my ears, a blocked ear on the right side, a stuffy nose (tends to be both nostrils) and a small lymph node that's been up since the end of March (right mandibular)- under a cm.
I had a CT scan of my head for something else about 2.5 weeks ago and it was clear. I'm on a waiting list to see ENT but my appointment isn't until the end of August.
I'm really worried about sinus cancer (nasopharyngeal cancer) or some kind of head/neck as it looks like it presents with these symptoms- stuffy ears, lymph node up on neck, stuffy nose, postnasal drip, tinnitus. I live in New Zealand and in the stats, there's only about 20-30 cases a year (4.5 ish million people) but there's other kinds of cancers it could be too. So worried.

23-06-19, 12:04
If it were sinister, it wouldn't have cleared up with antibiotics. As a H&N cancer survivor, I know that for a fact.

Positive thoughts

27-06-19, 10:07
Well, the antibiotics helped for a few days and then it came back.

Every morning I have thick blood stained mucous which seems to be a symptom of nasal cancer.

27-06-19, 11:14
Well, the antibiotics helped for a few days and then it came back.

Every morning I have thick blood stained mucous which seems to be a symptom of nasal cancer.

Would you prefer I agree with you? Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. it doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts