View Full Version : Pain left rib

24-06-19, 08:26
I woke up this morning with a mild, dull ache in my left rib area. I'm panicking about it being one of my organs. It's a sort of thobby ache, been there about half an hour. It's not really painful just there, but I'm really starting to panic. Could it just be one of those things or should I be trying to see someone?
Thanks x

24-06-19, 14:20
Anyone had this before? Or faded off now has come back, it's like an ache on my left stomach. Really worried :(

24-06-19, 14:56
To answer your question. Its been several hours and you're still on the boards seeking reassurance so a trip to the doctor seems unwarranted. We all get aches and pains. Its probably just one of those things.

Positive thoughts

24-06-19, 18:00
Thanks fishman. It's still there, coupled with heartburn earlier too. I had a funny dizzy turn in the shops where I thought I'd faint. As usual my bf is giving me the boy (girl) that cried wolf treatment but I am really worried I have some kind of inflamed pancreas or something

25-06-19, 02:21
Guys I'm really freaked out. This stomach ache heart burn thing has lasted all day and I'm now worried it's a heart attack. I've had acid burps and things so hoping not but I've never had heart burn type symptoms last this long. Can anyone help calm me down please

25-06-19, 03:00
Take some Gaviscon/Mylanta for the reflux.

positive thoughts

25-06-19, 03:06
I was going to get some from the shop earlier but I went really dizzy and ended up leaving without it. My dad is in hospital at the moment so don't know if this is anxiety related plus too much wine irritating my tummy. I would love gaviscon right now but it's 3am here. I'll just have to wait til tomorrow to get it, can't see me sleeping tonight though, which is very annoying as I'm so tired

25-06-19, 03:31
A teaspoon of baking soda in 8oz of water will do in a pinch.

Positive thoughts

25-06-19, 08:01
Thanks fishman. Went to get woke and it's out of date 😭 how do i know it's not a heart attack? I read they're similar? I wouldn't get a little relief from burping etc if it was my heart would I? Trying to rationalise

25-06-19, 08:01
Some* not woke

25-06-19, 12:12
how do i know it's not a heart attack? I read they're similar?

On your very first thread here 6 years ago, a member posted...
Dr Google is not your friend.....

How long have I known you LF? I would say, based on your history and track record of fears vs. reality, you're fine. Besides, you wouldn't be on a forum seeking reassurance if you were really having a medical emergency ;)

Positive thoughts

25-06-19, 18:15
Thanks fishman. Hoping it clears off, if not I'll have to do to doctors which I'm a bit scared about. Thank you for your replies