View Full Version : Another Newcomer

19-01-05, 18:39

I am seeing a locum Doctor tomorrow morning as I think I'm suffering from anxiety. Actually I know I'm suffering as it can't be 'normal' to feel as scared and worried as I do. I get to sleep okay but I wake up early in the morning and it's like someone has flipped a switch on and there is that awful scared feeling, the stomach churning and nausea and the horrible cold feeling in my chest.

I've been feeling this on and off for a year now although it's got worse in the last few months. When it began it would be for a silly reason like there being a problem with the computer which my fab friend always came over and sorted out. By the next day the feeling would be gone and things would be back to normal. However it has changed now to me always feeling edgy, worried and anxious. I feel like I'll never smile or laugh again. It's the most awful feeling and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

Finding this site was great. I'm hoping that by becoming a member I might not feel so alone with these feelings and may get insight in how to help myself.



19-01-05, 19:15
hi lar, welcome to the site, hope u find plenty of help here, wich i am sure u will. I had them horrid scary feeling when i woke to. was sweating shaking and to scared to go back to sleep. but they are getting milder and less now which i am sure yours will too. take care. Vernon

19-01-05, 19:16
Hi Lar

Welcome to the site.

I know how you are feeling right now:(
but believe me when I say you CAN learn
how to feel better.
Since finding this site at the end of August I
now feel alot better some days 100%.
Remeber Lar you are not alone.
With alot of hard work support and time
you WILL laugh and smile again.
You have come to the right place,
there are lots of nice people here who will
help and support you.



Don't dwell on what went wrong instead,
focus on what to do next.
Spend your energies on moving forward.

19-01-05, 19:25
hi welcome to the site im sure you will find it very helpful

fan x

19-01-05, 19:42
Hi Lar

Welcome aboard the forum.

We will offer you all the advice we can and hopefully get you back on track again.

Good luck at the docs tomorrow and let us know how it goes.


19-01-05, 20:39
Hi Lar

Welcome to the forum. You'll get some good advice and support here.

I hope it goes well for you at the doctors tomorrow.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

19-01-05, 21:52
Welcome to the forum

Scooter Girl AKA Jade

Ivor screwloose
19-01-05, 22:16
Hi lar
Welcome to the club I'm sorry to say. But at least you've come to the right place you will find that all of us have been there at one point in time,and it is the most horrible feeling. there is loads of useful info hear I suggest you plought your way through it and i'm sure you will feel happier knowing that there is so much available to help you cope and recover, My first suggestion is to look at your caffine intake , and any other stimulants, alcohol etc, and try to avoid if possible as they will encourage anxiety you may feel a little less anxious,and every little step helps in the big picture, keep us all posted on the visit from your locum.

Kindest wishes


19-01-05, 23:41
Hi Lar

Welcome to the forum, you have come to the right place mate.
Good luck with the GP tomorrow and let us know how you get on.

Take care

Elaine x

20-01-05, 09:39
hi and welcome good luck with the doctors.

20-01-05, 11:02
Hi hon

Welcome to the site. Well done you for going to the doctors, let us know how you get on.

You definately wont feel alone on here as there are so many friendly people, who totally understand how you feel.

Lots of Love Sal xxxxx