View Full Version : Is this Anxiety?

24-06-19, 10:29

This was my first post from a month or so ago:

I have not previously suffered with anxiety. However my 15 year old daughter passed away suddenly and unexpectedly in April. Obviously we are beyond devastated.

As a family we were all doing ‘ok’ emotionally but some three and a half weeks after her passing I took ill in the night. With hindsight the feelings had been brewing over a few days.

We called an ambulance at 3am. I thought I was having serious heart problems. I had an ECG at home but did not feel reassured. The ambulance took me to A&E where my heart was checked again by another ECG and also blood tests. So anxiety was my diagnosis.

Eight hours after admission I felt as bad as when I had arrived and so the consultant gave me low dose diazepam to get me home but advised a trip to GP to review.

GP has prescribed Propranolol 10mg three tines a day. It is definitely helping me stay calm although I can feel when the effect is starting to wear off with the return of mild chest ache and slight shortness of breath.

Ali x

I am still taking the Proranolol 10mg three times a day.

I have seen a Cardiac Consultant who carried out another ECG which was fine and he also concluded that having examined me in all probability my symptoms are down to anxiety. I just feel that although I have not suffered with anxiety before I always thought that the symptoms would come over me in some type of attack whereas my symptoms just seem to be randomly off and on...

Given what we have been through I am not a weeping wreck, we have our moments but are holding up very well all things considered.

I would just like some feedback as to whether my symptoms sound like anxiety or not?

Off and on I have a 'fluttery' chest, a heavy feeling centrally in my chest, palpitations, chest ache/heart ache, chest twinges..... I don't at any point feel 'panicky' in my mind...

I should also say that I currently feel a bit chesty (think I may have a mild virus?!) and/or also hayfever which has not caused chesty-ness in the past?!?!?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Many thanks.

Ali x

24-06-19, 10:39
First of all, I cannot even comprehend what losing a child must be like, I'm so sorry that you or anybody else has to go through something like that.

In terms of your symptoms, the short answer is yes, although it might not be as straightforward as simple anxiety.

Most anxiety (in my opinion) is caused by stress, and the symptoms of stress and anxiety are broadly similar. I personally feel the stress from that kind of grief alone can be physically and emotionally devastating. If the tests show your heart is fine, then it most likely is fine.

24-06-19, 17:22
I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t comprehend.

Yes it sounds like anxiety. I hope you’re getting all the help and support that you need.

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24-06-19, 18:37
Thank you. Yes, we have great support from family and friends.

I have an appointment with my GP on Wednesday, I think I am going to ask if there is anything else/more I can take to try and settle my symptoms down as I am suffering with them pretty much all day today.... I would say the symptoms are there 70% of the time and I really feel I would be coping better generally if I could knock these symptoms on the head, but I don't know if that is possible/realistic?

Thanks again.

24-06-19, 21:17
I'm so sorry for your devastating loss, Ali.

I know you say that you are coping and that you have great support but mental trauma can manifest in physical symptoms such as the ones you are experiencing and if you have been thoroughly checked out by a cardiologist then i doubt whether they would diagnose anxiety if there were any doubt about your cardiac function.

The mind and body are very much linked. It may take time for your symptoms to lessen. You will be exacerbating them by getting frustrated as to why they are not going. Can you accept that this could be an explanation? I can't begin to imagine how anyone can cope with the death of a child no matter how strong they are. You are obviously going through hell no matter how much support you are receiving-it will all come out in physical symptoms somewhere along the line..

I hope you have a productive appointment with your GP on Wednesday.

24-06-19, 21:57
I'm so sorry for your devastating loss, Ali.

I know you say that you are coping and that you have great support but mental trauma can manifest in physical symptoms such as the ones you are experiencing and if you have been thoroughly checked out by a cardiologist then i doubt whether they would diagnose anxiety if there were any doubt about your cardiac function.

The mind and body are very much linked. It may take time for your symptoms to lessen. You will be exacerbating them by getting frustrated as to why they are not going. Can you accept that this could be an explanation? I can't begin to imagine how anyone can cope with the death of a child no matter how strong they are. You are obviously going through hell no matter how much support you are receiving-it will all come out in physical symptoms somewhere along the line..

I hope you have a productive appointment with your GP on Wednesday.

Thank you. I totally understand what you are saying.

My GP has listened and I feel understood. I suppose I was just hoping that the medication would ease my symptoms a little more....... when I saw her a couple of weeks ago for a review she did not want to change or increase my medication which I agreed with at the time. I would just like the opportunity to chat things through again to see if there are any other options open to me just to help me through....

The grief is tough enough, I just wish I felt better physically :(

Thanks again.

25-06-19, 08:22
Of course you do but it may take time. You have been through so much trauma and shock. I presume you have been offered bereavement counselling but it's a personal choice of course. There may not be a medication which will take away your symptoms completely and it may come down to accepting this if your GP doesn't suggest any other alternatives whether these be pharmaceutical or psychological. The important thing is that you feel listened to and understood by her and that she has time for you and wants to help you cope with your grief however impossible that may seem at the moment.

You are bereaved and in the worst way possible. It's unthinkable for every parent but you have had to confront and live through this horrendous unexpected trauma. I would say visit your GP as much as you need to and talk to her and let her guide you towards anything which may help to ease your physical and mental pain xx

25-06-19, 10:08
Thank you Pulisa.

I had a much better nights sleep and my symptoms have lessened this morning which makes me think I can continue with the medication as it is. It just in those times where the symptoms seem relentless, overwhelming and scary too that I am looking for something more.

I tried bereavement counselling, not for me I'm afraid. There was nothing I needed to say to the counsellor that I cannot or have not already talked to my family about. The counselling remains on offer should I change my mind.

I can't fault my GP surgery at all, they have been so supportive, I will have a chat with her tomorrow and take it from there. I am also conscious that I do want to keep the medication to a minimum.....

Thanks again for taking the time to reply, you really have helped me keep everything in perspective.

Ali x

25-06-19, 13:17
Well I'm not sure you can talk about "perspective" when it comes to the magnitude of your loss because perspective must go out the window in your circumstances.

I'm glad that your family can provide the support you need-so much better than from a stranger no matter how much experience they have on bereavement. Still a good idea to have the option to change your mind though as time goes on.

I hope you get some comfort and help tomorrow at your appointment. Your GP sounds as if she genuinely wants to help you in any way she can. I hope she can and does.


26-06-19, 05:34
The same thing happened to me after the death of my son.
I was "ok" at first then it hit me 6 months later.
Been on ADs ever since.

26-06-19, 11:40
The same thing happened to me after the death of my son.
I was "ok" at first then it hit me 6 months later.
Been on ADs ever since.

Thank you for your reply. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, heartbreaking....

I started this journey wanting to take as little medication as possible for as short an amount of time as possible but I think this is something I may need to reconsider as quality of daily life is important too, particularly at this time....

Thanks again.