View Full Version : Thyroid nodule. Anyone?

26-06-19, 03:16
So I had an ultrasound done on my thyroid as a ROUTINE scan. Literally because I’m 44. No complaints from me so boy was I shocked when my doctor told me the report said they found a cyst on the left part of my thyroid and a 0.8cm nodule on my right side. The nodule is hypoechic and well defined. It says it’s moderately suspicious. I have an appt tomorrow with an endocrinologist but I’m pretty damn scared right now. I can’t even function. Any advice or help? The suspicious part scares me so badly. It also said in the report no enlarged nodes in clavicle.

26-06-19, 10:06
I had an ultrasound because of a reactive sub mental lymph node. To my surprise, they also found an adenoma on my thyroid. The doctor told me they were very common, benign, and that he had one too. Fact is, if we didn’t have these scans, we would never even know these things were present. They’ve probably been there for years. I had a breast lump about thirty years ago. When the doctor left the room I leant across the desk and read the words “possibly malignant”. It wasn’t. In the meantime I was composing letters to the children I would be leaving behind.

Tests can be viewed as causing unnecessary anxiety or as flagging up potential threats to life. Now I’m anxiety-free, I just tell myself that I’d rather they were over cautious. If this node is a problem, they will treat it. They’re being thorough, which is what you want. Concentrate on the “moderately”, not the “suspicious “.

My very best wishes.

26-06-19, 15:09
I had an ultrasound because of a reactive sub mental lymph node. To my surprise, they also found an adenoma on my thyroid. The doctor told me they were very common, benign, and that he had one too. Fact is, if we didn’t have these scans, we would never even know these things were present. They’ve probably been there for years. I had a breast lump about thirty years ago. When the doctor left the room I leant across the desk and read the words “possibly malignant”. It wasn’t. In the meantime I was composing letters to the children I would be leaving behind.

Tests can be viewed as causing unnecessary anxiety or as flagging up potential threats to life. Now I’m anxiety-free, I just tell myself that I’d rather they were over cautious. If this node is a problem, they will treat it. They’re being thorough, which is what you want. Concentrate on the “moderately”, not the “suspicious “.

My very best wishes.

Thank you Sleepy
Just saw the doctor who said she doesn’t think it’s worrisome. Especially since the borders are concise and it’s relatively small. It has no calcifications notes. She said she cannot though tell me if it’s 100% not cancer. The only way to do that is through biopsy. She suggested waiting 6 mo to rescan this but said she would do the biopsy since I’m so anxious about it. She said for peace of mind she would. So I am going to schedule a biopsy for later in July. Anyone have any advice. Super nervous and scared

26-06-19, 17:10
I would go for the biopsy too. You want your mind put at rest. Be encouraged that she was prepared to wait for 6 months for a rescan. Best of luck.

26-06-19, 19:01
I was in your shoes a few months ago. Incidentally, my doc found my thyroid was slightly enlarged and referred me for a scan. I was overcome with anxiety from this, looking at my young son and crying my eyes out. Scan revealed a “suspicious” complex cystic nodule. I assumed this was the end. I have health anxiety, of course. I was feeling very dramatic.

My endocrinologist was wonderful. He wasn’t concerned about it but said I could have the biopsy for peace of mind. I opted for it. Those next weeks I was beside myself. I had the procedure and it was over in 10 minutes. My neck was sore afterward but I was still able to care for my little one with no problems. :)

results came back benign. I was so happy. My endo said there are people walking around everyday with these things and they will live their lives just fine without ever knowing. Even worst case scenario, through surgery, it was 100% curable. And I found peace in that. My doctor tested me for thyroid antibodies and I was told I have hashimotos. Which basically just means later on in life my thyroid may underperform and I will need replacement through medication. It runs in my family and I’m happy I found out at a young age while we can monitor it’s progress.

Try and do something you enjoy and put your mind at ease. Anxiety makes things 10x worse than the reality. As healthcare professionals they are just doing their job when these things are found. Stay off of google and focus on things that make you happy.

27-06-19, 03:13
Thank you so much for the advice. I don’t know. Just feeling unsure. But I know there is nothing I can do but wait and see. I’m trying to focus on life and not this.

30-06-19, 17:55
My biopsy is scheduled for July 23. Ugh. I’m so upset. I keep looking at my three girls and getting so emotional. Apparently you get the results right there once they do it. On the order for the biopsy it says non toxic multi nodular goiter but she clearly told me at the appt she can’t tell me 100% it’s not a bad thing. She kept saying thyroid cancer is slow slow growing and that did NOT make me feel better (knock on wood). I also got my thyroid blood tests back and all values were normal which has me even more freaked out

30-06-19, 17:56
In a previous thread I explained they found a .08 cm nodule hypoechoic and well defined on my right thyroid gland

30-06-19, 18:07
I'm afraid you will have to wait about a week for the biopsy/fine needle aspiration results. It's good that your thyroid function is normal and the nodule is really tiny so it's surprising that they need to biopsy it but maybe it's for reassurance purposes. Are you seeing an endocrinologist or just a regular doctor?

30-06-19, 18:51
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


02-07-19, 06:13
I'm afraid you will have to wait about a week for the biopsy/fine needle aspiration results. It's good that your thyroid function is normal and the nodule is really tiny so it's surprising that they need to biopsy it but maybe it's for reassurance purposes. Are you seeing an endocrinologist or just a regular doctor?

Thanks. I’m seeing an endocrinologist who said she would do the biopsy for me. I’m so scared

25-03-21, 00:46
Thanks. I’m seeing an endocrinologist who said she would do the biopsy for me. I’m so scared

How did this turn out??

23-05-21, 19:42
The biopsy was benign and I was just rescanned in January of this year. I was told everything is stable and they will rescan in a year