View Full Version : Blood mixed poo when wiped

12-11-17, 09:44
I don't think it's dried blood as theybare hard and crushable or like fluff. Only when I wipe, not in actual poop. I also notice tiny bits of undigested food on tissue too now and then.

12-11-17, 09:50
You are falling back into the pattern of actively looking for things to worry about then come here looking for re-assurance

What does your logical mind say?

12-11-17, 09:58
Thought it was yesterday when i wore black leggings but today I'm not.

12-11-17, 10:02
You are falling back into the pattern of actively looking for things to worry about then come here looking for re-assurance

What does your logical mind say?

Nope not enough effort into answering the question, try again.

WHY are you examining your poo and what you wipe? This is not what non HA people do.

Unless of course you want this thread to end up in endless re assurance, then people having a pop at each other.

12-11-17, 10:08
I'm not examining, I always tend to look at tissue (maybe habit) I haven't dug around in my poo at all.

12-11-17, 10:55
Here we go again perhaps this thread should be closed bah

12-11-17, 11:09
The closing of threads has been discussed ad nausium and there is no reason to shut this thread down.

Members need somewhere to express their fears and that is what NMP is about. It is a non judgemental place to voice fears and thoughts that we cannot do elsewhere.

12-11-17, 11:13
The closing of threads has been discussed ad nausium and there is no reason to shut this thread down.

Members need somewhere to express their fears and that is what NMP is about. It is a non judgemental place to voice fears and thoughts that we cannot do elsewhere. Sure Sorry Elen :)

12-11-17, 11:19
No worries :)

26-08-18, 23:55
The closing of threads has been discussed ad nausium and there is no reason to shut this thread down.

Members need somewhere to express their fears and that is what NMP is about. It is a non judgemental place to voice fears and thoughts that we cannot do elsewhere.

But everyone is being so judgemental :lac: in all her threads..

27-08-18, 00:03
This thread is really old now so not sure why you have made it active again?

11-01-19, 23:12
I thought I had haemroids but now read about anal cancer. Few weeks after birth it would hurt SO much to poop like sharp pain and a soft grape lump would pop out sometimes more than one and I would bleed a lot. It's since eased and no pain but soft lump still there when I sit down and strain, it's squishy and jcsn push it up and SOMETIMES blood on tissue. Is this haemroids or anal cancer? I had a look at bumhole standing up in mirror and no lump only when I sit down?

11-01-19, 23:17
Without a shadow of a doubt this is hemorrhoids. It's exceptionally common after birth. The pain from my hemorrhoids was worse than the pain from where I tore and had to be stitched back up. Like, WAY worse. Once they go down and stop hurting they usually stick around.... sometimes forever. I gave birth 4.5 years ago and I still have the lovely remnants of hemorrhoids, some internal, some external. The internal ones often pop out when I poop and have to be pushed back in. You'll be more prone to them coming back and being painful now, so be mindful of how much you strain. I find putting my feet up on a stool helps dramatically. And, the moment I feel them getting sore I start using the hemorrhoid cream.

The blood, the lumps, the sticking out and going back is 100% hemorrhoids.

Welcome to the miracle of child birth! :yesyes:

11-01-19, 23:25
See I know this just in a tizz about HPV because I'm sitting on cervical smear results and reading got me into anal cancer website... Roll on therapy. I looked at my own bumhole ffs

12-01-19, 23:34
I agree with Erin. Pregnancy is a big cause of piles. And piles are also so common in anyone who deals with a lot of stress like we do anyway.

I've also dealt with piles for many years and have found they do not go either. I suspect once they reach a certain size they will stay, even if inactive, unless some more invasive level of treatment is applied.

Reb, what is worth considering is how you are leaping to the big scary stuff. And across multiple areas of your health. Those are both big red flags for HAers as other people wouldn't be entertaining such possibilities.

You've said before that these thoughts seep in and take hold when your mind isn't occupied with other things. Until you get into your therapy you would find it helpful to find ways to keep your mind occupied with more healthy pursuits and when you feel these thoughts seeping in, get up and on with something more positive.

13-01-19, 07:23
It mostly likely hemorrhoids. It's one of the many lovely side effects of pregnancy and delivery.

Anal cancer is extremely rare btw.

13-01-19, 17:04
100% haemorrhoids.

What are you going to do about your persistent, worsening anxiety HelenHoo?

13-01-19, 18:02
Without a shadow of a doubt this is hemorrhoids.
This ^

For the life of me, I honestly don't even understand why you would be looking up 'anal cancer' Helenhoo, when you already have a benign cause and effect in place. You described exactly what happened after giving birth, which is common, and even though that sounds like it is gradually improving you have jumped to anal cancer?

13-01-19, 19:27
This ^

For the life of me, I honestly don't even understand why you would be looking up 'anal cancer' Helenhoo, when you already have a benign cause and effect in place. You described exactly what happened after giving birth, which is common, and even though that sounds like it is gradually improving you have jumped to anal cancer?

If she, and many others on here, found a lump or bump gave it a mental "meh" and moved on, I would be very happy for them. But that would mean they wouldn't even be here I would imagine.

13-01-19, 19:34
If she, and many others on here, found a lump or bump gave it a mental "meh" and moved on, I would be very happy for them. But that would mean they wouldn't even be here I would imagine.
Well, I guess so, but in all honesty this anal cancer one pushes it further than many - an absolute reason for the symptoms already given, a known about condition (which I'm betting has been discussed with doctors, nurses and health visitor) which appears to be improving and its suddenly become anal cancer. Helenhoo at the moment, or rather in the last few weeks, has started thread after thread with different illnesses and they are becoming more and more irrational and incredibly diverse. I know 'irrational' is part of the thought processing of those with HA, but I think it can be challenged also. As Helenhoo's life moves on and her lovely baby grows to become a toddler and a more aware independent thinker, they will surely start becoming aware of the HA Helenhoo isn't getting help for. This should be a concern for a new mother, that nothing negatively affects their child, and - whilst the child will be unaware at the moment - getting proper real-life professional help should be paramount right now.

13-01-19, 19:41
The OP is on the waiting list for CBT..It's her standard response.

13-01-19, 20:05
Well, I guess so, but in all honesty this anal cancer one pushes it further than many - an absolute reason for the symptoms already given, a known about condition (which I'm betting has been discussed with doctors, nurses and health visitor) which appears to be improving and its suddenly become anal cancer. Helenhoo at the moment, or rather in the last few weeks, has started thread after thread with different illnesses and they are becoming more and more irrational and incredibly diverse. I know 'irrational' is part of the thought processing of those with HA, but I think it can be challenged also. As Helenhoo's life moves on and her lovely baby grows to become a toddler and a more aware independent thinker, they will surely start becoming aware of the HA Helenhoo isn't getting help for. This should be a concern for a new mother, that nothing negatively affects their child, and - whilst the child will be unaware at the moment - getting proper real-life professional help should be paramount right now.

Yep, the cycles are repeating themselves. Something is driving it again.

I agree though, it's important to get help as kids are more intuitive than adults realise and so many on here have said they regret how they may have opened the door to anxiety in their kids. I think they may be being too harsh on themselves there as it's very complicated stuff but can see why they feel that way and there is going to be an element of truth in it in varying degrees...so definitely better to start now than wait and join those people in 16 years.

13-01-19, 20:09
I think they may be being too harsh on themselves there as it's very complicated stuff but can see why they feel that way

Absolutely! I hear what you are saying, and agree. To my mind as long as people are trying/have tried to get help with their HA anxiety and genuinely thrown themselves into that process wanting to be rid of the fears, then the fact that it sometimes fails, or there are blips, shouldn't be something they feel guilt about.

13-01-19, 20:13
Absolutely! I hear what you are saying, and agree. To my mind as long as people are trying/have tried to get help with their HA anxiety and genuinely thrown themselves into that process wanting to be rid of the fears, then the fact that it sometimes fails, or there are blips, shouldn't be something they feel guilt about.

Yeah, I guess it's natural for parents as it goes against what their values towards their kids are about, protecting them from anything they can. I just think we have to be careful with it as we can be the worst for kicking ourselves over our perceptions, but I say that with the greatest respect for those who think this way and don't mean to imply shrugging off those feelings or devaluing their importance to the person.

13-01-19, 20:15
I just think we have to be careful with it as we can be the worst for kicking ourselves over our perceptionsA very valid point indeed. However, to be clear to anyone else reading this, I was basing my post on evidence of HelenH's posts/threads, her circumstances, and not anyone else, but I agree my words did sound rather too generalised. I was just trying to make the point that Helen should consider the years ahead.

29-01-19, 22:22
TMI and sorry in advance but I just strained on purpose without needing to poop and there was blood on tissue and the little grape lump popped out.

29-01-19, 22:46
Yup that is a pile then and they bleed.

Pop and see the doctor and get some suppositories and/or cream for it. They can give you stronger ones than you can buy at a chemist.

30-01-19, 01:34
That's the definition of a hemorrhoid. STOP STRAINING! Hemorrhoids are not dangerous but they are a huge (literal) pain in the ass. You don't want to aggravate them for no reason. Push that puppy back up there and leave your poor postpartum bum alone!

30-01-19, 02:00
That's why piles are so common in weightlifters :winks: Straining.

Don't you push through the bottom when you give birth? And couldn't that be one very good reason for piles post pregnancy?

30-01-19, 02:40
Don't you push through the bottom when you give birth? And couldn't that be one very good reason for piles post pregnancy?

Yes, straining during child birth plus all the pressure from being pregnant. Mine showed up even before giving birth. They hurt so much I missed three days of work and had to send my husband out unassisted to check out pediatricians.... which is another whole story! :roflmao:

30-01-19, 03:06
Yes, straining during child birth plus all the pressure from being pregnant. Mine showed up even before giving birth. They hurt so much I missed three days of work and had to send my husband out unassisted to check out pediatricians.... which is another whole story! :roflmao:

Ouch! I hope he came back with a nice present to cheer you up too? Maybe one of those rubber ring things :yesyes:...and of course some choccies! :D

12-02-19, 10:46
I have a heamoroid that is a given and haven't had any issues for a while. but latst few days I've noticed a bloody discharge speck on tissue when I wipe my bottom. I do this when I haven't had a BM just to check. It's definitely from that area and now I'm worried about bowel cancer, or whether I have cervical cancer and it's advanced. I'm still waiting on results from Lletz 20 days ago.

12-02-19, 10:49
If you're rubbing at yourself with paper all the time, you'll bleed - you're abrading sensitive skin. I've had this happen myself.

Stop checking, and it'll go away.

12-02-19, 10:53
You have had "brain tumour", "heart attack" and now "BC" fears in the space of a week, Helen.

I think you are spiralling into the HA pit again.

12-02-19, 11:03
Or perhaps anal cancer as j have had itching. When I sit down in loo soft lump peptides and if I check in mirror it isn't there. Its like a bloody discharge though.

12-02-19, 11:04
Is there any reason you're rejecting more logical explanations?

12-02-19, 11:05
What's if it's advanced Cervical cancer?

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

Because of the consistency of it I suppose.

12-02-19, 11:21
I have combined your threads on this subject as I believe that all the answers are already here.

As KK has already asked on another thread, are you using your CBT techniques to challenge your thinking?

12-02-19, 12:43
Would bloody discharge from your Hun not concern you?

12-02-19, 12:47
What's if it's advanced Cervical cancer?

---------- Post added at 11:05 ---------- Previous post was at 11:04 ----------

Because of the consistency of it I suppose.

Helen, that is completely, 100% garbage. You have a hemorroid/piles. They are 100% normal after childbirth and can last months. I have trouble going to the bathroom for weeks afterward.

---------- Post added at 12:47 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

Would bloody discharge from your Hun not concern you?

No. It wouldn't bother especially if I knew I had just had a baby previously.

12-02-19, 12:47
I don't really want to re-state this, but unnecessary wiping can also worsen the situation.

12-02-19, 13:15
From your bum not Hun lol. I hadn't as any bum bleeding in a whole though.

12-02-19, 14:28
Yep, wiping is what tended to make my piles bleed rather than the movement itself. When you speak to some people with piles you can find they use a lot of toilet paper when they go as opposed to more frugal people who opt for the "one up, one down and one to polish" method :blush:

And the thread title made me chuckle as I read it in a very British way ("bloody buses, late again"). :winks:

12-02-19, 16:55
It's because it was discharge type, still from piles??

12-02-19, 16:56
Yes, this is because the skin is inflamed and irritated.

12-02-19, 19:09
It was separate to the BM on the tissue.

12-02-19, 19:19
Toby2000 is having very similar issues have a look see if there's anything on his thread that might help you

13-02-19, 01:37
Hemorrhoids can produce mucus because of the inflammation. Very common.

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:35 ----------

Also - please stop messing around with them. You're going to make them so much worse!

14-02-19, 01:18
Most definitely piles! I’ve had them for a few years and as disgusting as it sounds if I strain or poop it’ll hurt and tear and pop out too and right after it goes back in. I frequently bleed after a bowel movement too because it’s irritating and stretching the pile and it tears the skin.

14-02-19, 11:02
yep hemorrhoids, straining, having just had a baby, over wiping can cause bleeding, stop straining, stop over wiping. Eat more fibre and drink more water and go to a doc for some cream

15-02-19, 08:41
Does this mean it progressed from 2 - 3 that quick?

cin 2 Jan 8th smear to CIN 3 on Jan 24th Lletz?

It's been removed and referred back for 6 months check up which i should feel relieved but my last smear three years ago was normal and to have CIN 3 now shocked me.

15-02-19, 09:11
I've read that sometimes smears are not as accurate as the biopsy or Lletz, so the smear was probably CIN3. Did the smear show positive for the HPV virus?

15-02-19, 09:19
Yes it did, last one three years ago didn't but I've been with same guy (no way of cheating) I slept with one guy while we were on break but that was protected. It's just CIN 3 from normal in three years is quick!

15-02-19, 09:37
Yes it did, last one three years ago didn't but I've been with same guy (no way of cheating) I slept with one guy while we were on break but that was protected. It's just CIN 3 from normal in three years is quick!

I'm glad they got onto it quickly and that you've had the Lletz and now all is clear.

Smears can be quite misleading at times and the presence of HPV seems to be more reliable. Drs can now test specifically for HPV.

I had a smear 4.5 years ago which showed CIN 1 and HPV, but the biopsy showed no CIN (or HPV), but I did have cervicitis which is benign inflammation. The inflammation showed up on the smear as CIN1. My gynecologist told me that the HPV could have been anywhere in the vaginal cavity, not necessarily on the cervix.

Even protected sex doesn't prevent you from getting an HPV strain, as it can be passed on through skin to skin contact outside the vaginal area and also through oral sex etc. It's just the luck of the draw if you get a high risk HPV, your partner most likely contracted it from a former intimate partner. 80% of all adults carry the HPV virus and most people clear it from their bodies without any after effects.

15-02-19, 09:49
Helen you are receiving professional help with these problems, much better checking with them than posting here.

15-02-19, 11:11

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

15-02-19, 20:28
Dyskarosis refers to how abnormal the nucleus is (you had moderate dyskarosis) and whilst this can match up to the biopsy results, it isn't a guarantee. The only way of knowing the CIN is by biopsy.

CIN refers to the depth of the abnormalities. So you had moderately dyskaryotic cells that were the size of CIN 3. If that makes sense. They could have progressed that quickly. Mine seem to have. The good thing is that you've had it completely removed and so you're okay now. You will also have a test of cure smear in 6 months that will in all likelihood come back normal.

16-02-19, 17:42
So recently treated for CIN 3 precancerous cervical cells caused my HPV. All were removed with clear margins I don't know what strand but the nursr said you can't cure HPV but could lay dormant. Now, I know anal cancer is also caused by HPV and now wonder if I have it,
. As said previously I have a soft lump in anus that produces when making BM or simply straining. I have had bloody and bloody muscus from the anus too. I also have occasional itching. I thought all this could be down to hemoroids but now really worrying about anal cancer.

16-02-19, 17:49
helen this is total rubbish look on your previous threads

16-02-19, 17:56
HPV doesn't just jump about, HPV in the cervix can cause cervical cancer, to get anal cancer from HPV you'd have to be having unprotected anal sex with someone with HPV, you then have to catch the virua and even then the HPV would have to lead to cancer, you have pretty obvious symptoms of a textbook case of piles.

16-02-19, 19:07
I hand unprotected anal (cringe) with one guy but it wasn't consensual - we were having sex and then he put himself elsewhere. This was 8 years ago. Surely would've shown at last smear if he was responsible for the HPV? Do I have it for it life? Am I likely to get a form of oral anal or vaginal cancer because of this? I feel dirty. I had a promiscuous stage (at the 8 year ago mark) but sure most were protected.

16-02-19, 22:23
helen this is total rubbish look on your previous threads

Agreed. A lot of ignorance re anal cancer here too. A "soft" lump which moves about during BMs etc is NOT how anal cancer presents.

Go back to your CBT methods, Helen :lac:

17-02-19, 04:06
I hand unprotected anal (cringe) with one guy but it wasn't consensual - we were having sex and then he put himself elsewhere. This was 8 years ago. Surely would've shown at last smear if he was responsible for the HPV? Do I have it for it life? Am I likely to get a form of oral anal or vaginal cancer because of this? I feel dirty. I had a promiscuous stage (at the 8 year ago mark) but sure most were protected.

I think you need to give your specialist all this information (and the info about the hemorrhoids) and have a discussion with him/her about it, then you can get clear about what's happening (or not happening).

17-02-19, 05:47
I've been signed back to my GP now and have a check up smear for Cervical changes in 6 months. No mention anywhere of checking for anal or oral cancer changes.

17-02-19, 07:56
I've been signed back to my GP now and have a check up smear for Cervical changes in 6 months. No mention anywhere of checking for anal or oral cancer changes.

You appear to be very worried about anal or oral cancer so it makes sense to be proactive and mention your fears about them to your Dr.

17-02-19, 09:50
Helen sweetness, you don't have anal or throat cancer. I'm sure you've read but around 80% of the population that are sexually active have HPV. If by having HPV you were so much more at risk of other cancers they would screen for them too. The cervix is prone to precancerous changes because of the transformation zone - where the glandular and squamous cells meet. This isn't the case everywhere else.

I know that having this smear and the results have spiralled you. It's such a scary time honestly, but you have had clear margins! This means that all that remains in your cervix now is healthy tissue. That's great. Xxx

18-02-19, 09:40
I've noticed when I wipe sometimes I can see a few black specks. I decided to monitor my poop and it's regular samentime morning and sometimes in an evening. Soft sausage shape. It was *very* dark brown yesterday. Today I had a look in more detail (embarrassing) and can see some tiny black specks inside the poop - not many but there.

18-02-19, 09:42
Helen, take a deep breath for a moment. It's almost certainly just something you ate.

You're on a serious downward spiral right now, and you need to deal with the anxiety before it gets any further out of control.

18-02-19, 09:54
It's been a few days worth though.

And I know I am. I had my first CBT session last week.

18-02-19, 09:57
Black specks aren't even an issue, though.

Really glad you're getting help, and I hope this tough time passes for you soon.

19-02-19, 22:28
Hey Helen,

I'm glad you've started CBT! I think your anxiety is worse atm for a few reasons. Your hormones are still a little iffy from having your baby, you have just begun CBT (You might get worse before better) and you did have an abnormal smear test and it's re-ignited this health anxiety of yours.

Please try to connect with people on here. People connect with you and you seem to ignore them. We're all here for the same reason! Have you read threads on here and thought "This problem is blatantly anxiety" ?? Because that's how your posts read.

The admins have merged your old threads - can you perhaps read your older ones and recognise that the problem and anxiety went away? This isn't the first time you've been worried about BC. You didn't have it then and you don't have it now. Honest. Your smear results were scary, but you got clear margins and that's fantastic!! You will have another smear in 6 months and it will almost definitely come up clear. You're okay. Apply what you learn in CBT, try to get enough sleep and connect with people xx

27-02-19, 15:52
For a few weeks now, tiny pepper like grains when I wipe. Not all the time. Could it be blood? I picked one and it cracked like a granule. I do season with a lot of pepper? I have no other bowel issues or concerns? Please advise.

27-02-19, 15:55
Stop digging about in your faeces, it's unhygienic.

27-02-19, 15:55
If you look for "tiny" things in your poo, you will find them. So stop doing it :lac:

How is baby?

27-02-19, 16:24

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

27-02-19, 16:25
You had this back in Nov 2017 so not a recent thing Helen

07-03-19, 22:29
For a few weeks now, tiny pepper like grains when I wipe. Not all the time. Could it be blood? I picked one and it cracked like a granule. I do season with a lot of pepper? I have no other bowel issues or concerns? Please advise.

Does your doctor know? It does not sound like blood but the best person to advise is the doctor :hugs:

30-03-19, 11:18
I've had a roid since few weeks after giving birth. I'm now 6 months post partum. Every now and then this heamoroid will bleed but recently it'll hurt with a BM especially if I miss a day out and there'll be speck of blood in toilet too. Should I be worried about anything sinister or is pain AND blood normal with a heamoroid?

30-03-19, 11:33
I've had a roid since few weeks after giving birth. I'm now 6 months post partum. Every now and then this heamoroid will bleed but recently it'll hurt with a BM especially if I miss a day out and there'll be speck of blood in toilet too. Should I be worried about anything sinister or is pain AND blood normal with a heamoroid?

You have had this question answered many times over a number of threads, get using your CBT knowledge.

02-04-19, 22:47
I have bruise like on/off ache upper abdomen so now Worthing about abdomen aneurysm or cancer again. Also had twitch in jaw so worried it was hemifacial spasm which means tumor.

02-04-19, 23:30
Please stop googling these things. When is your intensive therapy?

07-04-19, 23:34
Piles flaring up? When do they go? I'm so so so worried it's bowel cancer. It hurts when I poop SOMETIMES and a little blood actually drips in the toilet. I've looked inside poop and it's not inside just on top. I'm sick of worrying about this.

07-04-19, 23:59
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


08-04-19, 00:43
Persistent rectal bleeding needs to be evaluated by a GP, preferably a Gastroenterologist/gastric surgeon, not an internet forum (see here (http://file:///C:/Users/andre/Downloads/Rectal%20Bleeding%20%20Commissioning%20Guide%20(1) .pdf)). I say this humbly, but there is nobody on here suitably qualified to reassure over this - in fact, not even a leading, eminent, "top of his league" (or her) Gastro doctor would do so.

08-04-19, 01:55
They can be there for years, Reb. Mine have. You can try an OTC cream and they will help you to reduce the irritation & swelling but you do need to look at the root causes.

In your case they came from pregnancy, so there is your root cause, but your diet and stress can be keeping them going. Plenty of water and good fibre will help.

08-04-19, 05:46
Thanks Gaga, it's not necessarily with every BM but twice a fortnight it seems. I still wiping when don't need to so maybe irritating the skin. I did take regular sitz baths and it went away last time for short while. I will go to a chemist tomorrow. Last time I took anusol it made me itch though. Is it classed as internal if it pops out only when I open my bum (sorry for the crudeness). I am regular and BM are normal sometimes little mushy but never very loose. It's the pain too. I thought you either got blood OR pain not both. There have been times I have pain Nd no blood though. It's actual pain in the butthole not further up. Feels almost like a lemon on a cut type of sore.

08-04-19, 19:43
I've bought anusol so going to use this - do I class it as internal if it only pops out when I poop. Sorry for being grim but it's not there unless I'm on the toilet. Basically do I pop cream inside aswell.

09-04-19, 01:59
Best to apply it as stated. They treat both types as an applicator is smeered outside and squirts through it's tube and then you can rub some on the outside with your finger. I used Anusol when I first started and didn't find it very effective but this was 20 years ago and they have updated since. More recently I needed some help with a flare up and tried Germaloids instead which seemed to work better but like I say it's been a long time between using them so there may be little difference. Try them out and see what works.

09-04-19, 03:19
Piles flaring up? When do they go? I'm so so so worried it's bowel cancer. It hurts when I poop SOMETIMES and a little blood actually drips in the toilet. I've looked inside poop and it's not inside just on top. I'm sick of worrying about this.

They usually don't go away once you have them. My daughter was born 5 years ago and mine have never left me. They just kind of calm down, but anything - constipation, diarrhea, sitting too long, spicy food, etc... etc... can make them flare up. If you don't see them at all until a bowel movement then they are probably all internal. If you had the external ones you'd see them all the time.

The internet is a horrible resource for them because nothing I've ever read about them has described mine accurately. Stop searching for things, and STOP messing with them. That is what's going to make it worse. I've had bleeding and pain - at times the pain was so bad I missed work during my pregnancy. The pain from hemorrhoids was by far the worst post-partum pain I experienced.

When mine flare up I used a combo of Tucks pads and Preparation H (the max strength/pain relief kind). I don't know if these are called something else in the UK. Tucks are just witch hazel pads and the active ingredient in prep H is phenylephrine. Soak the area with the pad after you go to the bathroom, then apply the cream. Then - stop thinking about them!

09-04-19, 09:28
Erin, my logcial side sort of knows it's a flare. I had regular bleeding and pain back when they first came around 3 weeks pp. It was agony back then and now it's more like a sore. Imagine you suck a lemon without realising you has a cut on your lip. My worry is the sore and blood is with every BM this few days and I've gone twice instead once and two days a week I'll have a looser motion. The blood is fresh. So bright red and I can feel a tear with each BM.

Terry, it's ridiculous but how do you pop it inside. My roid when it's out cover my bumhole (how lovely but I'm sure I've wrote worse) do you put cream outside nozzle or inside you, then and squirt it up?

09-04-19, 12:34
Try suppositories if you're having trouble with cream

09-04-19, 14:47
Erin, my logcial side sort of knows it's a flare. I had regular bleeding and pain back when they first came around 3 weeks pp. It was agony back then and now it's more like a sore. Imagine you suck a lemon without realising you has a cut on your lip. My worry is the sore and blood is with every BM this few days and I've gone twice instead once and two days a week I'll have a looser motion. The blood is fresh. So bright red and I can feel a tear with each BM.

Terry, it's ridiculous but how do you pop it inside. My roid when it's out cover my bumhole (how lovely but I'm sure I've wrote worse) do you put cream outside nozzle or inside you, then and squirt it up?

It will shrink itself back in, if it's not too large. Mine have popped out for years after either straining or loose stools. Yes, they can cover the hole.

It may depend on the cream, so obviously read the instructions first, but the ones I've used that have a tapered hollow nozzle that fit over the cream you smear some around the outside of the applicator, then insert and squirt to get further up and finally after removing you rub a bit around the entrance with your finger.

09-04-19, 14:49
They usually don't go away once you have them. My daughter was born 5 years ago and mine have never left me. They just kind of calm down, but anything - constipation, diarrhea, sitting too long, spicy food, etc... etc... can make them flare up. If you don't see them at all until a bowel movement then they are probably all internal. If you had the external ones you'd see them all the time.

The internet is a horrible resource for them because nothing I've ever read about them has described mine accurately. Stop searching for things, and STOP messing with them. That is what's going to make it worse. I've had bleeding and pain - at times the pain was so bad I missed work during my pregnancy. The pain from hemorrhoids was by far the worst post-partum pain I experienced.

When mine flare up I used a combo of Tucks pads and Preparation H (the max strength/pain relief kind). I don't know if these are called something else in the UK. Tucks are just witch hazel pads and the active ingredient in prep H is phenylephrine. Soak the area with the pad after you go to the bathroom, then apply the cream. Then - stop thinking about them!

Stop sitting on spicy food, Erin http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/toilet/t9717.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-toilet.php):roflmao:

Yeah, mine never went away. I think they get to a certain stage where they need removing via banding, laser of something celebrities seem to be making more popular to reverse their bum holes back to their childhood days...anal stretch.

Yeah, we get Preparation H over here.

Some people make their own witch hazel treatments by soaking cotton wool balls in them (I guess you have to dilute it first). It's supposed to be a good astringent.

24-05-19, 19:40
Ah I’m glad I read this thread! I had them when I was pregnant and could see them but now I can’t see them but have had one instance of blood and the lemon thing your saying about clicked! I have that! The only thing is mine don’t pop out ... can it still be that but internal??

26-06-19, 10:23
So I have heamoroids/piles and they do flare but seeking reassurance. Usually I dab and see more but I didn't so I caved and looked at my poo itself. No blood there either. It did sting a bit when I passed BM and my diet has been bad the last few days. Should I be concerned?

26-06-19, 17:47
What is there to be concerned about?

26-06-19, 18:49
So I have heamoroids/piles and they do flare but seeking reassurance. Usually I dab and see more but I didn't so I caved and looked at my poo itself. No blood there either. It did sting a bit when I passed BM and my diet has been bad the last few days. Should I be concerned?

You just answered your own question

26-06-19, 21:08
The fact I saw a bit of red blood on tissue when I wiped. Yesterday too.

27-06-19, 13:03
and you have piles so .......