View Full Version : Worrying, worrying, worrying

17-09-07, 11:54
Hi Everyone

Last night I didn't have a very good nights sleep, I was just laying there wide awake, listening to other people sleep etc, (too many things whirling round my head).

At the moment I am waiting for a letter back to say yes or no whether I can claim Incapacity Benefit etc(been told between 2 -3 weeks), trouble is I go away at the end of the month, people coming to the door etc(I have money problems), hospital appointment on Thursday, and today I have just found out the Gp who I normally see is on leave until November, and my sicknote runs out on 20 October :weep::weep:.(that means talking to a different Gp) Trouble is I prefer to see ladies Doctor, because I have a lot of problems with ladies trouble. There are only 3 lady Drs at the surgery I go to, one is the person who I normally go and see and is on leave until November, 2nd is someone who I used to go and see, trouble is she is not very sensitive, blames everying on the weight(even when I was a size 16 and if I went for a sore throat) that is no option, and the 3rd is someone who I have never seen before. I am just dreading going, seeing someone new having to explain all over again the problems I have( if you see what I mean) I have to go next week to see a Dr, deffinately not lucking forward to it.

Sorry for the long rambling post.


17-09-07, 12:10

As for seeing a different gp, Im sure you can get a lady gp if needed.
Also how about getting yourself some mindfulness cds ? they can help the mind from roaming .

Good luck with the incapasity benifit.

19-10-07, 14:00
Hi Everyone

Just a quick update, I did not pass, I scored 9 points and I needed 10 points to pass . I have to appeal now, I went to CAB on Monday and they got the ball rolling for me, as I do not have long left(I went on holiday for 2 weeks,) and they stopped my benefits from the 26th september and basically have a month from then to get my appeal done(thank god for my parent, got them to open the letter from DWP and to make an appointment with CAB if it is bad news, they received the letter on the 2nd October, I went on holiday on the 29th September.

I got told I had to either claim for Job Seekers allowance, I would get full allowance(the guy at CAB said that because I am under appeal they might not push me into finding a job, but he can not guarantte that or claim Income Support but at a reduced rate I would get 25% less, because I am not able to work, don't really know what to do, I do feel that I am not ready for work at the moment also I find it really hard making decisions.

I decided to claim the reduced rate Income support, because I can not face going into the Job Centre to sign on and I might meet the same man who was horrible to me before, plus I do not feel like I am ready to work right now.

Many Thank
