View Full Version : Nosebleeds

27-06-19, 12:59

Im typing this from my phone quite fast so I apologise if the grammar etc isn’t good

When I started on Sertraline 4 months ago I noticed that a side effect for me was nosebleeds that bled a lot which gradually went away. I’ve now been on 100mg for a month

Now my nose seems to be bleeding a lot, whenever I like pick it, which I just do as a bad habit like everyone does and because it can get stuffy when there’s dried up blood in there

Im worried because this morning, just now, I woke up and I was lying on my back and I could literally taste blood streaming down my throat. It’s stopped now but I can’t stop thinking that if it keeps happening then I’m gonna die from blood loss

I read that when it trickles down the throat it can mean it’s been caused by a “posterior nosebleed” which is a nosebleed further up that is sometimes more serious than a regular one. It was probably just because I was lying back it went down my throat but Idk

I’ve ALWAYS been prone to nosebleeds, I had countless ones all through my life, but I think the sertraline has made them more frequent and I don’t know if it’s just my anxiety but the medication seems to make the blood stream faster and it doesn’t usually stop for like 1.5-2 mins, also the blood is sometimes richer than just bright red blood, or maybe it’s not I don’t know and I’m just overthinking it but yeah

Please help?

27-06-19, 14:17
Antidepressants can slow blood clotting which is probably why you are seeing this. You can mention it to your GP but they other than switching they may just monitor it.

I have found I bleed more on these meds.

But picking the scabs is going to just keep it going so let them heal. Keep your nails short and file them after you cut them as it will help stop you ripping the skin if scratching. Take it from someone with skin picking issues.

27-06-19, 21:54
Also, you are losing way less blood than you think you are. It is probably a minuscule amount and seems like a lot more . It is easy to overestimate blood loss .

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28-06-19, 18:38
Thanks to you both

I left it alone and it hasn't bled since