View Full Version : Massive Toothache. panadeine forte SCARE

27-06-19, 15:41
Well o have a massive toothache that I have been fighting all day. My question is panadeine forte safe? Does it make you sick?

27-06-19, 15:59
Its just Tylenol + Codeine. As long as you follow the dosage/usage directions, I don't see an issue :shrug:

Positive thoughts

27-06-19, 16:35
Was only going to take half of 1

27-06-19, 16:38
Pro tip, Josh: these meds have been tested. If they made people ill they'd never have made it through and onto the market.

27-06-19, 16:44
I just don't want the side affects

27-06-19, 16:45
If there were serious side effects it wouldn't be non-prescription; if you follow the directions you'll be fine.

Use your rational brain.

27-06-19, 16:51
I have lost my brain. It's in pannic mode

27-06-19, 17:10
So, try to bring it back again, think about this logically.

27-06-19, 17:42
I'm trying. I'm trying

27-06-19, 17:47
Alright. I promise, it's safe to take the dose of painkillers it says on the packet. It won't hurt you, and it might ease your toothache a bit.

27-06-19, 18:46

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


27-06-19, 20:11
The doses on the package are there to give an indication of how much to take for it to have the desired effect, it’s a very safe over the counter medication that’s very unlikely to give any side effects to most people.

Have you been taking the amoxicillin as you were prescribed?

Positive vibes,


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27-06-19, 22:28
No I'm still to scared to take the antibiotics. I'm so so so scared. If I had starting taking it I would say this toothache wouldn't be here. And I would be getting better by now

27-06-19, 22:59
No I'm still to scared to take the antibiotics. I'm so so so scared. If I had starting taking it I would say this toothache wouldn't be here. And I would be getting better by now

Are you scared of a stomach upset from them? (Im emetophobic too)

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27-06-19, 23:41
Yeah very scared hate gut pains or feeling sick and then spewing

29-06-19, 04:25
I have a appointment in a hr. I have abscess/infected tooth they are going to pull out. The pain is uncomfortable. When they pull it is it going to stop this pain!

29-06-19, 10:13
I have a appointment in a hr. I have abscess/infected tooth they are going to pull out. The pain is uncomfortable. When they pull it is it going to stop this pain!

How did the appointment go Josh?

I would imagine the pain from the actual tooth will go other than any discomfort from the extraction, but if you’re still not taking the antibiotics then the infection that’s causing the pain will likely keep causing you trouble.

Positive vibes,


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29-06-19, 10:21
Yeah very scared hate gut pains or feeling sick and then spewing

I just replied to your other thread (it really is better to keep all of the comments together in one place) but if you’re that scared of it then I would imagine you would want to take them even more like I do when I need to, they won’t make you worse they will make you better! I don’t know the exact statistics but I honestly believe the likelihood of getting a bad stomach from the antibiotics is lower than what an infection will do to the body when it gets going. - I don’t say this to scare you into it but more as a precaution so you know what your possibly getting yourself into here Josh.

I understand that the fact that it’s listed as a possibility makes it seem like a risk that you just can’t take - in the same way! What about asking your doctor for an antiemetic? You can take that first and then know that it’s job is to stop you feeling and being sick? Then you could take the antibiotics - but it really is important to take them as you’ve been told.

You do not want to end up in the hospital with much stronger antibiotics that frankly are more likely to make you feel bad.


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29-06-19, 13:59
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


29-06-19, 14:46
Thank you all. I had the tooth pulled very scary but I'm still here lol. Still very scared of this dam antibiotics tho

30-06-19, 00:51
If you have an abscess it's largely going to be that causing pain. I remember when my wisdom tooth became infected once the antibiotics kicked in it might a massive difference and the shattered tooth was bareable.

Well done for getting it done. Did you tell the dentist you hadn't taken these? Please bare in mind the infection is still there and whilst the dentist has tried to clean your mouth you still need to take the antiobiotics.

Whilst you fear it, delaying could lead to a more complex problem as Mouse says. You don't want that, the antibiotics you could be on then may come with more appararent side effects as opposed to your current one which is a low level one by comparison.

Get a strategy in place. Take it with someone there to help. Put it inside some food if you have too.

When I feared taking things it was about once it being in my body I couldn't do anything and my anxiety would rise. I would fear rises in anxiety or side effects that could make me feel worse as my anxiety levels would raise.

Don't stand there building up to it. Walk into the room and neck it. Walk out and distract yourself. You may see anxiety increases at this point but it will fade over time.

30-06-19, 06:13
The thing that worries me is the diarrhea then I'll freak thinking I'm getting sick then I'll freak on that then I'll feel sick then that will lead to spewing.