View Full Version : Strange sensations all over?

28-06-19, 18:41
BTW this is not anxiety, I've had a relatively nice anxiety free few days where I've had small short panicy moments but over all I've been coping better and haven't been thinking about bowel cancer

I've noticed for the past week that just underneath my right shoulder, there's like a tingly sensation that almost feels like it's being irritated by a tag that I've left attached to my T-Shirt of a label but when I feel, there's nothing there

And starting an hour ago I've had a stitch pain in my lower left back to the side whenever I breathe it too deep and I'm positioned a certain way

Does anyone know what this could be? I'm trying not to think about it being bowel cancer causing the stitch like pain but I have no other explanation for it except it maybe being a muscle related thing but it came on so suddenly

28-06-19, 18:42
I literally can't even sneeze because of this stitch pain, every time I breathe in to sneeze it hurts which forces it to stop. So annoying, I actually enjoy sneezing

28-06-19, 19:00
I should mention that the shoulder sensation isn't constant but the stitch pain has been constant for about two hours now.

28-06-19, 19:30
Oh now the stitch has gone.

28-06-19, 20:09
I think it might've been due to (TMI: I know this isn't the bowel problems thread) constipation

28-06-19, 22:42
Sometimes the small muscles between the ribs get trapped, or the nerves, and it feels tight and you can't take a full breath. It's annoying but it corrects itself some time later, even a day later.

30-06-19, 21:52
Sometimes the small muscles between the ribs get trapped, or the nerves, and it feels tight and you can't take a full breath. It's annoying but it corrects itself some time later, even a day later.

Yeah that went away very quickly

But I still have this tingling under my left shoulder which is worrying me, it happens even when I'm not worried at all and I'm just feeling neutral so it can't be anxiety. I was even in the shop earlier and it started. Could it be spine related ie. b*wel cancer that's metastasized to my spine?

01-07-19, 04:26
It could be hypervigilance.

01-07-19, 16:02
Yeah that went away very quickly

But I still have this tingling under my left shoulder which is worrying me, it happens even when I'm not worried at all and I'm just feeling neutral so it can't be anxiety. I was even in the shop earlier and it started. Could it be spine related ie. b*wel cancer that's metastasized to my spine?

Given everything we have said about what a metastasised cancer would mean and your recent reviews by 3 doctors, would do you think the answer is to this?

You have to remember any creature in existence feels things every day and many of those will never be understood. If not you will be searching, and wrongly associating all sorts of every day symptoms that everyone else in life is also having but just don't think or talk about.

01-07-19, 18:03
Blue, I'm not too sure that it's hyper-vigilance because it happens even when I'm not thinking about it

Terry, you're right I know I need to learn to accept it, the doctor even said I worry about things no one else would worry about but I just recognize that when you ignore these things sometimes they can turn out to be caused by something nasty

01-07-19, 19:53
What do you mean by "recognize"?

01-07-19, 21:05
At the moment it's "believe"?

02-07-19, 00:49
Blue, I'm not too sure that it's hyper-vigilance because it happens even when I'm not thinking about it

Terry, you're right I know I need to learn to accept it, the doctor even said I worry about things no one else would worry about but I just recognize that when you ignore these things sometimes they can turn out to be caused by something nasty

But if you think like this don't you see you will need to question everything your body ever feels for the rest of your life just in case?

When I had to perform a compulsion to ward off whatever danger or nasty thing that could happen no one could say for sure it wouldn't. No one could say for sure a loved one wouldn't be hit by a bus tomorrow or anything else.

Uncertainty has to be accepted because otherwise anxiety will be your life.