View Full Version : Omega 3 - I'm really a strange bird!

30-06-19, 00:32
I've been feeling pretty good lately regarding anxiety and panic attacks, but decided that I should maybe add an Omega 3 supplement to my daily routine as I've read it has some wonderful positive affects on anxiety and depression. I figured, "Why not - can't hurt and might make things even better!" I've been taking them about 5-6 days and for the past 2 days I've been puzzled by the increase in agitation and prickly skin feelings that have come back. I wondered if it were the fish oil but figured that's not possible so I took my dose again today. I'm getting more agitated by the minute and am ready to crawl out of my skin. I've tried walking, exercising, meditating, relaxing, playing a game, etc. and nothing is helping. I just did some more research and it seems that some (rare) people DO experience anxiety and agitation from the addition of Omega 3.

Sheeesh! Try to do the right thing and it turns out to be wrong. I'm going to lay off for a few days and see if this agitation and skin crawling goes away. Anyone else?

01-07-19, 08:27
Instinctively I would say it can't be the culprit, but on the other hand unless it's a very pure high quality fish oil, perhaps there's something in it that's triggering you?

After years of experimenting I don't think there's any one nutrient or supplement that's makes a noticeable difference in isolation, so if you think they're causing it (even as placebo) then stop them. I think supplementing Omega 3 is only really necessary if you eat an imbalance of Omega 6 in your diet, which means mostly factory raised red meat. The issue there is that the animals are fed grain rich diets. Maybe get your Omega 3's from wild caught oily fish and/or grass fed meat/chicken/eggs instead.

01-07-19, 13:26
Hi Joe.
I tend to agree with you that this probably is NOT the culprit, but you know how those of us with anxiety (and too much time on our hands) try to find the ONE thing that is causing their issue so that we can eliminate and live happily ever after. It would be so much easier to blame the new supplement for whatever may really be going on with me so that's the route I took. I'll stay off it for a few days and then add it back in and see what happens.

There are so many other things that can be causing the increased anxiety, some I can fix, some I can't, so I'll try to pinpoint and work on the ones that I can.

Thanks for the feedback.

01-07-19, 15:58

When I started it I noticed it really stopped my low moods quite quickly. They just didn't drop as far. But I did notice an increase in anxiety when that would cycle back around. It did calm down though the more I got used to taking the stuff.

01-07-19, 16:06

When I started it I noticed it really stopped my low moods quite quickly. They just didn't drop as far. But I did notice an increase in anxiety when that would cycle back around. It did calm down though the more I got used to taking the stuff.

Good to know, Terry, thanks.