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19-01-05, 19:22
Hi there

i've just logged onto this site. I have just read through the information and found it very useful. I had suffered from very severe panic 10 years ago. It was never properly diagnosed and instead i was told i had nervous depression.

I never really felt this was the case. I did have bad depression but it was because i didn't know what was happening to me. Eventually i spontaneously recovered after having attended various psychiatric centres blah blah blah.

Basically i gave up on finding medical help and eventually overcame the problem myself. I don't quite know how.

Unfortunatly 10 years later it seems to have come back with a vengence. Its very interesting reading the website information as everything that is said is what i have experienced from agrrophobia to alchohol dependence.

I can only say that the internet is incredibly powerful. When i initially experienced panic attacks back in 1987 i had no idea what was happening to me. I think i nearly went mad just from shear confusion. There was no resource like this around then and if doctors could not see your condition in terms of depression or psychotic illness it was difficult to be taken seriously.

I would be very interested to hear from anyone in the UK who feels they know what i should do next as i have only recently admitted that this illness has recurred in my life and am trying to work out how i can get effective medical help.

Thank you


19-01-05, 19:39
hi and welcome im sure you will find loads of good advice on here and its fun too

fan x

19-01-05, 19:45
Hi Kieron

Welcome to the site,

There are lots of nice people here
who will help and support you.



All problems have a begining and an end!

19-01-05, 19:46
Hi Keiron

Welcome to the forum.

I wrote the website cos when I started suffering (over 10 years ago) I couldn't find any help - apart from the docs who didn't really understand.

It was a way of getting help for me and helping others and it works very well on all accounts.

I am not sure how much you have read on the website but start with this article - www.nomorepanic.co.uk/firststeps.htm

Hope to hear more from you soon.


19-01-05, 21:32
Hi Keiron
Welcome to the site. I too had 10 clear yars until november 2003 when it returned, and like u i attended clinics seen shrinks etc and in the end it just went itself. I to was very dependant on alcohol it was the fastest way to get relaxed and hide the frears and phobias, this daily and at times heavy drinking went on for 40 years. I stopped drinking november 2003 and maybe that brought the painic and anxiety back. it was vtopping but seeing light at te end of the tunnel now that I am trying to face the problems without drink. anyway hope u find help here and Take care, Vernon

19-01-05, 22:23
Hi Kieron,

This is the best website I have ever seen with info on Panic Disorder etc, Some extremely insightful and helpful advice on here which I wish I had seen 4 years ago! I instantly felt welcome and everyone is really helpful.
I have also found Cognitive Behavioural Therapy worked pretty well for me, got me out of the house and leading a fairly normal life again.

The main thing is, you are not alone, and you have a wealth of information at your fingertips on this site!


22-01-05, 10:26

I agree this is the best website i have found out there about panic and its unreal, i feel so much better from just visiting here a couple of times that there is so many people out there that suffer EXACTLY the same as me when it comes to symptoms with things. I have never come across anyone with the same symptoms which was making me think i had something seriously wrong with me but thats changed more since coming here.

I am so glad i found this site accidentally albeit but im glad i did best move i ever made.
