View Full Version : Guy stared at me creepily and now worried he is serial killer...is this my anxiety?

01-07-19, 20:08
I was at a store, and the guy checking out after me gave me the creepiest look. I got so scared I ran out of the store and walked in the opposite way of my house, and waited around the corner for him to leave. Now I’m terrified he’s going to stalk and kill me. Is this rational, or is this anxiety?

01-07-19, 20:12
It is not rational, in any way.

01-07-19, 20:56
I know it sounds crazy, but i do live in a big city where stuff happens

01-07-19, 21:03
Yes, but your anxiety makes you believe these things are likelier than they actually are.

02-07-19, 00:39
Is it rational? What is the probability of what you fear being a possibility? What is the probability some bloke was just checking you out? Was he even looking at you rather than something near to you?

Mind reading is something to keep in check because most of the time people just aren't that bothered about what's going on in own heads and they are busy wrapped up in their own thoughts.