View Full Version : CT

03-07-19, 02:43
I mentioned I've been having sinus problems for awhile- some blood in mucous in the morning (now more green than bloody) and associated problems. I had a CT of the head awhile ago for something else and nobody mentioned sinus problems (just that sinuses were 'clear'. But now I'm going to see an ENT next Wednesday and he looked at the hospital's CT scan of the head and decided he wants one of the sinuses. His secretary said "I don't know if he saw something and if that's why he wants the CT." Now I'm so nervous he's found a tumour or something in my nose or sinuses and that's why he wants the extra CT. I have to wait a week to find out what's going on.

03-07-19, 14:00
He probably just wants a more detailed and updated image of the area is all. A general head CT doesn't provide that.

Positive thoughts