View Full Version : How do you stop yourself spiralling?

03-07-19, 06:38

i can feel myself getting sucked down the rabbit hole again. I’m back to pulling my armpits about after finally calming down about the breast cancer thing. I found two tiny lumps (maybe Peppercorn size) right at the top of my armpit beginning of January. They’ve not got any bigger so I concluded it wasn’t cancer and left them alone. Now I’ve started pulling them about again, I keep clearing my throat and getting pains in my chest plus a dull ache in breast bone area. I’m now convincing myself I do have breast cancer which has spread to my lungs and I’m dying. I know it sounds silly but I can feel myself panicking again.

things are going really wrong at home. I’ve tried to make my marriage work and it’s not. It’s becoming impossible to live with my husband as I’m accused of all sorts constantly. The man is fixated on lack of sex and I’ve fried to explain my anxiety crushes my sex drive. He won’t let up about it and is obsessed. It’s making me feel ill the constant arguments and never any happy times. I’ve now got to find somewhere else to live and it will mean my girls won’t be with me every day which is beyond awful 😢

Now ive started panicking I’m dying again after I’d managed to be rational.

I dont mnow what to do, I’m having counselling but will have to stop once I move out as I can’t afford it.

03-07-19, 07:13
Call up your local branch of MIND and see how they can help you - they're good people.

Was your husband decent to you in the past?

06-07-19, 14:44

i can feel myself getting sucked down the rabbit hole again. I’m back to pulling my armpits about after finally calming down about the breast cancer thing. I found two tiny lumps (maybe Peppercorn size) right at the top of my armpit beginning of January. They’ve not got any bigger so I concluded it wasn’t cancer and left them alone. Now I’ve started pulling them about again, I keep clearing my throat and getting pains in my chest plus a dull ache in breast bone area. I’m now convincing myself I do have breast cancer which has spread to my lungs and I’m dying. I know it sounds silly but I can feel myself panicking again.

things are going really wrong at home. I’ve tried to make my marriage work and it’s not. It’s becoming impossible to live with my husband as I’m accused of all sorts constantly. The man is fixated on lack of sex and I’ve fried to explain my anxiety crushes my sex drive. He won’t let up about it and is obsessed. It’s making me feel ill the constant arguments and never any happy times. I’ve now got to find somewhere else to live and it will mean my girls won’t be with me every day which is beyond awful 😢

Now ive started panicking I’m dying again after I’d managed to be rational.

I dont mnow what to do, I’m having counselling but will have to stop once I move out as I can’t afford it.

Sorry you're going through such a difficult time, and with an unsupportive husband on top of your anxiety it must be even worse. Could it be that he is just as upset by your anxiety, and it is causing him to lash out?

As for the breast problems - pulling and poking about will probably cause all sorts of pain, and chest pain can come on from an anxiety attack (in my experience). So you really do need to try to stop obsessing over it... which I know, believe me, is much easier said than done.

My best wishes to you.