View Full Version : Worried about getting Vitiligo!

03-07-19, 22:11
Hi there, I found a tiny white spot on my arm, I noticed it yesterday, it's the size of a full stop. My skin is brown and the dot isnt as notciable straight away unless I look for it. But it is there and I've automatically come to a conclusion that its nothing other than Vitiligo. Something that I am petrified of getting. There is only one spot as far as i know.
I'm worried that this is the first stages and it might get bigger or get more. Its making me feel depressed.

03-07-19, 22:53
Hi there I had to respond to this as I thought I’m the only one who has ever had this fear! A few years ago this paralysed me with fear. I would analyse every little white mark on me, I actually have some small burns from laser hair removal that turned white and started stressing about them.

It runs in my family, it still scares me to this day but recently I’ve been more focussed on the cancers!

I’m pretty sure what you’re seeing has just always been there and you’re just hyper aware now. Our skin changes so much and most people wouldn’t give it a thought

04-07-19, 05:04
I have a handful of white spots on my arms. I have light skin so it's hard to see them, but I asked my dermatologist a few years back at my annual exam and she said they're just a normal thing with aging. Mine range in size from tiny to the size of a sesame seed or slightly bigger. My doctor told me they are like freckles, but instead of hyper-pigmentation they are spots that lose their pigment.