View Full Version : Just don't know what's wrong anymore

06-06-19, 18:07
I've had flu like symptoms since last Friday which includes: fatigue, dry cough, dizziness and feeling heavy.

I used to have TB when I was 24 (I'm 28), which caused a bit of scarring so I wheeze sometimes. I have not been having breathing problems but when I breath deep exhale hard a get a wheeze sometimes or with some exertion (need to clarify).

The other night I cough what I thought was blood, it was clear phlegm with a bit of brown and red. This morning a coughed a speck or red, the doctor said it was likely coming from my nose.

I'm very worried that I'm going to get complications it's already been about 6 days (symptoms it hit hard last Sunday), and the fatigue an headaches won't go.

I went to the hospital yesterday and the doctor just said it was viral and I need to go home and rest, I didn't get a shot or anything, I made the mistake of googling and now my anxiety keeps on spiking.

Not really sure what to do right now. Sometimes it feels like I'm getting better then I get dizzy or fatigued.

06-06-19, 18:22
If you had the flu the Doctor would probably have been more concerned. It's probably a standard cold. The more recent ones I've had have been pretty brutal and made me feel like crap for a month or so, exactly the same symptoms as you.

Just don't google. It's really the worst possible thing you can do.

Do what the Doctor told you and rest for as long as it takes. Which can be a few weeks.

06-06-19, 18:46
Thanks for getting back to me. Just wondering but what makes you think that? If it was cold I would be sneezing more and stuff no? But in this case I'm getting lightheaded along with the other stuff.

06-06-19, 19:02
A cold is an infection and can affect you in numerous different ways. You're trying to analyse the way you think you should be feeling, and infections don't work that way.

I would go back to the Doctor in 7-10 days IF....and only IF you haven't got any better. You don't have to be completely free of symptoms, but if you're feeling better than you were you're fine. Also, if you start feeling considerably worse. But seriously, don't google and don't start second guessing how you think you should be feeling.

07-06-19, 17:55
I see what you mean, that is a trap for anxiety for sure. Example, I now wonder if it's lupus due to the fatigue (it happens one or twice a year). Appreciate the advice.

07-06-19, 20:38
I see what you mean, that is a trap for anxiety for sure. Example, I now wonder if it's lupus due to the fatigue (it happens one or twice a year). Appreciate the advice.

Perhaps look at it this way. If you drank too much alcohol one night and woke up the next morning with a headache, would you assume it was a brain tumour?

If you ran a marathon and then had sore legs, would you assume it was a knee tumour?

If you cut yourself and started bleeding, would you assume you had anaemia?

This is kind of what you're doing here. Ignoring the obvious and present cause in favour of a far more serious and unlikely one. The symptom isn't the problem, it's your reaction to the symptom.

Have faith in your body's ability to heal, not adding fuel to the fire by imagining the worst will make the healing process occur a lot faster too.

10-06-19, 16:43
Thanks for the kind words, appreciated. I ended up feeling a bit more sick and the doctor said it's probably a chest infection so I've been on antibiotics. I've been feeling very weak at times, but hopefully the medication should sort it out.

10-06-19, 17:09
The flu is a bear! Glad to hear its being treated. Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

11-06-19, 11:26
Thanks, I actually got a chest xray and it was normal. I am so confused, I have still been advised to take the meds but it's this weakness that's really bothering me.

11-06-19, 11:32
Unfortunately, really nasty infections can leave you feeling drained for months.

30-06-19, 04:11
It's been a month and still have these lingering symtoms save for the cough.

It's turning into a nightmare, somedays I feel a bit better then other days, I just feel thIS bout of weakness and a strange sensation over my body.

I've also discovered a lump in my arm pit and I've lost about 8 pounds, 80kg to about 76-77kg over either over the months or weeks.

I've had a blood test done since, which came back normal, but I haven't shown my doctor the lump. I'm getting more and more worried that something is missing.

03-07-19, 23:12
Complained in another thread about the flu. I thik it's cleared.

However, what lingers is this off balance feeling and weakness always that hits me at some point during the day.

To make things worse I've been losing a bit of weight and getting acid reflux so now I'm not sure whether I'm finding it difficulty to swallow or not. Yes I'm worried about esophagus cancer and been googling. I had similar issues last year and had an endoscopy that was clear. Worried that something new has developed.

04-07-19, 08:02

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


04-07-19, 21:56
Thanks Elen, will make sure to do so going forward.

And if anyone can help me with this would be glad.

Complained in another thread about the flu. I thik it's cleared.

However, what lingers is this off balance feeling and weakness always that hits me at some point during the day.

To make things worse I've been losing a bit of weight and getting acid reflux so now I'm not sure whether I'm finding it difficulty to swallow or not. Yes I'm worried about esophagus cancer and been googling. I had similar issues last year and had an endoscopy that was clear. Worried that something new has developed.

04-07-19, 22:04
All symptoms of anxiety. Stop googling.

06-07-19, 05:55
Thanks for the words, It's hard to think otherwise. Especially with the weight loss and my arms and legs feeling like lead at the moment, just feel like I know what's up.

06-07-19, 11:20
Thanks for the words, It's hard to think otherwise. Especially with the weight loss and my arms and legs feeling like lead at the moment, just feel like I know what's up.

It's impossible to think otherwise if you keep looking for things to worry about on Google.

08-07-19, 22:39
It's impossible to think otherwise if you keep looking for things to worry about on Google.

Agreed but you have any advice about the muscle weakness as that is a very real symptom I am feeling.