View Full Version : Diet coke addict...cancer fear

05-07-19, 11:44
So on Question Time last night (British politics TV show) a man said he was dying of cancer which he said had been caused by him drinking Diet Coke instead of the sugary version. He didn't have the opportunity to divulge much more info, but, me being a full-on Diet Coke drinker for the best part of 15 ish years, has triggered a huge panic in me. I'd heard the rumours over the years that aspartame is carcinogenic, but never really took it too seriously as there was other articles saying it wasn't etc. But now after hearing what that guy said, i can't help but panic I've now almost sentenced myself to getting cancer after drinking so much of the stuff over the years. I'm talking between 4-6 330ml cans a day! I feel like I've taken an irreversible pill that will inevitably give me cancer some day.
What do you think? Any other Diet Coke addicts out there? Any reassurance very much appreciated. :(
*big sigh*

05-07-19, 11:53
Now is a good time to break the addiction I have to say and stop the coke but I am sure you know that.

That is quite a lot to drink in one day and the caffeine won't be good for the anxiety so I think it is best to cut it out.

As for getting cancer - who knows?

05-07-19, 12:24
There is no possible way that the cause of cancer could be linked to a single component of a persons diet, but common sense does tell you that a drink full of chemicals probably isn't going to be healthy.

I think it's fair to say that a person with a high consumption of diet soda's is also likely to have other unhealthy habits too.

As NMP says, use this as a catalyst to break the habit.

05-07-19, 23:00
I always remember reading an article about Diet Cokes and cancer and I have copied and pasted it for you below. But I would suggest cutting down, as anixetyjoe said it is well known of all the chemicals etc, but I hope I can help with the cancer worry.

''There is no way the magical chemical that makes Diet Coke taste sweet isn’t up to some biochemical mischief right now. We’ve all gotten the chain emails that say diet soda is causing tumors to pop up in rats and that it causes multiple sclerosis-like symptoms. Should you be worried? No. The sweetener in Diet Coke, aspartame (also marketed as Nutrasweet® and Equal®), is one of the most extensively studied chemicals that’s ever been approved for the food supply. No link has ever been established (https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/diet/artificial-sweeteners-fact-sheet) between aspartame and cancer. At one point, there was some concern that aspartame was linked to an increase in certain types of cancers, but the increase began eight years before aspartame’s introduction to the market. All further testing has not shown any causal relationship between aspartame and cancer. Additionally, all new sweeteners go through more than a hundred safety studies, including cancer studies, before hitting the market. nd what about the MS claims? Good news: They’re full of shit, too. Both the National MS Society (http://www.nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS/What-Causes-MS/Disproved-theories) and Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/aspartame.asp) have debunked the link between aspartame and MS. The National MS Society goes on to say that “no scientific evidence supports the claims that aspartame — an artificial sweetener used in many diet soft drinks and other foods — causes MS.”

I hope that can help a little about your fear of diet coke and cancer, but do think about cutting down.

06-07-19, 00:05
This is like too many x rays or CT scans etc. cause cancer. I was treated for Head and Neck cancer with radiation. Strong enough to burn the skin off my neck and turn my throat into mush. I'm still here. The same principle applies. There's no scientific proof nor documented case. I can absolutely assure you, you won't be in the medical journals. Respectfully, its a ridiculous fear. That said, your dietary habits could use some help ;)

Positive thoughts

06-07-19, 02:15
I always remember reading an article about Diet Cokes and cancer and I have copied and pasted it for you below. But I would suggest cutting down, as anixetyjoe said it is well known of all the chemicals etc, but I hope I can help with the cancer worry.

''There is no way the magical chemical that makes Diet Coke taste sweet isn’t up to some biochemical mischief right now. We’ve all gotten the chain emails that say diet soda is causing tumors to pop up in rats and that it causes multiple sclerosis-like symptoms. Should you be worried? No. The sweetener in Diet Coke, aspartame (also marketed as Nutrasweet® and Equal®), is one of the most extensively studied chemicals that’s ever been approved for the food supply. No link has ever been established (https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/diet/artificial-sweeteners-fact-sheet) between aspartame and cancer. At one point, there was some concern that aspartame was linked to an increase in certain types of cancers, but the increase began eight years before aspartame’s introduction to the market. All further testing has not shown any causal relationship between aspartame and cancer. Additionally, all new sweeteners go through more than a hundred safety studies, including cancer studies, before hitting the market. nd what about the MS claims? Good news: They’re full of shit, too. Both the National MS Society (http://www.nationalmssociety.org/What-is-MS/What-Causes-MS/Disproved-theories) and Snopes (http://www.snopes.com/medical/toxins/aspartame.asp) have debunked the link between aspartame and MS. The National MS Society goes on to say that “no scientific evidence supports the claims that aspartame — an artificial sweetener used in many diet soft drinks and other foods — causes MS.”

I hope that can help a little about your fear of diet coke and cancer, but do think about cutting down.

^ This.

One man on a TV show who believes vs science. He may be right and it may be science is yet to prove a link but science at least tries to disprove too and it's important to understand the studies.

Do things happen like this? Yes, sadly. We can only do so much but we have to be careful with anecdotal reporting for the same reasons as the anecdotal "I cured my cancer by standing on my head" stuff too.

07-07-19, 01:02
Thanks all. You have provided much appreciated rational thoughts.

07-07-19, 03:42
You can be the healthiest man in the world and still get cancer, and be a chain smoker and alcoholic and die from natural causes. I don't think diet coke would be popular with so many people, especially those in the health industry if it was so dangerous. It's still much better than the sugary version