View Full Version : Random orange spot on ring finger

05-07-19, 13:43
I woke up this morning and directly under my nail there’s a random orange spot on my skin that’s circular and hard to miss. I thought it was blood so I tried to wash my finger but it isn’t coming off and seems to just be my skin that turned orangish in that spot. It’s. It’s not that small.. about pea sized and now I am terrified that it’s cancer and am thinking about making an appointment but my doctor always seems annoyed with me lately.

05-07-19, 13:45
It could be anything, but as far as I'm aware skin cancer doesn't tend to manifest as an orange spot.

05-07-19, 14:44
It looks orangish-reddish. I looked up melanoma and now I am terrified. Mine has irregular borders and one side of it may be darker then the other. I just have no clue what this is! It wasn’t there last night. I guess I’m making another trip to the dr😔

05-07-19, 14:47
Melanoma don't appear overnight, though, it's not how they work.

05-07-19, 19:08
It just looks brownish and more like a mole now but I don’t have any moles that are this big. I know for sure it wasn’t on my finger last night, I am so confused as to how it would suddenly show up overnight like this. I just feel sick to my stomach. My doctor isn’t open, most places aren’t open. I can’t really run to urgent care because they would just refer me somewhere else that isn’t open. This has to be melanoma. It looks just like it. I’m so afrisd I’m going to die. I’m 19 but I know age doesn’t really play a factor in skin cance

05-07-19, 19:13
Why does it have to be melanoma? Melanoma doesn't appear overnight.

05-07-19, 20:36
I just feel like its the only explanation for a mole randomly appearing over night. ItÂ’s just crazy that yesterday everything was completely fine and then I wake up with this and think itÂ’s a death sentence

05-07-19, 20:46
Yes, it is crazy, or rather it's highly irrational.

05-07-19, 21:20
There are many other things it can be, it doesn’t make good sense to jump right to the worst scary thing you can think of. There’s a lot of things that stain the skin or cause a blemish, pretty much all of them benign.

Positive vibes,


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05-07-19, 22:55
I just googled this and there were tons of posts with people waking up with rust-colored spots on their hands. Many didn't have a clue why but one post had a bunch of people putting it down to rotten or old fruit juice dripping on their hands the night before. Scrubbing with lemon juice got rid of it.

05-07-19, 23:06
You are making something out of nothing so just chill out and see what happens in a few days.

08-07-19, 03:36
It has been 3 days now. Honestly it looks like it is starting to fade. My boyfriend and family both agreed that it looks much lighter. However, i’m Still worried that it looking like it’s fading is just in my mind even though they agree. Or maybe they just agree to try and make me feel better. My friend looked at me like I was crazy when I told her I was making an appointment in the morning. I read that melanoma can kill someone in as little as 6 weeks which is why I am so panicked

08-07-19, 04:42
I repeat, melanoma doesn't show up overnight.

08-07-19, 14:09
I’m going to see if I can get an appointment before I have work today. I am just so freaked out. One thing that bothers me is that my doctor always seems kind of on the rude side though. Last time I was there about a lump on my foot he just seemed indifferent. I tried to bring up my anxiety last time and he just told me if I want to talk about that then I need a separate appointment. It just always makes me feel bad to feel so dumb each time I go there.

08-07-19, 14:24
I really wouldn't go to the doctor over this especially in light of the history with your doctor and the fact its resolving. That said, I would call and make an appointment to discuss your anxiety. But these are just words on a screen so....

Positive thoughts