View Full Version : worried about mercury poisoning

06-07-19, 02:32
hello everyone, health anxiety is raging again...

so lately, ive been having bouts of brain fog. i cant seem to think straight or focus on something for a long amount of time. it takes extra effort to focus on stuff for me right now.
i have had bouts like this before in the past, so it isnt a new occurrence for me, but i ALWAYS worry whenever i do go through them. i always assume the worst, instead of it just being depression.
lately my worry is that my brain fog is being caused by mercury poisoning from eating two types of raw tuna. i ate a seafood bowl that had a few chopped up pieces of salmon, spicy tuna and ahi tuna. im not worried much about the salmon, because it's one of the types of fish that has a lower mercury count. tuna has a high mercury count, and i dont eat tuna or fish often, yet im STILL worried.
i dont have any other symptoms that ive noticed...had a bit of neck pain but im pretty sure that's because i hold my neck in a weird position sometimes when i draw.
there's also a lot of other personal stuff going on my life right now, so im also thinking that might also be a factor.
i just miss having a clear mind, please help put my fears to rest :weep:

much love to everyone <3

06-07-19, 04:44
Brain fog is a classic anxiety symptom; I get it myself.

You won't get mercury poisoning from a bowl of tuna, I promise.

06-07-19, 20:41
Hi, had this fear last month. Check out my thread. Hopefully it will help. I havent got mercury poisoning today when I was 100% convinced I did when I made the thread.