View Full Version : First Time for Everything

17-09-07, 21:08

This is my first time on a web forum, so please be gentle with me!

I have suffered from anxiety on and off for several years but have generally not let it interfere with my life. The last 3 years have proved to be a different matter however. I have been under enormous pressure at work, moved house, lost my father to cancer and my mother suffered a heart attack a couple of months later. Fortunately she survived. Add to this the birth of my first child and you can see I have had an emotionally challenging time. The form of my anxiety has changed and most of the physical symptoms have subsided or don't bother me any more. What I have found is my self confidence has taken a real beating and I'm now haunted by irrational thoughts. I find this much more difficult to cope with. I'm terrified of doing something wrong or bad. I find it extremely difficult to convince myself that the thoughts are only thoughts, even though deep down I know they are. I hope that makes sense!

I've found Claire Weekes books very useful but the bit I struggle with is 'accepting' - how do I do this with something that frightens me, in practical terms I mean?

Anyway, I found some of the threads on this forum extremely interesting and re-assuring, so I thought I'd give the site a go.

All the best.


17-09-07, 21:14
Hello Tonkaboy :)

A very big warm :welcome: to you!!

17-09-07, 22:01
Hello Tonkaboy And Welcome Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Support And Info.wish Ya The Best........linda

17-09-07, 22:03
Hi A

Welcome aboard.

Have a good read around the website pages on the left for help and reassurance.

Hope we can be of help.

17-09-07, 22:11
Hi A,

Welcome to NMP. You have had a lot of stressful things happen to you in quite a short time. You will find this to be an informative site with tons of support.



17-09-07, 22:40
Hello Tonkaboy:welcome:to you!

You make perfect sense and I'm sure you'll find good support, information and advice here.

Pleased to meet you!


17-09-07, 22:42

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP also, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


18-09-07, 16:24

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

18-09-07, 18:00
Thanks for the welcome. I really appreciate it.

Today has been quite a hard day, wrestling with my negative thoughts. As usual, I've done what I needed to do but that doesn't stop me worrying that I can't. I need to believe in myself more but I'm still searching for the way to do that. I'm hoping that folk will empathise with that and share some ideas.



18-09-07, 21:19
Hi Tonkaboy and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sure if you're managing to achieve what you're setting out to do the confidence will return in time.

Take care,

Mike :)