View Full Version : Feeling breathless and "blocked" feeling in chest. Is this just anxiety?

07-07-19, 10:41
I didn't think I had been particularly anxious until recently when I have been experiencing some breathlessness and feeling in my chest of tightness/closed. I keep wanting to say it's anxiety, but I don't know.

The thing is, I can go to gym and run, cycle and do good workouts and not feel too bad. Sometimes I will tire faster, but think that's due to my lack of stamina. I am also over 18 stone in weight, so maybe this contributes.

I don't know, I just worry about my heart health or something. I am currently taking beta-blockers and have been for about 6/7 months.

I started on 80mg, but now I am starting to slowly come off of them so doctor said to take 40mg 2x a day for a month, then next I go to 20mg, then 10mg, then come off them completely.

Can all these symptoms still affect a person despite only being very mildly anxious? Could it be that I've been on meds for too long?

I would appreciate advice, and to hear your knowledge.

07-07-19, 11:41
"Gasping" for breath is an extremely common symptom of anxiety. I've often felt like my body isn't getting enough air and I breath harder and harder. It goes away eventually. You can run, cycle and walk with no problems so your heart seems to be fine. Either way, worth bringing up with your doctor but I can't see it being anything major.

How do you know you are "very mildly" anxious? There are people on these forums who would swear blind they aren't anxious, but still suffer from anxiety symptoms. You don't have to feel anxious to suffer from anxiety symptoms, funnily enough.