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07-07-19, 16:21
I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but it’s nights like last night that are posing so many questions. Is this truly anxiety? Are these symptoms real and being chalked wrongly to anxiety? Man anxiety sucks......

Just for some background to you all, I’m an 18-year old male from Arizona in the United States. Been suffering from health anxiety for close to four months now.

Anyways, For starters, after the party I hosted last night, I went to sleep at 11:00pm, but woke up at 2:00am with the same exact splitting headache behind my eyelids that caused me to get sick on Wednesday. What do you think happened this time? Got sick again in the middle of the night. As soon as I got sick though, the headache got better, didn’t entirely go away, but I fell back asleep, and it is gone now as I type to you all. I can’t pinpoint why these headaches are being caused, as I’m not finding any common denominators. If anyone has any ideas, please throw them at me. This time around when I got sick, it wasn’t a lot that came up, but still, got sick anyways.

But if that wasn’t all, as our party was ending, I had urinary incontinence happen at around 10:45pm (which I chalk up as being my own fault because I didn’t give myself enough time), but I also had incontinence sometime last night in the middle of the night and I’m not sure when. That’s the second straight night now I’ve had incontinence happen in the middle of the night. And I’ve been on a good track recently on eliminating incontinence recently during the day and night :(. The urinary incontinence has been a persistent symptom ever since this anxiety began for me.

It’s just times like these that make me question if anything medical is truly going on, or if this is all anxiety and I’m gonna be stuck with it for years to come. I know I’ve had my medical work-up done (CT scan, X-Ray, blood work, EKG, pulmonary, etc.) and it all came back clear. I even had a urologist appointment last Monday to talk about the incontinence, which I have an ultrasound to for sure settle everything on that end Thursday, but I feel like they aren’t gonna find anything, and I’m gonna be left with continuing to find out how to eliminate these symptoms.

I just need some pick-me-up, some advice, some answers, ANYTHING! All this is making me not want to get out of bed today. :(

bin tenn
07-07-19, 18:22
Hey, adamden, fancy seeing you here (not surprised since AC is down again). :P Unfortunately you may not really get "answers", because there isn't always an answer for things. Sounds like you could be experiencing migraine headaches, which can certainly cause nausea / vomiting. Likewise, vomiting can also cause headaches.

Where did you get on the incontinence with the docs? I can't recall exactly what came of your appts.

07-07-19, 19:15
Hey, adamden, fancy seeing you here (not surprised since AC is down again). :P Unfortunately you may not really get "answers", because there isn't always an answer for things. Sounds like you could be experiencing migraine headaches, which can certainly cause nausea / vomiting. Likewise, vomiting can also cause headaches.

Where did you get on the incontinence with the docs? I can't recall exactly what came of your appts.

Bin! So nice to see you here too! Yep, Central is down again, and I saw someone recommend this forum to someone else on Anxiety Community (which is another forum I am a part of), so I decided to jump on and see how it goes!
That's always my fear is not having answers to certain problems, but it's something I must work around LOL. The weird thing is is that I have not experienced migraines ever in my life until this week, which is very interesting. My parents and I talked a little bit more about everything with the headaches, and we're thinking it actually may be a side effect of my Prozac. I'm gonna speak with my GP at the beginning of the week and see if that is indeed a possibility. We've confirmed that the headache are what is causing my vomiting. We'll see.
In summary of the incontinence, the urologist that I saw believes I may be experiencing some bladder retention, but is not 100% certain on that because when they did a bladder scan to see how much was currently in my bladder at the time of the appointment, my bladder level was normal at 250 ml inside my bladder. He said that if that number was in the 300's and 400's, then he would be concerned, but he doesn't see that at this point. He also has a strong feeling that this is indeed anxiety-related bladder incontinence/retention because he saw the urine test results I did this week, and saw in my medical record that I have been diagnosed with hypochondria and am currently on Prozac.

He also mentioned that if I wasn't able to go to the bathroom more than once or twice a day, then he would be even more concerned, but of course, that is not what is happening. I've already gone to the bathroom four times today and it's only almost 3:00 here in Arizona. So all in all, he's not seeing any reason to take action or be concerned about it at this point as long as I am able to still go to the bathroom and urinate consistently.

He still ordered an ultrasound of my bladder and kidneys to be done, but I believe I can find results of my bladder and kidney portion of my CT scan, and just send that to him. We'll see.

07-07-19, 19:28
Sorry bin, I copy and pasted a reply I had made on Anxiety Community. Disregard the going to the bathroom four times today part LOL.

bin tenn
07-07-19, 21:50
I recommend NMP as well. Some people will post on AC then copy / paste it here (or vice versa) and I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's just me. Lots of experienced people here, same as AC, with lots of great advice and tough love. :P

Yes, I imagine migraines / other headaches can be a side effect of medication such as Prozac. I agree you should speak to your prescribing provider, especially if it continues. They can make any adjustments necessary. As for the bladder stuff, I do recall now, and I think you can certainly let that go. At most, it still sounds entirely benign. Could it be real, and not caused by anxiety? Yes, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It happens.

07-07-19, 22:45
I recommend NMP as well. Some people will post on AC then copy / paste it here (or vice versa) and I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's just me. Lots of experienced people here, same as AC, with lots of great advice and tough love. :P

Yes, I imagine migraines / other headaches can be a side effect of medication such as Prozac. I agree you should speak to your prescribing provider, especially if it continues. They can make any adjustments necessary. As for the bladder stuff, I do recall now, and I think you can certainly let that go. At most, it still sounds entirely benign. Could it be real, and not caused by anxiety? Yes, but that doesn't mean it's bad. It happens.
Tough love is what I need at this point haha!!
I'll be speaking with my provider tomorrow on this, and maybe we'll find out if they think it's better to just stop the medication at this point. I agree, we (we being myself and the physician's assistant I saw) believe it's benign and we'll just keep an eye on it and see what the bladder ultrasound on Thursday produces. Thanks as always bin! You're awesome!

08-07-19, 22:14
Just wanted to give an update on this thread (cc @bin_tenn):
I spoke with my GP today who prescribed the Prozac and she told me she doesn't believe it is a side effect of the medication, it is just rather a small migraine spell that I am experiencing, which is in turn causing the vomiting. I attempted to send an email to the clinic I see in Tennessee, but have not heard back from anyone at their office. Just wanted to get a second opinion from them as well since they were the ones that saw me most recently, they may know more.
Hopefully they'll get back to me and we can settle this, haha!

bin tenn
08-07-19, 23:46
How long ago did you begin the Prozac? Curious as to why your doc doesn't think the headache could be a side effect. She knows a heck of a lot more than I do about medicine, I'm not discrediting her by any means. I just know nausea and headache are common symptoms of Prozac and similar medications, but they generally wear off within a few weeks of beginning the med.

09-07-19, 00:04
How long ago did you begin the Prozac? Curious as to why your doc doesn't think the headache could be a side effect. She knows a heck of a lot more than I do about medicine, I'm not discrediting her by any means. I just know nausea and headache are common symptoms of Prozac and similar medications, but they generally wear off within a few weeks of beginning the med.
I started the medication on May 8th. It's been two months to the day actually.

bin tenn
09-07-19, 00:27
That makes sense why your doc doubts it's a side effect. Oh well. Sometimes it just happens, no apparent cause.

09-07-19, 00:41
That makes sense why your doc doubts it's a side effect. Oh well. Sometimes it just happens, no apparent cause.
That’s pretty much what she told me too. My family and I also thought maybe it could be because I was dehydrated on those nights, so maybe work toward remedying that too.

bin tenn
09-07-19, 01:24
Dehydration certainly can cause nausea and headaches as well.

09-07-19, 01:58
Dehydration certainly can cause nausea and headaches as well.
Which is why that thought came across our minds.

09-07-19, 15:50
Just continuing to update this thread (cc @bin_tenn once again)
Had another night incontinence episode, which is now the fourth straight night that it has happened. There doesn’t seem to be a way for me to control it, as I’m sleeping through whenever the incontinence happens, and then I wake up finding out I’m soaked.
It just makes me want to not go to sleep because I know that’s just gonna happen again, and also, I don’t wanna keep chancing getting another one of those headaches that’s causing me to puke.
It’s just a cycle I can’t seem to break right now :(

10-07-19, 15:31
I now dread going to sleep. The last thing I would’ve thought would come around with this anxiety.

The reason I say this is because I had urinary incontinence during the night for the FIFTH STRAIGHT night, and I still don’t know why it’s happening, because I’m asleep when it is happening. My ultrasound on my kidneys and bladder are tomorrow.

And I had a scare with my headache episodes again.

Well last night, I woke up at 3:00am, and I could feel it coming on, like it was about to unleash itself on me. Luckily, I was able to go back to sleep with no problems.

Both these things are just making me dread sleep. Trust me, I value my sleep. I always have. But all these things that have happened are making me not want to go to sleep, because the same cycle is just gonna keep happening. Thankfully my therapist is back in town and I see him today. This sucks..... :(

10-07-19, 15:44
I'm so sorry - I hope you can get this all resolved soon.

10-07-19, 15:58
I'm so sorry - I hope you can get this all resolved soon.
Appreciate your support. :)

10-07-19, 16:14

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

10-07-19, 16:46
Thanks for the heads up!!

10-07-19, 22:04
Just another update for this thread. There was a scheduling error, and my therapy appointment is actually tomorrow, not today. Not sure how that got mixed up.
Besides the point though, I just got a call from the clinic that is doing my ultrasound tomorrow, and they told me that prior to the appointment, like 45 minutes before the ultrasound, they want me to drink 24 ounces of water.
I feel like that is too much to drink at one time for my stature, and I'm not sure that I can and will be able to do so.
Anyone have any advice on that? I weigh around 78-80 pounds and am only 4'10".

11-07-19, 17:15
I just had the appointment and wanted to update you all. I'm still a little bit uneasy about this. I thought this would calm me down, but it hasn't.
I didn't drink the full 24 ounces of water, I drank 17, but it was good enough for them to see my bladder on the ultrasound.
Part of the ultrasound, if possible, was to see how my bladder emptied out. When they first scanned my bladder, I had 450 milliliters, and then I went to the restroom and it felt like I emptied it out, but there was still 210 milliliters left after I went to the restroom. So they were able to pick that up, and basically show that my bladder is retaining.
The reason why I say this may not be entirely true is because I went to the restroom once again 30 minutes later once I got home, and emptied out SO much once again. I just don't want there to be a false positive on my report, and then have to try and explain that to the physician's assistant. I'm hoping that it will all work out though.
Attempting to think positive thoughts on this. Hopefully it'll all turn out fine.

12-07-19, 15:17
I don’t want this to be a sob story of any kind, but at this point, I just need to vent and get this off my chest.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I become incontinent twice during the night last night, which is the seventh straight night I’ve become incontinent at some point.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I dread going to sleep knowing that I’m just going to become incontinent again and have to do the same routine over and over.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I fear the possibility of not being able to sleep because I’m considering the possibility of getting up every few hours just to empty my bladder.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I have to keep changing my bed sheets because my guard doesn’t hold all of the incontinence, which is an added stressor and continued hassle.

I don’t want to keep living this life where my bladder is retaining urine and not giving me clear signals all the time of when I need to go to the restroom and when I have fully emptied my bladder.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I fear the possibilities of what could come from this retention/incontinence. My physician’s assistant mentioned the possibilities of a Foley catheter, which would drastically change my lifestyle.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I’m dreading the results of a simple ultrasound.

I don’t want to keep living this life with a mother who’s frustrated constantly. For starters, I tell her I ran out of cleansing wipes I use for my body that I didn’t know were going to run out, and she raises her voice. I’m putting added stress on her that she didn’t deserve.

I don’t want to keep living this life where I have irrational fears that want to make me anxious, so I obsessively look at forums for 40 minutes just to reassure myself about them. (Not saying these forums are bad, I love them)

I don’t want to keep living this life where I can’t even look at the positives that have been happening and smile at them. I’ve actually started driving for the first time since this anxiety started. My actual anxious feelings, panic attacks and physical symptoms of anxiety have not happened for a full month now. But I can’t even be excited about that....

When will there be answers? If there are answers, it seems like I’ve been waiting an eternity for them.

When will there be change? When will my life go back to the way it was before all this started?

I don’t want to keep living this life I’m living right now....

12-07-19, 16:06
Its very apparent you're extremely distressed. Every State in the US has mental health facilities and help available. Please pick up the phone and make a call. You can get info HERE. (https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help)

Positive thoughts

12-07-19, 16:18
Its very apparent you're extremely distressed. Every State in the US has mental health facilities and help available. Please pick up the phone and make a call. You can get info HERE. (https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help)

Positive thoughts
I don't want to make it seem like I'm suicidal, my apologies if that is how it was perceived. I perhaps should've worded it differently. But thank you for your concern. :)
I have talked with my parents and expressed my distress as well, and they comforted me, and I am doing good now. I just feel like my anxiety and thoughts in the morning are worse because I just continue to get frustrated with the incontinence and it continuing to happen.
When I say I don't want to keep living my life like this, I just want things to change for the better, which is taking some time, and I'm really impatient right now about that. I just want to stop the cycle of this happening. That's all. I perhaps was being too dramatic.
I'm currently in therapy and had a session yesterday, where we are continuing to work on my problems.
Again, thank you for you concern my friend. :)

12-07-19, 18:57
Prayers have been answered. Double time. I feel blessed right now.
Just a few moments ago, I just got a call back on my ultrasound that they did yesterday, and everything came back normal. Nothing physically going on in my bladder. :)
They don't see any reason to take action and they will close the file unless I feel the need for a follow-up appointment. HALLELUJAH!
After that, I received a call back from the neurology department at the clinic in Tennessee that I go to.
In case I forgot to mention it here in this forum, also during this anxiety battle, I have noticed some changes in my leg function, including less weight bearing that I am able to put down in my legs. They were concerned something was changing, so they did bloodwork to make sure there wasn't anything concerning going on.
Anyways, they called back and said all the bloodwork came back normal on that and that they don't have a full understanding yet of what could cause that, just may be my body changing. But again, great satisfying news. :)
Thank you all for dealing with my BS today. Everything has gotten much better.

12-07-19, 19:06
Great news! So now you can continue to work on your anxiety so you don't go down the rabbit hole again ;)

Positive thoughts

12-07-19, 19:23
Great news! So now you can continue to work on your anxiety so you don't go down the rabbit hole again ;)

Positive thoughts
Amen to that! Thanks for sticking by me during this as well. You're awesome :)

13-07-19, 18:36
Alright, so I know this will sound weird, but I'm slightly anxious, but I'm not quite sure why.
This morning, I ended up having to kill a roach in my bathroom (lovely, right? Sarcasm MAJORLY intended LOL). When my mom came in to see what the commotion was about, she also went to look for something in my bathroom door in my vanity, and found that one of the shampoo bottles that I had under there exploded and there was just sticky shampoo everywhere. So she decided it was finally time to clean out my vanity drawers and the area under my sink (what is that called LOL?)
Surprisingly enough, the areas in my vanity door and drawers weren't as dusty and disgusting as I thought it was going to be, not a lot of dust. But still, there was some dust. At one point, I actually took a breath in through my nose and felt something in my throat that made me cough (felt like I inhaled dust). Had to step out a second while I was coughing up a storm LOL.
I'm wondering if I'm maybe slightly anxious just because I was expecting those to be much more dirty and maybe even see a spider living back there LOL, or maybe because of the dust I may have inhaled or whatever I inhaled LOL, or maybe just because I don't like cleaning.
Anyways, thanks for reading this mindless rant LOL. If anyone has ideas on why I might be anxious, shoot them at me!

14-07-19, 18:05
Well I gotta say, last night was a win-lose night... and it was weird.
The win part: didn’t have night time incontinence for the first time in nine nights (Woohoo!). But part of that was because of.....
The lose part: Ended up not really being able to go to sleep last night, and it was already bad enough because my family and I had already planned for me to get up at certain times during the night just so I could empty my bladder and avoid the incontinence altogether. Well, the plan was for me to wake up at 1:30am to go to the restroom, but of course, at that time, the revenge of the eyelid headache returned. Once again, got sick because of the headache, went back to sleep, and was good for the rest of the night headache wise. But still, I got at 4:30am to go to the restroom again, and finally slept a straight four hours from 4:30 to 8:45.
So now the next idea that we came up with on what the headaches could be from is eye strain. The reason is because I’m not super busy these summer days, I’m not as active, meaning I’m spending more time in my house on my phone or laptop (which I admit is true). But what I don’t get is why these headaches are happening in the middle of the night and not while I’m actually looking at any of my screens if it is indeed eye strain.
I’m open to any ideas, so throw them at me, please and thank you!

17-07-19, 02:49
So this will just be a general question thread just to see if I can get some ideas (and yes, I know you guys aren’t medical professionals, but I know many of you have had EKG’s, so I wanted to see if we have any commodities).

So when I went for my annual visit at the clinic I’m part of in Tennessee, they did an EKG. I never got a call back on the results of it (and I always assume no news is good news from them), but I noticed that my EKG report got posted on the online patient portal, so I got curious. When they first posted it, I briefly skimmed over it, but couldn’t really understand it because I didn’t know what some of the terms meant.

I got a little more curious today to look into what it all meant, but wanted to deviate away from plugging in terms to Dr. Google, so hopefully you guys can help me in some way.

I’ll refrain from posting the “interpretative statement” until you guys say it’s OK to do this, so please let me know if it is OK for me to post it! Thanks!

17-07-19, 12:51
Best to call your doctor if you have questions but as you said, no news is good news.

Positive thoughts

18-07-19, 15:47
Hey everyone! Sorry for not posting on the forums yesterday, I was planning on taking a break one of these days from the forums I’m on, but of course, life decided that was yesterday.
I once again had another headache spell that caused vomiting throughout the day yesterday, and I really couldn’t do much but just try and sleep it off. Probably vomited a good 5-6 times yesterday because of how severe the headache was and how long it hung on
My family and I are beginning to think that this is truly migraines and that I’m experiencing the true forms of migraines and that the headaches aren’t related to anything else.
Can anyone else who’s experienced migraines relate to what I’m talking about? Any suggestions on what I can do to stop these?

19-07-19, 22:40
Well after waking up once again in the middle of the night with a pulsing headache and vomiting, I finally decided enough was enough, so I went to my local urgent care today.
Nurse practitioner believes it’s migraines and he prescribed me naproxen to take whenever the headache comes on in the future (if it does).
Hopefully it works :)

20-07-19, 05:20
Good luck! I suffer from migraines and they're wretched things.

20-07-19, 05:26
Good luck! I suffer from migraines and they're wretched things.
Trust me I know the feeling now. It ain’t pretty. Thanks for the pick-up!

20-07-19, 05:49
As for advice; I can only tell you what's worked for me. My main problem was never the headaches; I've had them since my teens and I'm used to working through them.

What became a problem a couple of years ago, though, were the visual disturbances caused by aura, which frightened the life out of me. At their worst, they could be triggered by strong perfume, bright lights or even a dog barking suddenly (I'm not phobic about dogs).

I didn't put the pieces together until they stopped; I'd started drinking caffeinated coffee frequently after years of avoiding it. Then summer came, I was mostly drinking water and the auras tailed right off - it's been nearly a year since the last one. These days I try not to have more than a couple of cups of non-decaf in a week, and mostly not even that.

It can be worth taking a quick look at your life and trying to see if anything has changed - it might help you find the key.

21-07-19, 16:08
Well guys, naproxen did the trick!
Yesterday was still a pretty awful day, as the prescription got delayed at my pharmacy, so we had to wait a little longer for it to be filled and ready for me. And of course, I got a migraine early Saturday morning at 5:00am, and ended up throwing up bile since I had nothing in my stomach, everything was already digested.
The migraine stayed persistent throughout the day, finally the prescription was ready at 3:00, took the medicine at 4:00, and it cleared it up right away. Took a second dose at 11:30pm so that I could sleep through the night, and that worked too! Got a full night’s sleep for the first time in a LONG time! Super happy that it worked!
Super glad to be back! :)

21-07-19, 16:27
So glad you're feeling better!

21-07-19, 16:44
So glad you're feeling better!
Thank you BlueIris!
By the way, in response to your earlier message, I’ve actually never had aura come with these migraines, it’s just been the headaches and the severity of them. That’s been the main issue for me.
I also drink decaf coffee because the caffeine exacerbates my anxiety symptoms, so I tend to steer away from that.

21-07-19, 16:52
Yeah, migraines are weird. Fair warning: they can evolve over the years - not necessarily get worse, but definitely change. I only had my first aura when I was 38. On the other hand, mine often go away for years at a time, too.

21-07-19, 16:59
Yeah, migraines are weird. Fair warning: they can evolve over the years - not necessarily get worse, but definitely change. I only had my first aura when I was 38. On the other hand, mine often go away for years at a time, too.
That’s what I’ve heard from friends and friends of my parents who’ve suffered migraines too. They’ve changed, but haven’t gotten worse over time, so maybe that’ll happen, I don’t know. We’ll see LOL

23-07-19, 02:50
So I’m mainly directing this thread to anyone that has experienced migraines, hopefully you can help me out with this.
As you may have seen on my previous threads, I’ve been recently diagnosed with migraines and was prescribed naproxen to take whenever I feel a migraine starting to come on.
The first day I took the naproxen was my terrible day on Saturday whenever I was throwing up bile because of my migraine. It worked tremendously. I was able to sleep through the night and was fine the entire day on Sunday.
Well today’s been a little bit of a different story. I could feel a headache starting to come on at around 9:30 this morning, so I decided to take the naproxen to stop it in its tracks, cleared it up.
Well just about 10 minutes ago, I could feel another one starting to come on, and I took naproxen. Hopefully it’ll clear up before it gets any worse.
For those of you with migraines, is this typical? Should I be experiencing these this frequently? Any tips? Share your experiences?
Thank you so so much in advance!

28-07-19, 00:46
So as you guys have been able to tell, I haven't really been posting about my own anxiety battle and concerns recently. That's because for the last three weeks to a month, I feel like I've made a drastic improvement in my anxiety. It's been months since I've had a panic attack, it's been months since I've actually felt anxious mentally.

But I'm still not 100%.

Recently, I've noticed that some of my older symptoms, physical symptoms that is, are coming back. Especially my urinary incontinence. Just these past few days, I've had more incontinence episodes than I've had in previous weeks, and it's starting to become an issue again. My muscle twitches in my legs have become more persistent in certain positions, but overall, the twitches are becoming more aggressive, but last for short amounts of time. My migraines have been on and off, actually vomited this morning as a result of one, but I was able to get it cleared up and have been fine the rest of the day. Other than today, whenever I've felt one coming on, I've just taken the naproxen, and it's stopped it from happening. I'm also still not able to put as much weight in my legs as I want, which is putting a lot of strain on my arms when I'm trying to get in cars and transfer to different places other than my wheelchair.

I've had every medical test under the sun done. X-ray (normal), CT scan (normal), EKG (normal), bloodwork (all labs normal despite high cholesterol, it runs in the family LOL), urine test (two urine tests I've taken have come back clear), pulmonary function studies (lungs have improved), ultrasound of bladder, kidneys and prostate gland (according to urologist, all is normal), thyroid ultrasound (both nodes still remain benign).

What confuses me about all these physical symptoms that I am experiencing is that they are still present despite my anxiety being at a true non-existent state. All these symptoms that I am experiencing were not around before this anxiety started. All these symptoms started when the anxiety started. We've obviously considered the possibility that it is just the "perfect storm" of timing, and these don't correlate with the anxiety at all, but it really is hard to think it isn't from the anxiety when these symptoms weren't happening when I didn't have anxiety.

My therapist, family, and I have talked about the way that the subconscious works, and how it is possible that it is still continuing anxiety and its symptoms even though I may not feel anxious. I've always been told how there is ways to control my subconscious, but truly, I still feel like I can't tap into my subconscious, and say, "Hey, I'm OK. I'm not in any danger."

Do you all think that it is truly possible that my subconscious is still manipulating me and causing these symptoms? What can I do to tap into it and get these symptoms reduced? Is there anything I may be missing here? I appreciate all y'all's advice in advance!

28-07-19, 01:00
You've been on the forum for less than a month, have a couple of threads and 30+ posts related to your worries. To say you haven't been posting much recently is simply not the case.


Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

Positive thoughts

28-07-19, 01:25
You've been on the forum for less than a month, have a couple of threads and 30+ posts related to your worries. To say you haven't been posting much recently is simply not the case.


Positive thoughts\
What an analogy! That is so awesome! I can totally relate to it.
So personally, from your experience, how long did it take you for those "hot coals" to finally go out? I know every anxiety case is different, but maybe a baseline from you might help me get a better idea :)

28-07-19, 01:39
So personally, from your experience, how long did it take you for those "hot coals" to finally go out? I know every anxiety case is different, but maybe a baseline from you might help me get a better idea :)

Not a sufferer but I have dealt with some depression and "scanxiety" after my illnesses. I'm six years out from stage IVa Head and Neck cancer. I would say that I really started to feel more confident I had beat it three years out. My "scanxiety" was related to follow ups and it manifested itself as irritability. I had a chill pill I took for those times and had therapy as well.

Those coals can hang around for months and longer as evidenced by many members here. Its individual to the person and the work they put into treating their anxiety.

Positive thoughts

28-07-19, 18:38
Unfortunately, woke up again with a migraine headache, and threw up the naproxen that I tried to take before the headache got bad. And I had more incontinence this morning. :(
If things don't get better today, then I'm gonna go to the ER, but if they stay fine for the day, I'll just follow up with the urgent care doctor that I saw last week once they have availability tomorrow.

29-07-19, 23:03
Alright..... we might be getting somewhere folks.
After waking up with YET ANOTHER MOTHER(CUSS WORDS GALORE) MIGRAINE this morning IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AT 3:00AM (can't you tell I'm having a grand ol' time), I decided to call the pediatrician that prescribed me the Prozac, and she thought it might be time to change my medication to see if that truly is what is causing the migraines. She is gonna switch me to 25mg of Sertraline.

My dumb hypochondriac mind is saying what if serotonin syndrome happens because I'm upping the dose? Anyone have any advice on that? Could anyone please share their experience with Sertraline?
Also, urgent care never got back to my request for my appointment, so I'll call them tomorrow. Luckily, I was fine the entire day today.

29-07-19, 23:55
Serotonin syndrome is so rare I think you'd be better off worrying about being struck by lightening. Besides, you're not really a kid anymore, and when it does occur, it is usually in young one. So yes, your mind is being dumb ;)

Have you seen a neurologist for the migraines? When did they start? Before or after the SSRI?

30-07-19, 00:15
Serotonin syndrome is so rare I think you'd be better off worrying about being struck by lightening. Besides, you're not really a kid anymore, and when it does occur, it is usually in young one. So yes, your mind is being dumb ;)

Have you seen a neurologist for the migraines? When did they start? Before or after the SSRI?
I have not seen a neurologist for the migraines, but I have spoken about it with my pediatrician who prescribed it, and several different nurse practitioners at a clinic in Tennessee that I see. They all at first didn't believe that it was being caused by the Prozac, but it sounds like since it has persisted, they may have changed their minds. They started July 3rd, just 26 days ago. After the SSRI. Started the SSRI May 8th.

30-07-19, 00:32
Okay, then they may very well be caused by the Prozac, especially if you have female parts and get a menstrual cycle. It'll be good to trying switching to the Sertraline. Just like any medical condition, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc., finding the right meds for you are a part of a trial and error process. But when you find the right one and the right dosage, it can work miracles.

30-07-19, 01:33
Okay, then they may very well be caused by the Prozac, especially if you have female parts and get a menstrual cycle. It'll be good to trying switching to the Sertraline. Just like any medical condition, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, etc., finding the right meds for you are a part of a trial and error process. But when you find the right one and the right dosage, it can work miracles.

Well I’m not a female, but I’m glad I’m knowing that it may very well be caused by the Prozac.

30-07-19, 22:33
Wish me luck everyone. Beginning my Sertraline today since it is ready. :)

31-07-19, 03:20
UPDATE: Took the sertraline at 4:00pm, and so far, no side effects after a few hours. Hopefully it stays that way :)

31-07-19, 22:49
Alright.... it’s progress. Not the perfect definition of progress, but progress nonetheless. I’ll explain.

Took the first dose of sertraline yesterday at 4:00pm. No severe side effects. Always a good sign.

Kinda had a hard time sleeping last night, fell asleep at 11:00pm, woke up at 12:30am. Took me an hour to finally fall back asleep at 1:30am, woke up at 7:30am. Not bad.

 Woke up feeling great. No headache. Felt great. And then the headache came. I thought “oh hell, here we go again”.

Well, it actually ended up not being too bad. Had the headache come on and off, but my body fought it off before it got to the point of making me nauseous and sick, or even dry heaving for that matter.

Decided to take a nap to get rid of it once and for all, and it worked.

 So.... Progress! Second dose of sertraline is now in my system. Let’s hope things keep getting better.

01-08-19, 19:50
Still a work in progress it appears....

Headaches have been worse today, and I mean, much worse. Woke up at 12:30am with my first, had a few different ones come on and off through the night, and then they continued to persist into the morning. One got so bad I started dry heaving, but nothing came up. After that, everything’s been fine. No headache since.

Took the sertraline earlier today to see if that’ll help with the sleeplessness at night and also just to get back to a morning routine with that....

 Me right now: :doh:

01-08-19, 20:14
Can I ask, besides the fact that posting publicly will inevitably lead to reassurance and enabling responses, what it the purpose of your public diary of symptoms?

Positive thoughts

01-08-19, 21:18
Can I ask, besides the fact that posting publicly will inevitably lead to reassurance and enabling responses, what it the purpose of your public diary of symptoms?

Positive thoughts
I just like to keep people updated on the situation. I’m not the type of person to keep people in the dark about stuff. I feel guilty if I don’t LOL.

06-08-19, 00:03
Hope everyone’s doing well. Just wanted to give an update.

Made a trip to the ER today as the headaches, nausea, and vomiting all returned Saturday and today. They’ve been very inconsistent, having not happened on Friday and Sunday, but happening Saturday and today. I finally decided enough was enough. I needed to get this figured out.

Well..... i sorta got it figured out. Not really.

Doctor I saw in the ER said I do not have migraines, just chronic tension headaches, as I’m not having any symptoms other than the headache that relate to the migraine. No scans were ordered because of the inconsistency of the headache. No triggers have been found. So.... yeah.

Doc prescribed me gabapentin and zofran to use for the headache to replace the naproxen. So I guess that’s where I’ll go for now.