View Full Version : Anyone have trouble with light transition?

08-07-19, 12:36
Since anxiety took a hold of my life, I've struggled with light generally. But the part of the day before it gets dark, the transition where its neither light or dark, I struggle with, even makes me a little panicky.
Anyone else get this?

08-07-19, 16:35
Thanks for replying Pain, I too have good eyesight, just a tad shortsighted, but on my last eye test a year ago I got a good report.
I've had this light transition for a few years now and it's only from light to dark, not from dark to light. It seems to unbalance me and my eyes can't seem to adjust and feels weird.
However I do enjoy a sunset. :):shades:

08-07-19, 18:01
I too have the energy light bulb irritation.
This feeling might not even be anxiety related, but it's comforting to know I'm not the only one. :)

28-09-19, 12:44
Really sensitive to natural daylight, seems so bright all the time.

28-09-19, 15:21
Hi there. :)
I am getting more sensitive to sunlight as I get older, but it doesn't bring on anxiety. What DOES cause me big problems is some of the lighting in some stores. When I go into some big department stores, I can hear and feel the buzzing coming from the lights, and my eyes get funny, and I start getting panicky and dizzy. I've stopped shopping there because it's a real thing that I read about for some people. Other stores do it to me at a milder degree and I can go in there to pick something up quickly but I certainly can't take a leisurely browse through the aisles.

And as day starts to turn to night, I always try to avoid driving because that dusk period really messes with my vision, and when my vision is affected while driving = instant panic attack.

28-09-19, 16:14
Yes, I get that with shops, you know me with shops Sue?
We have big open skies here, not like my old London skies with buildings to shade. Maybe it's that I haven't got used to it yet. I feel I need shades all the time.