View Full Version : Sinus

08-07-19, 20:39
Does anyone suffer with sinuses headaches pain above eyebrow forehead and hurts with movement sometimes dizzyness ? Very worried 😟

08-07-19, 21:30
Does anyone suffer with sinuses headaches pain above eyebrow forehead and hurts with movement sometimes dizzyness ? Very worried 
Hi Natalie - I have been experiencing these types of headaches this past week, which feel like migraines. They don't have anything to do with my sinuses though, as I have experienced any symptoms that would make me think I have a cold or something like that. Do you have any symptoms of a cold or anything? Stuffiness? Facial pressure?

bin tenn
08-07-19, 23:43
Yes. Probably sinus or allergies, not unusual, IMO. It's annoying and can sometimes get in your way, but that's about it.

Old 68
23-09-19, 17:13
I have been having Sinus trouble .Pain behind my left Eye,Pain in my Cheek and Ear.And feeling that all my Teeth hurt too.lost a lot of sleep because of it,as seems worse at night.

Pea Tear Griffin
23-09-19, 18:39
Yeah I'm having some sinus issues too it could be allergies sometimes it swells because its inflamed.

23-09-19, 19:08
I could have posted this. No sinus symptoms but sinus pain. Heck I can breath just fine though them without issue, they just hurt on occasion

24-09-19, 11:15
I get sinus issues. I get days where my face looks puffy and if I press underneath the eyes it sends a rush to my head. Also seems to get worse when it is hot.
Sometimes my ear goes deaf for a moment and sharp pains. I get sharp pain near to the eye as well.
One day I'm blocked up, another day my nose and eyes are streaming. And I have bouts of sneezing non-stop, about 40 times!
I'm not sure if my dizziness is sinus related or anxiety. :(

Old 68
24-09-19, 16:31
I have pain in my Face,but don't feel stuffed up at all.trying to blow my Nose,but nothing there.? Haven't seen a Doctor,but bought over the Counter remedies.
Seem to work during the day,but starts up again at night.I get up make a cuppa,to inhale the Steam.take a P/Cetomol.then try to get some sleep.
Also tried inhaling Vicks in hot Water.My sympathies to fellow sufferers,I know how painful it is.

25-09-19, 13:01
I have a lot of pressure in my nose rather than sinuses. Got through a lot of Sinex etc til the Dr recommended Beconase....seems to work.

Old 68
25-09-19, 14:50
Had a better night,but did wake up in the early hours with an Earache.never heard of Beconase.must look it up.Thanks.